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  1. mededcannabis

    First timer questions

    fox farms ocea forest is a really good product, dont need to add anything for 2-3 weeks. yes, different strains often different needs. start seeds in a wet paper towel in a plastic container, keep it moist. when the tap root comes out plant a 1/4 inch deep whith tap root down and spray soil...
  2. mededcannabis

    Hydro Drooping and Yellowing during Flower!

    definately root issues. how much oxygen are they getting? how often are you feeding? you might need some silica and a salt leaching solution like clearex. a wetting agent might help improve uptake as well(ask your local hydro store). use those and flush with it for a while until roots look...
  3. mededcannabis

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    relax, dont add anything. you didnt mention ph, hows that doing?
  4. mededcannabis

    First time grow!! 130w cfl

    humidity is way too high also. add fans and an exhaust fan.
  5. mededcannabis

    First time grow!! 130w cfl

    check your ph, bro. and never feed new plants nutes until you know they havent been fed previously. its best just to chill for a week and see how it does and go from there.
  6. mededcannabis

    HELP! 4th Week flowering, leaves r turning lime green in color, leaf tips burnt down

    4 weeks i flower, it is normal for yellowing(usually the bottom lower fan leaves will yellow first). add just a little n. you mentioned nothing of ph so i am assuming you havent checked it. start with ph and go from there. never add anything before you check your ph. often its a ph problem...
  7. mededcannabis

    PROBLEM!please help (pictures)

    ive sai it a thousand times before you do anything check your ph! first and foremost ph will allow some nutirients to pass through the roots and others not. when you have ph just right it will allow the most nutrients in that spectrum to pass through the roots. once that is corrected/proven...
  8. mededcannabis

    Help Needed! Are these seedlings dead?

    sounds good , spray them everday with 6.5 everday and water when needed with 6.5-6.8.
  9. mededcannabis

    Help Needed! Are these seedlings dead?

    they will make it! what are they planted in? check your ph according to what they are planted in. for example coco needs a ph of lower 5's-5.8. if its soil how rich is it? you may need to transplant to something not so rich. if your adding nutes...stop at once. seedlings just need moist...
  10. mededcannabis

    Can't find anyone else with THIS issue

    your ph is too high for hydro. your cutting out nutes just with your ph alone. 5.5-5.8 is where you need to be after nutes are added. buy some ph down shouldnt be more than $10(walmart aquarium section). even ghetto can grow kill, im a testament to that. remember that every point of ph is...
  11. mededcannabis

    Please Help. Have a look at these pics.

    you dont need to add ferts to your soil for a couple of weeks if you just planted it. perhaps your overfeeding. bb and tb are high number nutes so go easy.
  12. mededcannabis

    Beginning of an issue? Magnified Pics and I'm a little color-blind ;p

    are your stems turning purple that usually accompanies phos. deficiency? have you foliar fed with nutrients with lights on? all in all looks nice.
  13. mededcannabis

    Ph problem need help

    you didnt mention if you added any nutes as that will usually raise your ph. in any case adjust your water lower than 6.5 until your soil runoff is arpund 6.5-6.8. what kind of soil are you using? rich soil can accomplish both of your issues.
  14. mededcannabis

    oh god i am such a noob please help

    evryone has nailed it for you. no nutes, ph too high, your medium looks like compost which will kill little girls(if your runoff was at 8 it must be too rich). transplant into some ph balanced soil without any added nutes and water at 6.5 or maybe a little lower if needed, based on your runoff ph.
  15. mededcannabis

    Noob question. If i buy female seed do they grow weed?

    white rhino is always a good choice. its a beautiful white strain with powerful high. enjoy.
  16. mededcannabis

    Noob question. If i buy female seed do they grow weed?

    thanks, i was just about to correct that myself.:clap:
  17. mededcannabis

    NOOB Clone question..

    i dont see why not. at least for clones you should be just fine. if you have healthy new shoots its saying i want to live. clone it flower it and let the good times roll. just get them back on track first.
  18. mededcannabis

    Manganese deficiency

    way too little info there. if you do in fact have manganese def and assuming your not locked out find some ferts with manganese in it. if i remember right to much calcium will lock out manganese (last month i went through this entire list so my memory could be wrong). please provide lighting...
  19. mededcannabis

    chemical burn?

    a lot of flouros use what they call watt equivalent. for example a 100w equivelant however its actually a 42w. its sounds like you have an actual 250.
  20. mededcannabis

    Need help with ferts!

    alaska products are fairly easy going id say youll be fine. if you use lesser amounts then you can feed every watering or higher doses less often, i prefer the latter. either way youll need to find out what it can handle by gradually increasing the dosage.