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  1. E

    eww bud worms!!

    soooo there was a bit of brown and the buds themselves were turning very dark and discolored.. I smelled an odd smell that wasn't a good smell so I guess that it was rot..
  2. E

    eww bud worms!!

    So this is my first grow. I just got home today and decided to check out the goods, when I noticed that one of the top colas looked odd. I checked it and the hairs were darker and the bud looked soft.. So I further inspected it and found a worm of some sort! I noticed a couple buds were infected...
  3. E

    Mendocino Avalanche, anyone try it?

    Bump, interested in any experiences/info on this. Haven't used it yet, might just go for it tomorrow.
  4. E

    First grown, harvest soon?

    I'm not sure what day my baby is on, but I'm wondering if these pictures are good enough to give you guys on RIU an idea of how much longer I have. I want to say, in the first picture, I see 75% cloudy/20%clear/5%amber Any thoughts? I believe the strain is super silver lemon haze
  5. E

    Mendocino Avalanche, anyone try it?

    so anything guys?
  6. E

    Recommendations for dense tasty buds.

    My friend gave me some of this ''bud hardener'' called Mendocino Avalanche. I was talking about how my colas were thick but not dense. However, his are super dense and filled in. I think they're at like week 5 or 6, honestly tho they're outside and I just let them grow. We both use Maxsea for...
  7. E

    Mendocino Avalanche, anyone try it?

    My friend gave me some of this ''bud hardener'' called Mendocino Avalanche. I was talking about how my colas were thick but not dense. However, his are super dense and filled in. I think they're at like week 5 or 6, honestly tho they're outside and I just let them grow. We both use Maxsea for...
  8. E

    HPS Reveals all - what they look like "the next morning"

    please don't insult your plants. You're insulting me as well considering those are so fuckin thick they look like footballs are growing lol.
  9. E


    girl = Guy In Real Life. This rule only applies to the net. Carry on lol.
  10. E

    To late to re-pot?

    the leaves feel mm.. How do I put this.. Crunchy.. It looks life, it smells good, but when I move branches around it kind feels dry. I don't even know if this means something, it just felt different..
  11. E

    Whats your thoughts on my drying racks lol

    From what I've read, you get a more greeny taste if you do this correct? Because of all the leaves as to if you cut it and trimmed it before drying? Sorry if this is wrong, just curious!
  12. E

    To late to re-pot?

    It's outside, sorry forgot to add that. I've re-potted way, way bigger with a buddy of mine and never had a problem but I always like to get some info from RIU!
  13. E

    To late to re-pot?

    So, I have one of my plants which is about 3 weeks into flowering now. It's in a 7 gal smart pot and it's 4 feet by 4 feet. I feel as if it should be replanted because the soil is rock hard. I believe I read that if the soil is rock hard, that's an indication of it needing to be replanted due...
  14. E

    Hey guys, wet brown spots? lol sorry!! I thought I posted a link to the topic, guess I was just retardedly tired last night lool!
  15. E

    Hey guys, wet brown spots?

    So I have another thread, I'm really tired right now so I'm just going to link you to the other topic. Basically, one of my plants has wet brown leaves and it's killing some of them as well. Any ideas?
  16. E

    Wet brown spots?

    come on guys! someone has to know about this.. I'm reading it could be bud rot? but my plant JUST started budding, like 2 weeks! possible? I got some ''mildew cure'' i'm going to use tomorrow if I don't have any other choices or ideas by tomorrow!
  17. E

    Wet brown spots?

    Any ideas guys? So far I hear mold and i'm freaking out! lol!
  18. E

    Wet brown spots?

    So I haven't watered my plant in like 2 days, and there is this wet stuff on my plant.. but there is no way that it could be from that.. It's sticky, brown, only on that one part of the plant.. I have no clue what it is, or what it could be. Any ideas guys? it's freaking me the fuck out...
  19. E

    LST job gone bad, opinions please....!

    tape it up! My friend had a way worse break than that and all he did was use clear tape to hold it together, fixed itself after that!
  20. E

    Spider mites? First grow

    Whoa, lots of responses! I appreciate all the help! Ok so, while I sprayed the plant down, I only saw two webs via mist which turned out to be two regular spiders as I saw them drop down. Now I saw two eggs at the tip top of a bud on a leaf. It was very small and yellow.. I put it on my finger...