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  1. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I would not give it 36 hours of darkness. Light does not trigger flowering with autos. The plant looks small for 6 weeks. What kind of lights are you using?
  2. flow00

    New item purple gem ryder!!!

    I just went to Attitude and didn't see them.
  3. flow00

    slight problem 11 and 12 days old

    It looks like you need more light. They are kinda small for their age.
  4. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    Sorry for the delay. The Great White Sharks are starting to explode, but the younger ladies are looking much nicer and more stout. I tried to press the button with the nutes to see how much the Sharks could handle. They did not like even a quarter strength of Tiger Bloom. I'm going to stick...
  5. flow00

    which auto flowering plant do you suggest

    I agree. You could try Easy Rider too. It's pretty easy to grow. Just be careful with nutes. Autoflowers are very sensitive. Start out at quarter strength and see how the plants react.
  6. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    Here's an update of my girls. The larger ones (Great White Sharks) are about a month old, and the babies are two weeks old today.
  7. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    Nice. I am doing the smurfberries next cycle. I'll be checking out your journal.
  8. flow00

    Michigan Caregivers Cup!Don't go...

    The cup has been canceled.
  9. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    I would advise against growing autos under 12/12. The yield is significantly reduced. I tried it while I was flowering some regular plants and the autos yielded a quarter each. They should be under 18/6 or 20/4 to show their full potential.
  10. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Just started a journal. Not sure how to post its location though.
  11. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    Yea, Lowlife has an autoflowering Great White Shark. It's surprisingly open to nutrients for being an autoflower. It already flowered under 18/6 light cycle. My bad on the Diesel. The other one is blueberry from Lowlife. It's an autoflower. Guess I smoked a bit too much before posting.
  12. flow00

    Autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS

    I'm growing a variety of autoflowers under 1,000-watt HPS. It's a basement grow, about 6x6, surrounded by mylar. There are 20 plants. They are Onyx, Great White Shark, Easy Rider, Blueberry, Low Rider #2. The Great White Sharks are about five weeks old. The others are 9 days old. Grown...
  13. flow00

    how do you dry your cuttings (leaves) for hash

    The stems and fan leaves are useless. You only want leaves and buds (if using them) with trichomes, the crystal-like outgrowths.
  14. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    They are looking really good now. I'm going to try to get 20 plants under the light. I have a lot of different autos going right now.
  15. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Here are my Easy Riders at 12 days. Grown under 1,000 watts with 8 Great White Sharks that are about a month old.
  16. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey Growlow. Good information. Do you use veg nutes on the seedlings when they are just 1-week old? I just wanted to make sure I was reading that correctly. I've never tried that, but the best luck I've had is transplanting the seedlings after three weeks and giving the plants some veg nutes...
  17. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I'm growing Great White Sharks under 1,000 watts. These things are the least nute-sensitive autos I have ever witnessed. They are a month old today. The picture is from five days ago.
  18. flow00

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I think your problem is the soil. I've seen this happen a lot, especially with autos. They are very nute sensitive. For the first three weeks, start seedlings in soil with no nutes. Then transplant to your Fox Farm. I've experimented with autoflowers and soil a lot recently, and I can say...
  19. flow00

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Thanks for the help. I am using molasses and have found it helps every grow. It's sometimes hard to predict the unpredictability of soil. My plants are hitting 30 days, so I will add small doses of nutes.
  20. flow00

    Odor control for leaky basement grow?

    You're right about not skimping on the odor. I'll have to go over budget. It's not a big deal if it keeps me and my ladies safe. I'll have to get the filter soon because my babies are four-weeks old and starting to stink. The autoflowers don't take their time. Thanks a lot!