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  1. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    You're asking on my post so not really the best spot to ask your own question but yes it definately CAN be done and it WILL produce an amount of oil worth smoking. You can use all trim as long as it is dried completely, then it needs to be grinded or possibly crushed up with your hands, look up...
  2. R

    well here goes nothing....

    Actually, taking a better look it appears to have nute burn on some of the higher up leaves, id say cut back on nutes and use them maybe once a week or less if thats what youre already doing
  3. R

    well here goes nothing....

    So im really not sure what info you want here? For us just to tell you what we think or is there a specific problem? I see some dead leaves on the bottom but nothing serious, its normal for some bottom leaves to die off either from nute burn as they get ferts first before the other leaves or...
  4. R

    HELP droopy leaves n burns needs help

    def flush i know its been said before but a little tip on flushing because when i did it my first time i was clueless other than dumping water in lol, so getcha plant in tha tub take off the bottom if there is one "drainage" and dump water with a ph of 7 distilled works best until water comes...
  5. R

    Bottom Leaves Dying.. Pics

    i know that the leaves on the bottom do die off and it is totally normal especially during flower, if its only a couple and at the bottom of plant then youre fine, otherwise maybe a tad bit nute burn but nothing to fuss over if its only the very bottom leaves
  6. R

    Weird white spots on the leaves

    use the hot shot hangable pest strip thing, it works 100% for sure, i had mites and thrips and they would NOT go away with any sprays or or anything they kept coming back and problems got worse, you dont want to be spraying anyways put hot shot in the room bugs and eggs are dead same day, then...
  7. R

    Plants are growing slow and leafs turning yellow

    For starters work with what you got until you can afford $10-$20 You will NEED these items spot shot-hangable bug repellent works on everything no spraying involved. 2 or more "daytime" cfls the curly spiral "bulb" 2 or more soft cfls 2 or more heat utility lamp ballasts mylar NO tinfoil or...
  8. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    grind them stems up first, they'd work fine
  9. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    Well actually other than for informative purposes this post is no longer of intrest to me since she has perked back up. I put some lawn lime in the water and fertilized the foliage, the leaves that were dying are dying still but she has so much new growth coming in with such a short amount of...
  10. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    We werent really talking about potency, just that thc DOES exist in vegetated plants.
  11. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    Right, I hate when people act like they know something so strongly or more than someone else when they simply know nothing. Thc is found in a marijuana plant in small amounts when in the veg. stage. Granted there's not enough to get a good buzz by smoking leaves etc. I do believe that the small...
  12. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    Well, it might not make the best oil there is but plants do contain thc early on in the vegetative state...look it up. Giving advice is fine but dont come on here getting all riled up thinking you know it all. No one benefits from it.
  13. R

    How much limestone do i use?

    ohhh thanks, i was hoping for an answer lol i ended up just dissolving some in a cup with distilled water, the pellets i have are ground up powdered and then made into pellets so they dissolve right into the water, so checked the ph it was around 8-9 so I poured it over the soil while...
  14. R

    How much limestone do i use?

    I have it down to about 0.05 lbs for 1 foot so how the hell do i measure that out? Any ideas?
  15. R

    How much limestone do i use?

    The only thing I found to raise my ph is limestone pelletized lawnlime so thats what i bought. It is powdered and then formed into pellets so how much of it do i use when adding to water? I have no idea how much to use on 1 plant because the measurements are for 50lbs per 1,000 sq feet, I have...
  16. R

    I knew a lot of things "could" go wrong,

    Also I had another question, when I'm doing things to repair her should i put her back in vegetated stage or is her 12/12 light schedule fine? I don't want to stress her out more than she already is.
  17. R

    honey oil, can you make it with a plant in vegetative state?

    Awesome advice, its good to know that it isnt a total loss and that even if only a small amount i can get something out of it other than the pure joy of raising a plant =)
  18. R

    I knew a lot of things "could" go wrong,

    I use the strips to test ph, the water going in was 7ph, immediate runoff was 4 maybe even a little less, hard to tell cuz the strips dont go that low on the color chart. Secondary runoff was about 5-6ph, so now the plant is all messed up and to top it off overwatered now from flushing. I only...
  19. R

    I knew a lot of things "could" go wrong,

    I just didnt think it would all happen to me..or my plant rather. So pretty much everything that could go wrong has and everything I've tried to fix has made the solution worse. Cant say it's a total loss I have learned a lot from the folks on this site and pretty much know what to do when...