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  1. F

    A real addiction

    Cheapest rehab is a motel6 room and a good friend that has a few days to watch and make sure you dont leave. Get a shit ton of water and depending on how bad you are, maybe a few diaper. This is a sure fire way to get over your withdrawals. In hindsight, being fat isnt so bad. whats...
  2. F

    Aeroponic pump timers???

    h8popo, you have also influenced the design of my system. gonna use test caps for the ends. So, I am an impatient bastard and have decided to start my DWC up tommorow and to hold off on the starting the aero for a few weeks. I will use clones from my DWC for the aero. oh, here is a good...
  3. F

    Aeroponic pump timers???

    I found the adjustable CAP timer for about $70, probably going to go with that. Super bummer, my clone hook-up just fell through, so now I have to drive an hour and a half to get some that aren't even exactly what I want. Gotta love living in kern county.
  4. F

    Aeroponic pump timers???

    I wish digital would work, It needs to be a recycle timer. Thanks for the suggestion though. On a different note, I just baked some cookies with some cannabutter. Used about a quarter for one stick, only made 15 cookies. I plan on eating 3 cookies tomorrow for breakfast and then going on a bike...
  5. F

    Aeroponic pump timers???

    TTT Cheese and rice!
  6. F

    Aeroponic pump timers???

    I read through a bunch of Earl's and Stinkbud's stuff. These two guys have alot to offer. I am doing a 4" pvc shuttle-ma-jigga with 2" net cups and ez-clone heads with a 396 ecoplus pump. I just got a ppm meter which I am excited to use. I still have a few questions about amount of nuts and...
  7. F

    Aeroponic pump timers???

    So I am switching to an aeroponic system and have yet to purchase a timer for the pump. I have been looking at several recycle timers, some adjustable and the 1:4 set timers. are there any alternatives that are around $25 and not $70. If there is not a cheaper alternative I am able to purchase...
  8. F

    Be careful!!!!

    my neck of the woods there have been cases of people weighting sacks with lead dust. Wont make your lungs bleed like glass, just make you stupid. And I live in Kerntucky, Ca (kern county)
  9. F

    Free the Prince Of Pot rallys!

    Typical stoner. What type of douche defends his position of "protesting is a waste of time" on a MJ site when Mark Emery, one of the leading MJ activists, is going to jail? Sorry for the leading question. Why would you speak out against protests to benefit Mark Emery's situation? Just...
  10. F

    Containerless Grow Possible?

    you can buy a lid for your tray and then just put net cups in.
  11. F

    harvested after spending a week in hawaii smoking dank

    So I have been living it the fuck up lately. I got married last sunday and then went on our honey moon to hawaii. We stayed some where between pahoa the new black sand beach and it was awesome. The people who property gave us a connection and I scored a half of some great hawaiin organic out...
  12. F

    going on my honeymoon to hawaii. how hard to get smoke

    I also have my CA script if that makes any difference. probably not, but what the heck. I would like to smoke some good hawaiin outdoor, stuff thats grown in that tropical volcanic soil!!!
  13. F

    going on my honeymoon to hawaii. how hard to get smoke

    So me and the soon to be wife are going to the pahoa coast on the Big island for our honeymoon. We are wondering how hard it is to get good quality smoke? We are so damn excited about smoking some of hawaii's kind bud. We live in central CA so get some pretty good smoke on a regular basis, will...
  14. F

    Oakland passes pot tax at 80%

    It is greed. Thats where our tax dollars go. How many state employees get paid very well to do next to nothing while education and EMS suffer catastrophic layoffs. It is time that we bring in the Bob's to audit our labor force and help trim the fat. Oh, Fuck yea for Oakland. Whats Fonzi?
  15. F

    Weed tax in oakland

    A huge break through in the acceptance of cannabis just happened!!!! "Oakland voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the nation’s first ever business tax on retail marijuana sales. According to preliminary election results, approximately 80 percent of Oakland voters approved the new...
  16. F

    mylar and ionfilter= blew my nuts off

    sounds like you have a grounding problem. You should be able to ground the light better or just ground whatever is shocking the shit out of you. To ground the thing that is shocking you, you should wire it to something else thats grounded. Use a an alligator clip wired to another alligator clip...
  17. F

    Got Caught with three clones in ontario canada, getting charged with over 30 grams

    HAHAHAHAHA.... Isnt it neat how the things that build character are either really cool or really really uncool. Best of luck, and think your 18 so if you get a couple years you still have your whole life ahead of ya. JK. whats Fonzi?:bigjoint:
  18. F

    To much of a good thing. Help.

    So I am 3 weeks into flowering on my first grow. All is really well except that my plants have out grown my system. I am using a DWC with three inch net cups in a 2'x3'x6" tub and plants are to tall and heavy, causing them to tip and then push the netcup through the top of the container.(myroom...
  19. F

    Looking to save elctricity

    I find humor in your post. gay first post, I know.:bigjoint: