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  1. B

    The Insanity of the Left

    lol @ you not refuting it
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    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    I actually put my plants out a week ago in southern ontario. Hope the cold rainy last five days haven't killed em!
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    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Yes, by posting a non funny image your ripped off google, you failed Padawanbater.
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    The Insanity of the Left

    America will be centre-right corporatist for generations to come. Life will remain deservedly mediocre for it's inhabitants.
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    The Insanity of the Left

    Rightism is selfish. Its based on individualism. By definition, thats more sociopathic than socialism which is based on sharing. You rednecks talk as if every left leaning person were an employee of the federal government. We aren't, and we make more money than you. Hows that for irony?
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    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Sooo....two income households made the middle class poor? When I say "slave economy" i mean that the majority of people now work in service and retail, you know, tertiary industries. Because the richest segment of society has been able to consolidate economic enterprises (Walmart, McDonalds) and...
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    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Politics is fundamentally about economics. "Social issues" (immigration, gay marriage, growing weed) are a huge distraction from the slave economy we participate in. If you are making less than 35 000 a year and paying income taxes of more than 1-2%, your getting screwed. Like I mentioned before...
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    Are you dependent on pot?

    I am a fully dependent marijuana user. I have no medical license for it (hard to get in canada believe it or not) but use it to treat tourettes, IBS and anxiety. I go way above and beyond medical dosage usually though, for fun. Funnily enough only powerful sativas really have what it takes to...
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    The Case Against Fox News.

    Fox news also started and endlessly promotes the "grassroots" (more like astroturf) teabagger rallies. That "reality splicing" mentioned a couple posts above was to do with this, FOX news used footage from multiple protests to make a teabagger demonstration on capitol hill seem to be hundreds of...
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    Question about yield, in Michigan.

    Mix the mollases into your water dureing flowering/flushing. Depending on what kind of season we get and what kind of genetics you have you should expect anwhere from 1/4 pound to 2 pounds per plant
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    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Republicans aren't even conservative i'd like to point out. They are big money corporate statists, like many democrats. Oh, and republicans hate weed smokers and especially growers.
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    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    America will never be as prosperous as it could. The republicans have done a great job convincing the middle class that it is the poor keeping them from advancing. As if your oh-so benevolent bosses wish they could give out raises or hire more members of the community but can't because they are...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    yeah here in canada they dont teach us any farenheit crap we keep it international
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Everyone loves pics. I may take some harvest pics but right now don't have a camera or software to upload cellphone photos. Also the area is fairly unique with some fairly localized vegetation and I have already given away a lot of info. Forgot the coolest thing about my whole op though, I...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Posted mt own thread this morning but thought I'd chime in. I line in the area of Ontario which is farther south than some of Michigan, basically the same geography. I think I may be a slightly in more temperate microclimate due to the lake ontario/erie peninsula which allows for a healthy wine...
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    Minimum Temperatures

    Glad to hear it, I figure if they haven't stunted or drowned over the last few days they should be amazing plants. May post pics of the setup its pretty cool the area is halfway between a creek and a flood meadow, planted in very very high concentration of perlite in the least "swampy" spots...
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    How long?

    Just germinate them in plantable biodegradable pots if your lazy. Don't stick em right in the ground.
  18. B

    Minimum Temperatures

    Hey all, one week ago I put in 6 4 wk old (about 1 1/2 feet, topped) haze special plants in a perlite-heavy (75%) mix with some local clay, black limey hummus from some lime cliffs near the site and slow-release flower basket pebble ferts (14-14-14). The holes are about 2 ft deep. They are in a...
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    For all you Native Americans....and Cherokee princesses

    Seen folks from the six nations reserve in ontario wearing shirts that said "Homeland Security Dept. Est. 1492". Pretty rad.