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  1. D^rail

    The Ice Box how to

    hey thanks cruzer i didnt even realize they where upside down.
  2. D^rail

    The Ice Box how to

    So sine I mentioned that I set up my new Ice Box I have had a lot of questions about it and setting it up. First off it works really well. I use it to cool my 1000w. The only complaint I have about it is that the chiller they recommend using with it is crazy expensive. And if you let your...
  3. D^rail

    how do i speed things up

    i would flower it
  4. D^rail

    help is this contaminated

    looks like early pinning to me.
  5. D^rail

    Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?

    we all need rise up and take care of each other. The whole mindset of people being out for themselves needs to go. I have no problem with paying taxes for education and healthcare. those should be basic human rights.
  6. D^rail

    Problem with 1000w HPS

    company sent me a new hps lamp and it wouldnt fire either. so i've narrowed it down to being the ballast thats the problem. anyone dealt with this before? could there be a loose wire or connection or something?
  7. D^rail

    Shakin the substrate

    I think doing prints is pretty easy but grain to grain is probably the fastest
  8. D^rail

    Shakin the substrate

    i do about 30 40 min
  9. D^rail

    Shakin the substrate

    "myc piss" gonna start using that
  10. D^rail

    help me!1st timer,my plants are dying

    Got any pics? A picture is worth a thousand words. also can you not write in bright pink its really hard to read.
  11. D^rail

    Please help

    I keep my plants about 20" away from my 1000w. what are you using to cool that light?
  12. D^rail

    net pots?

    where is a good store to buy net pots? sick of buying this kind of stuff online and paying the shipping. looked at home depot and i didn't find any.
  13. D^rail

    Shakin the substrate

    Im not really sure how long a jar would last. i know i've gone about 3 weeks with one. I do know that after some time you will start to see some yellow and thats the waste of the fungus. when you see yellow you need to get it out of the jar.
  14. D^rail

    are feminized seeds true to their name

    flowering 4 WR females from nirvana and they are all true female
  15. D^rail

    Shakin the substrate

    nah dude I always shake my jars. No negative effects just helps to colonize the jars faster. When you do shake the jar it will look like all the growth disapeared but check back in 2 days and you will see that it has all come back 10 fold. dont be afraid to realy give it a good shake to break...
  16. D^rail

    Problem with 1000w HPS

    So I've been running my 1000w MH for about 5 weeks now and today I was going to switch it out for the 1000w HPS since i have a switchable ballast. however when i switched to the HPS it wouldnt turn on. I've checked the lamp over a few times it looks fine. and its brand new. so for now i...
  17. D^rail

    DWC res temperatures

    I made my own chiller for my ice box. did the fridge thing. but instead of coiling up your rubber tubing in the mini fridge get 20ft of soft copper tubing and coil that and connect it to to your rubber tubing. then get a 5 gallon bucket with a lid fill it with water. put your copper coil in the...
  18. D^rail


    Hey Im new to DWC and am in around day 20 of veg. where should the ppm be kept at from day 1 to last day of flowering?
  19. D^rail

    Small plants?

    click the link