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  1. diowk

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    you sure this is your first grow?
  2. diowk

    12/12 interruptable?

    not quite true. as long as the light is a GREEN light, it wont affect the circadian rhythm of the plants.
  3. diowk

    my 2nd grow any advice

    Heres a tip: try to find a soil mix online that is ph balanced so that you just have to add plain tap water. Subcools super soil is a perfect example look it up. The bottom of your pot gets filled with "hot" (rich in nutrients) soil and top with your base soil. Roots grow into the bottom layer...
  4. diowk

    why isnt my cola maturing and changing colors like the rest of the plant?

    HOLY FUCK! lol. Thats just rediculous. Like that video of a snake puking a hippo
  5. diowk

    Dry leaves. Too much Heat?

    doesnt look like heat stress. If it were there should be a lot more yellowing around the edges of your leaves near the top of the plant. Looks like ph problems to me, you got some eagle claw brewing too :S
  6. diowk

    Bug problem :(

    a product called "dont bug me". I think its from advanced nutrients. Also, a neem oil foliar spray works good for spider mites, not sure about flies. Bad news is you dont want to spray your plant at all during flowering but if the infestation is really bad you have no choice.
  7. diowk

    my plant grew to tall

    light source is too far away. You have a light over it right? Its stretching because its trying to reach the light it requires to grow the leaves your missing. There are two things you can do at this point to keep it from falling over and dying: 1. transplant it into a slightly larger/deeper...
  8. diowk

    annoying sativa plants

    What exactly is your question? expect from what? no smell? nothing... smell doesnt mean much, it just means its not smelly weed..
  9. diowk

    Bizzare Plant Sickness...

    yeah dude, see the yellow leaves with the green veins? thats mag deficiency
  10. diowk

    Leaf anomaly

    yeah man, thats a fern or something! lmfao. If I were you I would be more concerned about the other plants that are suffering and about to die... are you feeding them?
  11. diowk

    can somone help me please?

    way too alkyline buddy. bring that ph DOWN. Looks like your at about 7.5 by that first pic. Just match it up with the bottom color. a ph of 6.8 is fine. In fact a lot of people say thats the magic number for soil although you should be good if your above 6 and below 7. Plants absorb more micro...
  12. diowk

    Name That Deficiency (Pics)

    Im with hydro929 on this. the yellowing of the leaf while the veins remain green is textbook mag def.
  13. diowk

    what is this on my leaves?

    they dont look old enough to be showing deficiency yet. A plant doesnt require any nutes for 3 weeks, what are yours at? Have you been giving them tap water? If you have you should check the tds levels of your water to see how hard it is. anything over 200ppm is considered hard water but I dont...
  14. diowk

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    take a look at this man: as for the sick looking leaves, I think you might be right on with your magi cal theory and the early sexing problem may be completely unrelated and insignificant. Then again it might...
  15. diowk

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    lol.. you got me with that last post bro, Im stumped.. The sexing thing in particular; its kind of bugging me. Its something I'd like to know, Ill try to dig up some dirt for ya
  16. diowk

    Spotty Problem

    Heres a good example: see all the freckles? If it progressed any further the end of the leaf would start turning yellow at the edges and your tips curl and burn. Growth is stunted and stems are weak and easily bend since they dont have enough calcium to form strong cell walls. something to...
  17. diowk

    why isnt my cola maturing and changing colors like the rest of the plant?

    Indeed I did. In fact I was just peeking at my trichomes through a lab microscope I borrowed from school today. They are looking great, most heads are about half way filled with milkyness:) and if I look around I can see one or two amber amber ones hanging around. (lower mature buds) Im gonna...
  18. diowk

    why isnt my cola maturing and changing colors like the rest of the plant?

    thats what I figured I was gonna do. Thanks for the confirmation bud
  19. diowk

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    I think you have more than one deficiency. If you look at pic #6, the yellow spots on the left leaf look like calcium def, and the leaf to the right of it looks like nitrogen def. lol. What nutes you feeding it exactly? Show us a link to the product. Pretty tough to tell if you have root rot...
  20. diowk

    Help. Browning/Yellowing Leaf Tips!

    Your plants look healthy as fuck man. If you wanna try to get rid of the tip burn though try some calmag plus. Heres what its for: CAL-MAG Plus ™ Helps Prevent • Blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers • Tip burn in lettuce and cabbage • Dry and withered flower and...