My 1st grow . Autoflowering


Well-Known Member
If you can fit the 400 then start to use it. Because you only have a little veg time with an autoflower you need to maximize the light it gets as soon as it is out of the seedling stage. Maybe 24 inches away at this time and if you can control the heat you should be able to get it 15 inches or so. Get the fan on em! Also, your next transplant needs to go into a 2 gallon bucket, you cannot keep transplanting these. I start mine in a three gallon pot.


If you can fit the 400 then start to use it. Because you only have a little veg time with an autoflower you need to maximize the light it gets as soon as it is out of the seedling stage. Maybe 24 inches away at this time and if you can control the heat you should be able to get it 15 inches or so. Get the fan on em! Also, your next transplant needs to go into a 2 gallon bucket, you cannot keep transplanting these. I start mine in a three gallon pot.
My problem with transplanting them in a 2 gallon bucket immediately is the strong nutes found in some soil such as FF. I usually start with no-nute Pro Mix and after signs of sex, I plant the babies in a mix of Pro Mix, worm castings, Fox Farms and perlite.

Aren't some soils just too strong in nutes to immediately place babies in them? I lost a couple of auto-flowers that way.


Active Member
hello ther . it says on seed packaging plants will only reach 50cm in height . i have them growing in 3.5litre pots and i thought that would be ok for entire grow ?


Active Member
Aye looks awesome for 13 days, movin right along..

You have some bloom fertilizer ready for when they start getting into flowering? I usually give my diesel ryder auto's some grow fert from weeks 2-4 or so.


Active Member
what form of molasses ? and what does this provide the plant with ??
You need blackstrap molasses, it provides the plants with sugars/carbs for flowering. Your not quite to that point yet.. If you can afford somethin like the foxfarm 3 part nutrients (grow/bloom/tiger) you'd be set. Bout $45 for all 3. You could use some grow/bloom right now, and tiger is for once flowering has set in.

If you give it any nutrients make sure to start at 1/4th strength. Some autoflower's (not all) are sensitive to nutes, not sure if your breed is though.

hello ther . it says on seed packaging plants will only reach 50cm in height . i have them growing in 3.5litre pots and i thought that would be ok for entire grow ?
Your pots should be fine for autoflower's, they are usually made for 1 to 3 gallons max.

Didn't see you mention temps anywhere.. looks fine, doesnt seem that you have any temp problems, but just make sure you stay below about 85F, that would be ideal.


Active Member
i havent give any nutes yet or bought any . ill get sum thing asap .temp is around 26c/80ish . althought humidity is quite low at30% with fan on them
should i stick to the 24/0 light cycle ?

not sure if u can get molasses here in uk ? never heard of it or seen it in shops . wot sort of shop sells it?


Well-Known Member
My problem with transplanting them in a 2 gallon bucket immediately is the strong nutes found in some soil such as FF. I usually start with no-nute Pro Mix and after signs of sex, I plant the babies in a mix of Pro Mix, worm castings, Fox Farms and perlite.

Aren't some soils just too strong in nutes to immediately place babies in them? I lost a couple of auto-flowers that way.

Yes, some potting mixes are too strong but more so inconsistent in their mixing of ingredients leaving bags with too much nutes and some with little or no nutes in the same batch.
I use foxfarm ocean forest. It is safe to plant your seeds directly into and seems to be a quality product. With FFOF you do not to add any nutes for 30 days and with the auto flower it is just hitting the flower stage at that point. I find they do not like a lot of nitrogen and do better with a week dosage of nutrients starting at flowering time. do not NEED molasses but it does help your plant with an increase of carbohydrates during flower and acts as a "go between" and helps your plant absorb other nutrients more efficiently.


Well-Known Member
i havent give any nutes yet or bought any . ill get sum thing asap .temp is around 26c/80ish . althought humidity is quite low at30% with fan on them
should i stick to the 24/0 light cycle ?

not sure if u can get molasses here in uk ? never heard of it or seen it in shops . wot sort of shop sells it?
Do not run out and buy just any nutes!!!


