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  1. stone1977

    First grow week 6 of flower how does it look?

    Ya it would be nice to know. I believe its potassium defense. But not 100%.
  2. stone1977

    First grow week 6 of flower how does it look?

    Wow I have three plants that look to have same problem and iam at 6 and a half weeks into flower.
  3. stone1977

    would you top on your first grow?

    My first grow I topped some and left some. The ones I topped are doing way better then ones did not. My are all bag seed also. Like people all grows are different. Soil lights size of room circulation nutes water ect. If you got more then one plant top one see what it does. I found asking...
  4. stone1977

    Good Weed/Stoner themed movies?

    Super troopers
  5. stone1977

    Girlfriend making me choose between her or weed!

    Long story short I quit when ex wife wanting me to. I smoke way more then you. But it was cool then she started changeing everything. I started smoking again and she was cool but she would say ya but you smoke weed to everything well now she's the ex and we were together 11 years. Not telling...
  6. stone1977

    Need help with soils! Please (:

    Wow asking what soil is like asking what kind of underwear to wear. Everyone likes there own kind. I personaly think fox farm is over priced if you look around you can find same stuff for way cheaper. Your buying a name like everything else good luck.
  7. stone1977


    I think when you buy soil they maybe in it. And you can use sand like I did but they just go to the drain holes there smart.
  8. stone1977

    Success Rate of Germinating in Water?

    I never had luck in water I use paper towel.
  9. stone1977

    Time to change my grow environment. - upgrades

    Light bar would be great with ys that's what I got and works good. You can get cheap at recycling household places and wire on extension cord.
  10. stone1977

    my new best friend

    I wish that would be sweet.
  11. stone1977

    my new best friend

    Wow nice I can see your maturity level dumbass.
  12. stone1977

    my new best friend

    Just saying its a great tool to have. Besides that everyone told me stick your finger on the soil and if you pull out dried then you need to water so that what I did. I use the tester and stick it down the length of my finger and it says dry then I stick it down deeper and it says real moist so...
  13. stone1977

    Would this setup work?

    More light for sure. Iam using cfls. Remember keep 2in away for plant and good luck oh you need higher first number which is n for nutrition to start.
  14. stone1977

    my new best friend

    Yes but there are alot of time you just can't pick them up to check.
  15. stone1977

    Height restrictions

    I top some and left some. There four weeks into flower and the ones I topped are doing better and buds are bigger and more of them. For me ill be top all mine.
  16. stone1977

    my new best friend

    So I was out at a can food warehouse when I saw they had garden area so I was looking when I found moisture tester for soil I was pump no more over watering stress if your new you should get one one theses. Also Chevy dollar tree goodwill thrift stores you will be amazed at what you find
  17. stone1977


    Thank you ill try that.
  18. stone1977


    Iam not being rude iam just bummed I can't load pictures
  19. stone1977


    Nope whatever look at my avatar.
  20. stone1977


    Hope this worked drives me nut I got alot to share.