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  1. TheBrutalTruth

    We are really screwed now!!

    Solar and Wind are inefficient, land intensive, and cost ineffective.
  2. TheBrutalTruth

    Argument with a friend over socialism

    Longest Surviving Government right now, no one is saying squat about the Republic or the Empire of Rome.
  3. TheBrutalTruth

    Whats in the healthcare bill?

    System isn't broken. If it was broken why do so many Canadians opt to come down here instead of waiting months for something as mundane as an MRI, a CAT Scan or other advanced medical procedures. Is the system 100% effective, of course not, but that's because Health care like all commodities...
  4. TheBrutalTruth

    We are really screwed now!!

    Actually we should be at a high interest rate. The United States needs to amortize (pay off) the debts that we are carrying, and thus secure a solid foundation for additional growth. As long as the United States continues to accrue more debt we will never be able to truly escape from the...
  5. TheBrutalTruth

    Argument with a friend over socialism

    Another Bush, I guess that is an apt comparison. Same promises (to be a moderate) during his campaign, but revealing himself to be leaning towards the extreme. Unfortunately, I have to disagree, because his policies reek of Fascist or Socialist goals of trying to create some kind of Utopian...
  6. TheBrutalTruth

    We are really screwed now!!

    You're forgetting the 60+ Trillion in unfunded future liabilities in Welfare and Social Security. The United States is bankrupt and only surviving on credit.
  7. TheBrutalTruth

    This picture is creating a FIRESTORM!!

    Actually it's not the anarchy and destruction JRH. Joker was a psychotic who did not have any morals, ethics or personal control. He routinely lied (especially when talking about his facial scars) and demonstrated that he would stab people in the back after they helped him for his own gain and...
  8. TheBrutalTruth

    Argument with a friend over socialism

    Fascist, Socialist, they are the same thing, thus Obama is a Socialist.
  9. TheBrutalTruth

    Argument with a friend over socialism

    Imbecilic JRH Just pure Imbecilic. The United States as far as continuity of power goes is the oldest government in the world. That does not mean that it is the oldest nation in the world, but that it has had the same form of government (Federal Democratic Republic) longer than any other...
  10. TheBrutalTruth

    Whats in the healthcare bill?

    Old people are old people, and everyone has to die sometime. But I guess that Democrats fear death, must be because they know where they are going. I'd fear death to if I was a Democrat...
  11. TheBrutalTruth

    Whats in the healthcare bill?

    Marginal 75 - 76 vs 78 - 79. OMFG, 3 - 4 years. How horrible, simply fucking horrible... Give me a break, and why don't you stop playing with the statistics and pull out the real data?
  12. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Vote Against Republicans?

    You're ignoring the fact that Clinton was co-opted into balancing the budget by a Republican Congress that promised their constituents a balanced budget. They campaigned on several major issues, and the chief amongst those was a balanced budget. It wasn't the Democrats that achieved a balanced...
  13. TheBrutalTruth

    We are really screwed now!!

    You're being ignored Hannimal, you're incompetent. You talk about how your economics doesn't involve politics but everytime you open your mouth to discuss economics you reveal how deeply entrenched politics is in your economic theory with ideas such as ability to pay and that kind of imbecilic...
  14. TheBrutalTruth

    We are really screwed now!!

    That's not deflationary, you don't decrease inflation by buying debt. If the Federal Reserve was going to act in a deflationary way it would be selling bonds to pull cash out of circulation not purchasing bonds and pushing cash into circulation. As far as the harm, it looks like it's just 4.7...
  15. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...

    Hannimal go back to your economics that doesn't involve politics. It's clear that you are not even posting the sections in full to show the exact text. Those sections do not say what you are purporting them to say.
  16. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!
  17. TheBrutalTruth

    You have no first amendment

    Did you watch the video, and hear what was said?
  18. TheBrutalTruth

    More Obama Administration Stupidity|main|dl1|link4| What a way to preserve our alliance with...
  19. TheBrutalTruth


    The problem with your statement is that you just stated that it is human nature to adopt hierarchical systems, and thus anarchy would simply mean that the State is no longer granted a monopoly on the use of force, fraud and coercion to control people. Your statement also ignores the fact that...
  20. TheBrutalTruth

    You have no first amendment

    And JRH, are these permits free? If they are not free then they are a restriction on free speech and the right to peacefully assemble are they not?