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  1. N

    Your Favorite Lines From A song

    "I've knocked the lock off the bottle shop, drained every bottle off, chucked in a petrol stained cotton cloth, to turn em into molotov's, an then shoot off the lot...." Lyrical Commission (Australian Hiphop)
  2. N

    How to fix a phosphorus deficiency?

    One other quick question as this is my first time growing.... I have previously read that once it goes into flower it is a good idea to drop the P from your ferts thats why I started to use a potash mix (fruit and bloom booster) which is high in N and K but low (4%) in P..... Does this ring...
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    How to fix a phosphorus deficiency?

    Very helpful... thanks alot....
  4. N

    How to fix a phosphorus deficiency?

    Damn!! I had chickens about a year ago.... If only I had them now!!! Any other suggestions?? Do you believe it is a Phosphorus Def??? Thanks for the info! Appreciate it!
  5. N

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I think I have a Phosphorus def and was just wondering if a fert that has NPK levels of 15/13/12 will help? I was thinking of giving it a 1/2 or 1/4 strength does? Here is my plant - Is this a lack of Phosphorus???? Thanks
  6. N

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    I think I have a Phosphorus def and was just wondering if a fert that has NPK levels of 15/13/12 will help?I was thinking of giving it a 1/2 or 1/4 strength does? Here is my plant - Is this a lack of Phosphorus???? Thanks
  7. N

    How to fix a phosphorus deficiency?

    I think I have a Phosphorus def and was just wondering if a fert that has NPK levels of 15/13/12 will help?I was thinking of giving it a 1/2 or quarter strength does? Here is my plant - Is this a lack of Phosphorus???? Thanks
  8. N

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Can anyone please please help me????
  9. N

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    I will try to keep it very quick. I have just discovered what I think is major problems with my first plant and I dont want to lose it!!! Here is some important info- - Has vegged for approx 2 months and is now about 2 weeks into flower. - Outdoor grow. - I live on the East coast of Aus...
  10. N

    Is it possible to tell sex this early?

    sorry stefan, I've known its a girl for some time but I posted this update in here as I'm desperate to solve a problem with my plant.... Look at the latest pics and if you could provide any help I would greatly appreciate it!!!!
  11. N

    Is it possible to tell sex this early?

    Hi all, I posted this in marijuana plant problems section but haven't had a reply yet... I would really appreciate if someone could help me as I dont know what to do.... I will try to keep it very quick. I have just discovered what I think is major problems with my first plant. Here...
  12. N

    Can someone please help a first time grower??? PICS

    Hi all, I will try to keep it very quick. I have just discovered what I think is major problems with my first plant. Here is some important info- - Has vegged for approx 2 months and is now about 2 weeks into flower. - Outdoor grow. - I live on the East coast of Aus. The plant looked...
  13. N

    First Plant, Flowering Day 33 opinions, critiques wanted pics included.

    I used a product called eco-neem to get rid off aphids and spider mites...seems to be working well on my outdoor grow. :)
  14. N

    Newb here

    I grow outdoors, but would a PH meter help indoor growers growing in soil???
  15. N

    Can I top/FIM these plants yet?

    You should be fine.... I topped mine when it was around your height and 2 months later its standing at 5ft and looking beautiful!! I also just realised she's a girl today so I'm SUPER stoked! :)
  16. N

    Is it possible to tell sex this early?

    cheers for the help no balls, I think I have both ahpids and spider mites..... ahhhh gotta get onto them straight away! :wall: lots of reading to be done!! cheers for the link. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  17. N

    Is it possible to tell sex this early?

    yeah there has been quite alot of wind where the plant is. And I topped it and have been pulling the 2 main branches (LSTing) apart from one another to let more light in to the lower half of the plant.. Also apart from the bugs curling the leaves with their thin webs, what damage can mites...
  18. N

    Is it possible to tell sex this early?

    Awesome Balzac... Thought it was a girl as well........ YIPPEEEE.... so stoked! Any other info about the bugs and the root rot concern? Cheers for your help.
  19. N

    Is it possible to tell sex this early?

    Sorry... Photos weren't quite zoomed in enough.... here are some more...