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  1. B

    Max watt power on my grow area?

    Why use hid on your mothers andclones. Use cfls or t5s. As for flowering. Its best to keep a 1000w on a 4x4 spread to get max yield. If all your lights are air cooled (separate from room) and box is sealed....a 1 tonne AC should suffice. plus add co2, ofcourse. Thats the one upgrade youll...
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    Growing and Using Holy Basil (Tulsi) in unison with Cannabis...

    Very interersting. Did you make bubble hash out of it? and how does it affect your high?
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    whats the first thing you during a power outage?

    Low wattage cfls or LEDs on a ups system. Or emergency lights. Generator will solve all these problems, but you gotta maintain it. Ups systems are prettly hassle free until the battery life runs out. Thats all you can really do in such a situation.
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    Electrical Questions

    Dude, 400w isnt much. A small fridge consumes more than that, and i'll bet you wouldnt get a new breaker box if you installed one. If you have reasonably decent wiring in your place, youll be fine. The main concern is faulty, ripped, exposed sleeves on wiring, which is quite possible in an old...
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    First Time Grow: (Indoors) Can I run HPS and T5 fluorescent at the same time?! (pics)

    No point adding those tubelights, unless your grow area exceeds 5x5 or 25ft2
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    Bigger yield from 4 than 8 plants?

    4 plants with 8weeks veg would approximately produce the same as 8 plants with 3-4weeks veg. So to get the same yield from 4, youd have to add another month or so to your grow cycle. You growing in pak?
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    PH Meters for soil

    Soil pH meters are never accurate. Their only selling point is convienience. buy a regular pH meter. An EC/tds meter would make your arsenal complete.
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    Alternating light source??

    I dont see why not. You might confuse the ladies a bit with the frequent changes in light spectrum. whether its enough to cause anything negative, i dont know. But i have moved plants indoor and outdoor in my early days and that did result in hermies.
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    28 plants in 44oz containers under 600hps

    Ditch the seeds, do a mother clone setup. Managing all the various phenotypes will be a pain. Its better to grow a few moms, select the best after first harvest, ditch the weaker phenos. You can bonsai, trim, root trim your moms and keep em going for yrs. And you can clone new mums out of other...
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    Adding a 400w mh to 1000w flowering room..

    What i really want to know is if lumens will addup? Or is it pointless to have a 400w supplementing a 1000w?
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    re-potting worth it at this point or no?

    Ya it wont hurt to transplant. Go ahead. The cutting the bottom off and placing another pot underneath is also fine.
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    Adding a 400w mh to 1000w flowering room..

    Hey Ive got a 4.5x 4.5 ft perpetual sog with 60 clones. Lit by a 1000w hps. Got an extra 400w mh lying around and want to supplement the area. so im wondering where should i place the MH. On the 1-2 week 12/12 clones side (this is where im thinking i should place it) or on the clones 6-8...
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    Need help on SOG

    Yeh thats the only prob with sog. Watering. You can setup pvc pipes. Drip systems wont clog up if you use filters and maintain them. Also make sure your ferts are completely water soluble. anything with a pump would make it easy. You could have a reservoir and pump, pipe and have one of...
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    Growing in pakistan

    Hows your grow going? Im in khi.
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    How can I get a big yield

    Do 3-4 plants. Veg for 1.5 to 2 months. You should yield atleast 4 oz per of course your yield is dependant on your skills. But the above target shouldnt be hard to achieve.
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    I want 10k watts in 88 sq ft room!!

    SOG with 4plants per sqft..lollipopped. The only way you achieve max yield in a place so small
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    Need some water advise

    You can run a bubbler in your reserve water bucket and get rid of the chlorine beforeyou use it. If its just Cl in your water. Neem will kill beneficial enzymes, microherds etc.
  18. B

    Need some water advise

    Add some neem oil in your res. unless ur usingbeneficial fungi. Neem should solve your algae prob along with light proofing your containers. Regular tap is fine to use. Use RO for seedlings and clones Another can run a regular tap filter with that uv anti bacterial light.
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    Should I lollipop 14 day of Flower ?? Vanila kush hydro

    Youshould trim away all leaves and buds under the screen if your canopy is full. 2-3 weeks into flowering. Dont top in the middle of flowering.. As far as above the screen is concerned...In scrog id say you should just tie the leaf, stem down, bend it under another or remove it if its blocking...