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  1. F

    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    im pretty sure that im definitely going to be doing scrog, i sadly cant get my hands on any clones right now. spida what size square pots should i toll with?
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    you guys hear anything about diesel ryder? or any of the LR mix strains having great results and a good yield with scrog?
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    definitely square then. what size probably. I want the greatest results i can possibly get.
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    any idea what size pots i should use?
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    Alright yea I have a fan and a humidity and temperature gage in there. There also isnt any light leaks. Running all the lights now to check and see the temperature. haha ghetto it is! any advice garden knowm?
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

  7. F

    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    or anything anyone would suggest that i add/change?
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    Thanks for the input! Spida you have any strain suggestions? Im definitely trying to play my cards right :D
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    any input ?
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    CFL SET UP Cupboard

    So this is my second grow. I built 2 different cupboards. One is 3ft 6inch wide, 2feet Deep and 2feet 6inches tall. The second is 4feet 8inches tall 2feet wide and 3 feet 2 inches deep. I have 6 42watt cfls in the small one, ventilation fan and a blue spectrum light as well. I was curious if...
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    Lemon G?

    Yea i have had lemon G before from athens as well. It however was great and i personally have came across plenty of great stuff from athens and yes some not so great
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    Leaf stuggle

    thanks, Ill move the lights a bit away. The plant seems to be taking in water slowly. I watered it on wensday and its still pretty wet.
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    Leaf stuggle

    Bump Bump Hump
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    Leaf stuggle

    any help? :D
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    Leaf stuggle

    it got burnt a few times by trying to keep the cfls as close as possible. the buds were never burnt but the leafs.
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    Leaf stuggle

    KK here is some pictures BUMP
  17. F

    Leaf stuggle

    Alright so my plants are about in day 25 or so into flowering and the new leaves that are being made are thing and droppy. Well all the plants leaves are droopy but they are starting to get thin. Any suggestions I just flushed 2 days ago with clearex, and wont start to feed them nutes until the...
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    MOving plant around

    Just a quick question. I move my plant when the light turns off to another room thats pitch black. Does this effect it during flowering?
  19. F

    Male :( Im pretty sure

    Someone take a look at this picture please and help a brother out
  20. F

    Male :( Im pretty sure

    Here we go