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  1. R

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    BECAUSSSSSE stupid, soil is what i have and what i want to use so you can officially go fuck yourself with the (K.eep I.t S.imple S.tupid). The plant im cloning off of IS a female so i dont have to assure anything and you have no idea of the amount i personally would like to grow. Yes the...
  2. R

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    Well the soil has dolomite lime in it so shouldnt it stabilize the ph anyway? Why is 7 too high when the whole plant has been living off 7? I dont see why it would be different so please explain. I dont have a dome lol so i though about like the top of a 2liter bottle or something, i did peel...
  3. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    ok, so i just got back from the store, got some 3% peroxide (found out info on that during my searching) got some liquid bud booster 15-30-15 and some epsom salt, i was worried at first because it wasnt due for a watering, so i just diluted the peroxide 1part p. to 6parts water added my fert at...
  4. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    ok i just went and did a full inspection and it appears some of the hooked tips are just turning brown and dried, does that help figure what it is?
  5. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    i just read that using dolomite lime is supposed to ensure less lockout as well which i have and used... [Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.]
  6. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    ok, well my plant looks just like that so ill take your word for it =), the thing is though it cant really be a lockout because i just flushed less than a week ago so how is there a def, not asking just saying, so whats the epsom salt do?
  7. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    well im thinking its a phosphorus def.? It looks more like that than the mag def. But i got the idea to search phos def. after searching mag def. so thanks for getting that train of thought in my head lol, im thinking since shes flowering and ive used the bare minimum nutes due to early on nute...
  8. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    The lights are 2-3 inches away from leafs on the top and sides, I looked up mag deficiency and none of those pics are what im experiencing, there is no discoloration just the hook like curling down at the point of the leaf, everything else is a good healthy green, maybe over time it would show...
  9. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    Ok, well the pic was not mine it was from another post on here that wasnt answered however matches mine exactly so was a perfect example of whats happening. Im not very concerned right now but i dont want to lose more leaves because i have already pruned and i dont want to sit by and do nothing...
  10. R

    This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

    I have this problem happening, the leaf tips curling under like a hook, my ph is stable at around 6 im not over watering and i know for a fact it isnt nute burn, im 2 weeks into flowering, using cfl's so it isnt caused from heat, temp is fine, have a fan of course, not rootbound, help me out...
  11. R

    Bottom Leaves Dying.. Pics

    lol right thats kinda what i was expressing
  12. R

    well here goes nothing....

    =) so i smoked a dead clone today lol and oddly enough it wasnt all harsh and nasty like leaves i smoked in the past, it actually had a slight fruity or flowery taste when breathed out, didnt get me high not that i expected it to but was actually a pleasure to smoke, does that seem like a good...
  13. R

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    ok well, lol...remember i'm new at this. so i took a cutting from my girl at the bottom 45d. angle with a new blade after cutting from the plant i cut just below the nodes to release the supposed air bubble, i flushed the mg soil a couple times with 7ph distilled water then pressed all remaining...
  14. R

    well here goes nothing....

    Oh ok, =) well your girls look great, me personally i pick or cut off the dead fan leaves at the main stem so energy isnt wasted, thats about the only tip i have lol.
  15. R

    Weird white spots on the leaves

    oh yeah i didnt realize it was an outside grow....well that sucks, maybe bring it inside? lol I'm sorry I have no advice for ya then as I have no experience with outside grow problems. You can try neem oil rub it on the leaves especially underneath them if your other thing doesnt work, the neem...
  16. R

    Bottom Leaves Dying.. Pics

    No disrespect or anything I'm sure you know a million times more than I do and blah blah, all i was saying is that its normal to lose a COUPLE leaves and i wouldnt stress out about it, that much i know from experience. I'm not saying ignore your plant, obviously there is a problem that needs...
  17. R

    Bottom Leaves Dying.. Pics

    That last half of what you said is just retarded.
  18. R

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    awesome, i hate that all the cloning vids or instructions refer to the top of the plant and not to any shoot or bottom shoots etc. So when cloning in it basically the same as growing a plant? Or are there more specific things i should focus on? Right now i have the bottom shoot, i cut...
  19. R

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    yeah thats what i was thinking, common sense i guess but i didnt know if it was already a known thing or not, i know using the top is the strongest and best but i figured id at least try to clone this sexy bitch i got without cutting the cola
  20. R

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    I know traditionally people use the top4-5 inches to clone, what i wondered is can you use another part of the plant? The preflower leaves grow just like the top with the fan leaves growing out just like your plant starts out, wouldnt it grow roots too? Do i have to sacrifice the top? Couldnt i...