Shakin the substrate

Mean Mr. Mustard

Well-Known Member
SO my jars are all becoming more more colonized everyday, pretty awesome to watch. Im using wbs and i have read many times that shaking the jars make them colonize faster, and i did that and it seemed to make them colonize twice as fast. but i was wondering if shaking them all up could hurt the mycelium growth, cuz after shaking a few of them it looked like there was almost no mycelium there at all. I dunno if it was because there was not to much growth to begin with or what. Just wondering if i fucked up at all. And i also read waiting 3 or 4 days after they are fully colonized beore cazing is best for the mycelium. Anyone got any insight on this it would help a bunch. THANKS


nah dude I always shake my jars. No negative effects just helps to colonize the jars faster. When you do shake the jar it will look like all the growth disapeared but check back in 2 days and you will see that it has all come back 10 fold. dont be afraid to realy give it a good shake to break it up. your not gonna hurt it.

Mean Mr. Mustard

Well-Known Member
i have a question about colonized substrate. is there anyway of storing an already colonized jar for a period of time before casing and fruiting? and if so how long until it degrades or become unusable. im thinkin, from the knowledge of reading till my eyes bled, that if i kept them in a dark place and maybe colder than room temp, the mycelium would grow slowerer, which would be a method of making it last longer..but what if the jar is fully colonized, how long ya think the mycelium would keep in an environment like that. thanks!


Well-Known Member
stick it in the fridge to "arrest" its development till later... but the question is why and how long would you envisage doing that?

Mean Mr. Mustard

Well-Known Member
basically i wasnt expey€cting havin zero contaims... i knocked up 12 yars and alll 12 are usable, but i dont have the room(fruitingchambers).. just wondering if storing them in a cold dark place for maybey 4 months max would do anything.


Well-Known Member
lol, man you can do like 2 pretty full kitty litter trays with 12 jars.

Normal buckets with lids also work nicely as fruiting chambers..

Mean Mr. Mustard

Well-Known Member
the more i look at what im using, i got the room, and the more i read about casing your substrate the more i realize i want a thicker layer of mycelium than i first thought.....ya learn somethin new everyday


Im not really sure how long a jar would last. i know i've gone about 3 weeks with one. I do know that after some time you will start to see some yellow and thats the waste of the fungus. when you see yellow you need to get it out of the jar.


Well-Known Member
It will store alot longer in the fridge... the yellow stuff you talk about is what we call myc piss.
I guess the closer you can get to 5C the longer it will last...
At 4C, you kill it.


New Member
while we're on the subject,can i get a few opinions? First,im doin liquid culture w/ honey and water,then into the syringes they go.How many cc's should i use per jar and how many holes per jar?I was thinkin of doin 1 hole per jar w/ micropore tape with a 1/4 cc,maybe less.How long do you guys pressure cook jars with verm and brf? My buddy and I were debating and he says no longer than 30 mins. in the pressure cooker is sufficient,do you agree? Any input is appreciated,peace...:peace:

Mean Mr. Mustard

Well-Known Member
i used wbs but i pc'ed for 60 mins wanted to go to 90 but didnt have the time... everyone tellin me luquid cultures the way to go, prolly just go with a spore prints i dunno yet. lc seems the most effecient. what about skippin that whole step and just doin grain to grain?? seems like the least amount of steps with the least amount of chancin a contam. i have many jars i could spare a little colonized wbs mycelium for the sake of continuing this adventure.

5 c aint to hard to come by, i guess it dont really matter,dont know how practical it really is to store some colonized substrate...thanks for all the help!@