Spider mites? First grow


Hey guys, so this is my first grow, I've read through all the spider mites threads and everything already but I want an opinion that isn't mine lol.

Any ideas? I hope it isn't anything, I honestly haven't seen anything crawling, but you guys know how it goes.. You're super protective of your
first borns haha!

Edit: Also the first picture has some white residue on the first peddle to the left. Not sure, but there are a few more. Nothing to crazy.. Figured it's from some of the mist in the mornings, but I get sunlight at like 6:30 or so I think. I'm in northern cali btw!

sorry for the double pic haha!


Active Member
Hey if you have spider mites i would imagine you could see them, do you have a magnifying glass? Or maybe like a 420 scope? Even a good camera with decent zoom should get you close enough to see mites, their not that small i dont think.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure how small you think is too small but spider mites can be microscopic when first born. I wear glasses so my eyes aren't the best but even with a magnifying glass they are so tiny and they replicate as fast as bunnies humping. Good luck man, look on the backside of the leaf for the mites they will be crawling everywhere if your infested.


I am not sure how small you think is too small but spider mites can be microscopic when first born. I wear glasses so my eyes aren't the best but even with a magnifying glass they are so tiny and they replicate as fast as bunnies humping. Good luck man, look on the backside of the leaf for the mites they will be crawling everywhere if your infested.
oh man, your name is amazing haha! The couch lock! haha! right on, I'll double check, I feel like I saw two small kinda clear/yellowish bugs but they did NOT move at all. I can't see anything that actually moves! I'll keep an eye on it, if anything I have a bottle of good ol mighty wash handy to take the little fuckers out! thanks for the help guys!

Also, the reason I freaked is because there was a lot of white/black dots on that leaf I posted, like some type of residue that I was unsure of!


Well-Known Member
U definitely seen some spider mites then...they crawl super slow...Lil black spots are eggs and the clear thing u described was a mite...take care of them asap....then treat it 2 days after the first treatment then 3 days after that u should be good


so, I now have seen eggs on the bottom branches, on the tip/top of the leaves. They're small, yellowish round eggs that pop when smashed. I treated with Mighty wash, only had about 1/4 a spray bottle left..
Hopefully that's enough to kill em for now till I get paid on thursday. Then i'll treat two more times as suggested. I sprayed the majority of the plant, hopefully slowing the bastards lol. This sucks, first problem with
my plants..



here are a couple more pictures. So what I've noticed is very small brown spots on the bottom/top of the leaves. I haven't seen more than 2 small insects that are longer than they are wide. Not round, more oval like a banana? Hopefully these pictures can help. Like I said, I've sprayed mighty wash as much as I could, as I didn't have too much of it. I guess next I'll try Dawn dish soap if it acts up within 3 days before I get paid!

Any other thoughts guys? any help is appreciated honestly, pretty much freaking out over this as it's my first grow and nothing is more demoralizing than losing your first grow! my plants are super healthy, but I've been told it only takes a little bit for spider mites (if thats what it is) to kill a plant.

Edit: Also the 4th picture, that's dirt on the bottom of the leaf. I posted it in case you see something I do not.


can I use dawn ultra? it says it has no phosphate, just thought id throw that out there lol.

So would you say that in fact is spider mite damage?


Well-Known Member
Yeah 80% sure but non the less u got critters to say the least....and I wouldn't use anything but the plane Jane blue dawn with NO bleach


Yeah 80% sure but non the less u got critters to say the least....and I wouldn't use anything but the plane Jane blue dawn with NO bleach
cool stuff, so like 1 drop inside a sprayer with warm water should do the trick? would I saturate the leafs or just mist lightly?


New Member
For all pest problems on a cannabis plant, you can use Greenbug for Indoors or Greenbug for Outdoors (they are the same formula, just labeled differently for indoor and outdoor use). It is a non-systemic, natural product that meets organic farming requirements. It will kill adult pests and destroy eggs of the next generation yet not cause any harm to your plants. Greenbug has no affect on the finished 'flavor' and can be used right up until harvest. I use it and highly recommend it. www.greenbugallnatural.com


Well-Known Member
looks like a lot of people had something to say. lol the dishwashing liquid trick works ok if your not infested really bad. otherwise you may wanna ask around. ive used neem oil before and it worked like a charm. but ive used dawn too..works as well. do tou see webs? especially around the buds and leaves in the tops.


Well-Known Member
Haha..if you can get your hands on lady bugs, they do a good job keeping numbers down...cant beat a neem based product though!


Whoa, lots of responses! I appreciate all the help! Ok so, while I sprayed the plant down, I only saw two webs via mist which turned out to be two regular spiders as I saw them drop down. Now I saw two eggs at the tip top of a bud on a leaf. It was very small
and yellow.. I put it on my finger nail and smashed it, and it popped. So far, I haven't seen any other signs of anything moving since I sprayed with Mighty Wash.. But as I read and I have been told, in about 5 days (if they are spider mites) i'll have more. I'm definetly not infested, that's for sure. I'm even struggling to find them in the first place, and since I sprayed yesterday, it also rained lightly so it washed the plants clean.

I was thinking of getting lady bugs, as I have another plant that just started flowering. But then again I thought about it and is two plants really enough to buy lady bugs? Wouldn't it just be easier to spray them down with any of the above? Any thoughts?

Also, I was going to buy no pest strips as I need some for my house anyways due to spider problems.

Again, thanks for all the help and support! Good luck with you guys and yours!


Well-Known Member
Have you positively id mites? Dont rule out thrips. The larvae cause similar damage and are more banana shaped than oval like you described. Neem is your friend