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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    Here is my latest uploads using 2 fans 400 HPS 6,5 Ph
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    i know !! its been almost 5 months that i started growing it .. i gave her everything she needed ! .. but i admit i had few problems with light leaks and over-watering but i had it all fixed :( it's just sad that i expected the buds would be so big after all this time period :s
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    FYI the only fan leaves that i trimmed is the ones that shows the sign of dying ! i thought it is normal when in flowering the bottom fan leaves dies because the plant starts to focus all it's energy on the production on the buds ... what i leaned from surfing the internet is they all agree...
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    I Will upload pics Tomorrow for more details .. :)
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    The Funny thing is i only trim a couple of fan leaves every month ... and the pic is showing only a part of the branch ( the plant is freaking tall !! ) ( non topped btw ) the plant looks healthy and every couple days i notice its getting taller and more stretchy , but budding wise .. not so gd...
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    sorry...What do u mean by Sat Dom !?
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    sorry...What do u mean by Sat Dom !?
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    its a purple haze and i have been flowering it for 3 months !!
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    no they don't !!maybe the picture quality is not that clear ... i'll try to get a better cam for a good close up ...
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    What's wrong with my pistils !!

    My pistils look like burnt...u can see the burn on the tip of the hairs ! i don't seem to know what caused it !! any thoughts or answers will be appreciated ....
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    3 Word Story

    What The Fuck ....
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    Fuck Greenhouse Seed Company!!

    Get seeds from White Label company .. they have the best strains And genetics ;)
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    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    gd job man ...i hope u have a killer weed after that long work ! :)
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    Does That mean the potency will decrease ?..i thought the more smell the more high i get ?....
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    hello........ !?
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    Common peeps i Need Real Answers !! :(
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    MR Orithil It is not a matter of a qualification to justify what i said , i know this company is good .. because i grew 7 plants before had the best experience with smoke like never before ..
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    My plant was always stinking strongly to the extent that every time i come inside my room i started day dreaming :P the smell was very strong when i started the seedling stage ... FYI some ppl tell the differences of strains by smelling the bud ,my Favorite is all the strains that comes from...
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    she is about 3 months and 2 weeks old , i have one small fan faced directly to the plant , using 400 HPS ,and for nutes i am using CHRYSAL Universal Plantfood bloom ... p.s i heard White label is the most respected seed company and it won the cannabis cup i think year 07 or 06 .. not sure ...
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    The Smell is Gone ?!!

    plus The plant looks fine and its a Purple Haze from white Label ... just to let u all know that it is a good strain it suppose to be stinky :(