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  1. B

    Cloning Question

    Is there a way to take cuttings the second you determine sex during flowering? Or is it too late at this point? I'm getting anxious to start flowering, and I'm worried that I'm gonna end up with all three males and figure out I've wasted a month.
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    Odor Control with no open window

    I have a full room dedicated to my grow, but I am leery of leaving the window open. I have the window blackened out, and a lock on the door for the privacy of my room. I'm 3.5 weeks into veg'ing and I'm starting to get that nice aroma off the plants. I have a full box fan, and a small fan right...
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    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    I added PH down because it was around 7. And it settled right around 5.5 It may not have settled all the way before I fed the plants, because I looked at it just now and it was around 4.5; Obviously too low.
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    3 Weeks better PICS

    Let me know what you think.
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    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    What does it mean when the edges of the leaves are pointed up? The whole leaves aren't curled up, just the spiny edges. I raised the lamp up a tad earlier today. Is this a bad thing? Should I lower it back down.....because the plants were starting to grow into the hood of my light. (Only 250...
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    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    When can I expect the most vertical growth? Right now they are about 6-7 inches tall, and no signs of stopping. I burned them a little bit, but I just backed down the PPM about 100 and they are doing find.
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    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    Hey let me know what you think. My light fucks with my cell phone, but you get the idea.
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    10 Days in, how do they look?

    I pulled these 2 out for a picture because the lamp messes my phone up. But either way; how do these look for 10 days in? Also should I be worried about the curved leaves now?
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    Temperature Control

    The DIY scrubber and vent set up in the FAQ is missing all the photos. Kinda difficult to follow.
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    Grow Mediums Advice

    BUMP Please!
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    Grow Mediums Advice

    That's my question. Once they exit the bottom of the net-pot the roots will be exposed to the open air/light. Is this going to be ok? I would plant pellets around the net-pot to allow them to grow down, but I want to be able to transfer to the flowering room without having to dig up the roots...
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    Grow Mediums Advice

    I have an ebb and flow system going right now. My seedling are currently in 4' rock-wool cubes right now. Eventually I will transplant the cubes into 6' net pots with clay pellets. I thought this would be the best way instead of filling the tray with clay pellets, so when flowering I don't...
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    Questions about starting a OP in a rented house

    So what is a typical "manufacturing" sentence? I'm assuming it is less than a trafficking charge.
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    Questions about starting a OP in a rented house

    If you grow 1-5 plants this would not be considered trafficking right? And with a clean record what do you think would be worst case, and best case scenario if caught?
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    First attempt questions

    I got the pump from Home Depot in their garden fountain section. I don't know the GPH, but it fills the tub fairly quickly.
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    Man...I am battling hard with PH!!!

    Doesn't adding PH up or down increase the PPM?
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    First attempt questions

    BUMP Thanks for the views!
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    no smell marijuana plants?

    Well the room is in the farthest corner of my apartment, so I don't know if that will help my case. I've read a little about a carbon scrubber for the smell. Does it leave ANY of the smell, or does it just take care of a significant amount?
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    First attempt questions

    This is my first attempt at doing this so comments, criticism, and suggestions are very welcome! I decided to go with the fill and drain method. I purchased a round planter from Home Depot and drilled two holes. One to fill and one to drain. The drain plug is 4 inches high so not to water my...
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    no smell marijuana plants?

    I've never grown either. I would like to know just how bad a few (4-5) plants will stink up the place during flowering. I live on the bottom floor and I am skeptical about opening the window for a vent. I'm fairly fortunate that I have the whole room to work with and not underneath my bed, or in...