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  1. R

    3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

    thanks, i am doing my best. I wouldnt have been so worried but she just had so many sets of leaves already for only 4in tall but its all good i think. shes like a child to me now, a child i will later harvest for everything shes worth :twisted: lol sick as that sounds.
  2. R

    3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

    thanks, this was the info i was looking for. I ended up transplanting her today from a 8x8 to a 24x24, sounds like a big difference but it doesnt seem a lot bigger than the other pot. Anyway the dude who said to transplant now rather than later, thank you, you were right. When I flipped her...
  3. R

    Where is a trustworthy site to get the honey bee extractor?

    Looking to get the honey bee extractor but i've been screwed over by some online head shops including some of the more popular ones, anyone know a very trustworthy online shop to get the honey bee extractor? A site known and true?
  4. R

    3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

    mk so for the record your answers to my question round up to give her some more time, correct? Alright i had only wanted to know if her height was abnormal and what to do about it. Thanks.
  5. R

    3 weeks, 4 inches

    It would be handy if she was an autoflower but it was from a bag seed mid grade stuff so i dont know. The nodes are less than 1/2 inch apart right now she looks beautiful but i can see a future problem if she doesnt get taller soon lol. I dont want to have to prune her but i may have to if she...
  6. R

    3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

    yeah, i was thinking of doing a replant also but then i figured there has to be plenty of room in the pot still for the roots to grow because its a big pot. i'm going to wait at least a week before i replant because thats when i wanted to flush the soil anyway.
  7. R

    3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

    I'm not sure, is there a way to tell what strain i have? It was a bag seed from some mid grade
  8. R

    3 week old plant only 4 inches tall, seeking advice

    I'm having a concern, my girl is 3 weeks old and exactly 4 inches tall, has 6 sets of fan leaves + the 3 sets coming off each leave plus the new leaves trying to grow out of the nodes. Width is about 5 inches. I have her in a 8x8 inch pot and she's doing fantastic the roots have reached the...
  9. R

    3 weeks, 4 inches

    I wanted to start flowering by the 3rd week but im kinda scared to since shes so short, her stem is almost as wide as my pinky too just so ya know
  10. R

    3 weeks, 4 inches

    I'm having a similar concern, my girl is 3 weeks old and exactly 4 inches tall, has 6 sets of fan leaves + the 3 sets coming off each leave. Width is about 5 inches. I have her in a 8x8 inch pot and she's doing fantastic the roots have reached the bottom of the pot i can see them through the...
  11. R

    Putting worms in my soil?

    well thats good to know ;) thanks. so i wont add any worms then.
  12. R

    Putting worms in my soil?

    So I wondered if i should put a few worms in my soil and if i did if it would make much difference in the outcome, if i did put worms in with my indoor trees what would i put in the soil for the worms to eat that wont make my tree all rancid and nasty at harvest lol i imagine whatever i put in...
  13. R

    Bugs in my soil? help!!

    yeah that's not a bad idea i should buy one as like a precaution. so far the very tip of my leaves turned a slight yellow from spraying the insecticide but the rest of it still looks lush and good. i see teeny tiny dead bodies "the spider mites" or thrips whatever they were, I can see them dead...
  14. R

    Bugs in my soil? help!!

    yeah you're right, i thought about it and any kind of insecticide should be ok if its for like shrubs herbs gardens etc. so i found this one called ecosence brand by ortho insecticidal soap. Its for vegetables fruits trees citrus berries shrubs flowers in gardens and green houses and kills a...
  15. R

    How to keep annoying f#@king children from destroying my garden?

    poison ivy doesnt show up for a while, nettles work the second you touch them, The leaves and stems are very hairy with non-stinging hairs and also bear many stinging hairs (trichomes), whose tips come off when touched, transforming the hair into a needle that will inject several chemicals...
  16. R

    Bugs in my soil? help!!

    ok so i did the dirty work myself and figured out i either have thrips or mites, some bugs i noticed living in my dirt today. my question is what can i use from a local store that will kill the bugs but be safe for me and my plant to ingest? I cant find neem oil "doesnt kill thrips" anyway, cant...
  17. R

    Spider Mites

    hahah fiberglass in the cigarettes that you smoke and you're worried about your plant....
  18. R

    How to keep annoying f#@king children from destroying my garden?

    AHAhahaha, kill them? No just kidding, seriously this WILL work, plant a row of nettles about a foot or 2 away from your garden, trust me, the first time the nettles get the kids...they wont be going back for more. The best part is dont tell the kids that the nettles are there or what they are...
  19. R

    Where do spider mites come from

    right I want to know the same effing thing as i sprayed my grow room with insecticide a week prior to growing and its supposed to kill bugs for 3 months so WTF are spider mites doing in my dirt? I'm so pissed right now, MAINLY because I dont know what to use, i cant go to some specialty store so...
  20. R

    Little yellow/white rice looking bugs???????

    i wonder if thats what i have in my soil right now, havent noticed them on the plant yet but today in the soil i saw like tiny tiny mites or something kinda white but smaller than the pic you have and they are round not long in shape. what can i do to get rid of these bugs? my girl is only 1 1/2...