Well-Known Member
i havent give any nutes yet or bought any . ill get sum thing asap .temp is around 26c/80ish . althought humidity is quite low at30% with fan on them
should i stick to the 24/0 light cycle ?

not sure if u can get molasses here in uk ? never heard of it or seen it in shops . wot sort of shop sells it?

I do 20/4 like the directions say but if you want to get all crazy and shit go ahead. Live on the edge.


Active Member
I do 20/4 like the directions say but if you want to get all crazy and shit go ahead. Live on the edge.
ther are no directions on the pack for lighting . i had a look on net and theres only limited info on this strain . all i can find is some thing saying " will flower under any regime inc 24hrs "
ive also searched this site and cant find any one who has grown it .
it called easybud from royal queen seeds
i gona start 20/4 from today , its been 24 hr a day since seed id like to see if a small dark period makes any difference , guess every thing needs a break


Well-Known Member
ther are no directions on the pack for lighting . i had a look on net and theres only limited info on this strain . all i can find is some thing saying " will flower under any regime inc 24hrs "
ive also searched this site and cant find any one who has grown it .
it called easybud from royal queen seeds
i gona start 20/4 from today , its been 24 hr a day since seed id like to see if a small dark period makes any difference , guess every thing needs a break

Your plants are doing well, tweaking a few things and seeing if it works is half the fun. Keep us posted.


Yes, some potting mixes are too strong but more so inconsistent in their mixing of ingredients leaving bags with too much nutes and some with little or no nutes in the same batch.
I use foxfarm ocean forest. It is safe to plant your seeds directly into and seems to be a quality product. With FFOF you do not to add any nutes for 30 days and with the auto flower it is just hitting the flower stage at that point. I find they do not like a lot of nitrogen and do better with a week dosage of nutrients starting at flowering time. do not NEED molasses but it does help your plant with an increase of carbohydrates during flower and acts as a "go between" and helps your plant absorb other nutrients more efficiently.
Thanks for the help. I am using molasses and have found it helps every grow. It's sometimes hard to predict the unpredictability of soil. My plants are hitting 30 days, so I will add small doses of nutes.


Active Member
Hello all . My plants doin well ,but av noticed 2day that lower/older leaves are starting to curl up and goin paler ? Also the tips of new growth are yellow , id like to nip this in the bud(so to speak lol ) b4 it becomes a problem.
Ther are pics below u can see curling .
Any help appreciated .



Well-Known Member
anyone ? any ideas

Because you are using soil mix with no nutes, you need to add some. EASE THEM INTO IT! 1/4 strength, then let it dry out then just water. 1/2 strength then let it dry then just use water and so on and so on. If you can get to a grow shop or good garden center for quality nues. NO MIRICAL GRO......NO SHULTZ.......
hi every1 i just started some autodiselryders and was wondering wat they sud look like in the 2nd week ? also sud i be using bio buzz boster already ? any help would be great thanks


Active Member
well wot can i say , in last 2 days my 3 plants have gon crazy . new growth sproutying every wher . really thickened up and doin very well .
one of the plants ,the smallest in fact has now got a preflower on the newest node . can i assume they are now gonna start to flower ?
i had planned on leavin them in the 3.5litre pots for entire grow , but have now got small roots coming out of pot drainholes .
cant beleive how quickly theyve came on . will post pics later


Active Member
elo all my 3 plants are now at 19 days from seed . today ive changed the lighting from 250 son t - to a 400w grolux hps at 58000 lumens .
all the plants are now producing small pre flowers on all new nodes , i havent given any nutes up to yet ,just woteva was in the soil , but today ive given 2 of them a 1\4 dose of bio bloom . we will see wot happens .

pics not too good but u get the idea .
they are 7" tall and 10" across wide leaves



Active Member
my plants are now starting early stages of flowering , i want to use mollases in the water . can i also add my bio bloom to this so its all in one ????thanks