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  1. northernred

    No roots from clones. Think I f'd up.

    you're contradicting yourself a bit here... did you buy Rooted Clones? or just cuttings?
  2. northernred

    GrandDaddy Purple

    Been looking for this strain for a while with no luck... anyone know where you can get these seeds?
  3. northernred

    Am I ready 2 Harvest?

    Anybody know where you can get GrandDaddy Purple seeds?
  4. northernred

    Sat Star and Purple crazyness!!! Input

    ...that's it? no pics or ant other relevent info?
  5. northernred

    NYCD 97 days

    Damn... i nutted myself - you should warn peeps about the bud porn before you post....
  6. northernred

    my NYCD experience...

    Big Big Big respect bredren.... can't wait for a smoke report.
  7. northernred

    Power Skunk 12/12 from start in DWC hydro

    Power Skunk! This strain is a BEAST! the vigor and rate of grow is amazing.... I assume these are the freebee seeds you get when ordering from attitude? I'm still searching for smoke report on this strain.... somebody holler if you know
  8. northernred

    my plants going to fifth week

    5 weeks from Germ... looks about right considering their environment. Dont let the little size fool you, the roots on those baby's are probably bound now in those cups. Transplant to bigger pots ad watch em take off. Also, your soil looks "hot", I wouldnt add any nutes to those baby's just yet
  9. northernred

    Plant Probs, Please Help!

    Ya, I'm gusing you have some Nute Lock. PH down your water (using PH down from your hydro store, or experiment with Vinegar if handy), and flush your plant to remove salt buildup. (I use "PH down" and use 2 drops for every gallon - gets the PH to 5.5-6) Looks like: Nitrogen Deficiencies...
  10. northernred

    my leafs are curling upwards w/PICS

    you got nute burn... a good flushing and you should recover
  11. northernred

    Plant Probs, Please Help!

    are you adjusting the PH of your filtered water?
  12. northernred

    Heat stress??..with pics

    Looks like heat stress to me, te redness on the branches are like a sun burn. (I say this because I have two clones in two different rooms, the one under 400w branches are green, and the other under 1000w with bad vent' branches are red/purple) You proably notice too that when the light first...
  13. northernred

    Fox Farm -Big Bloom- , what color is it?

    Soil Nutes .... Ya, I'm thinking I simply just didn't shake up the bottle.... coulda been stoned Thanks
  14. northernred

    Fox Farm -Big Bloom- , what color is it?

    I'm not stoned at the moment, but i think my mind is playing tricks on me.... I've not used FF Big Bloom often, but I could have sworn last few times I used it that te liquid was clear / yellowish... I just went to mix some nutes this morning and the liquid is now a muddy brownish color...
  15. northernred

    Need Help, Any Advice

    Welcome to the board... you'll get out, what you put in. Try surfing the forums... you'll find all the answers you need.
  16. northernred


    You Got Male keep tryin'
  17. northernred

    whats the best way to clone, easy

    I gotta agree here.... bubble cloners are the easiest way to clone.... i'm 100% success rate
  18. northernred

    BC Seeds Upstate largest yeild?????

    I have bought from BC Seeds, and their germ rates on their seeds and Male/Female ratio's are pathetic!! ( only 2 out of 120 various seeds purchased from them produced females) You can also forget about any "customer service" as these guys are of the philosophy "you paid for seeds.... seeds is...
  19. northernred

    The Best Movie To Watch While Getting High?

    ATF's when high: - Half Baked - Sin City - ANY Zombie movie (28 days later, night of the living dead) - Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels - Rock-N-Rolla (relatively new Guy Ritchie movie is the shit when you're blazed) - Baraka - google this...this is the ULTIMATE baked movie - Blue Planet -...
  20. northernred

    Perpetual grow 4oo watter. Carnival ministry of cannabis

    How do you cure your hash? Same mason jar/burp method as your buds?