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  1. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Now that's irony, here's free money, wait, we need to take a cut...
  2. TheBrutalTruth

    Creation vs Evolution vs Whatever Else

    Or it could be that they are attempting to find a way to fit both Science and Religion into their life. And actually, the Bible doesn't really say much of anything on Evolution or Intelligent Design.
  3. TheBrutalTruth

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Irrational mixture of religion and politics by Neocons and the Statist Right.
  4. TheBrutalTruth

    More Liberal BS.

    Maybe you'd care to contribute to the thread instead of just posting random bits of prose that have absolutely no bearing on the discussion at hand.
  5. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Yes I am, actually it consistently amazes me how much I don't know, but I haven't stopped learning either, so I have to plead guilty to being both ignorant in some fields, (like philology (languages)) and robotics. Both fields that actually interest me. I'm also a jack ass, but really, if I...
  6. TheBrutalTruth

    More Liberal BS.

    One would imagine that it would limit a standing army though, no? Or at least that it was meant to.
  7. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Yes, but are the holdings of SS in the stock market, are all retirement investments in the stock market? And what about companies that go bankrupt. Yes, on average the stock market outpaces inflation, but most of the actual returns comes from dividends, which are now being taxed at a higher...
  8. TheBrutalTruth

    More Liberal BS.

    Thank you as far as eating shit, it's not eating shit if you can admit you are wrong, it's if you continue to dig into that pile even after being told its shit.
  9. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    And amplify other forms of violence. Guns are tools, just like knives, and other items. Blaming everything on guns is irrational, and illogical.
  10. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Hyperinflation is a type of inflation, it is not totally different, just of a different magnitude. If the yields are equal to the inflation rate they do. If the yields are below the inflation rate (real negative yields) then they are losing value. If the real yields are negative against...
  11. TheBrutalTruth

    Captured soldure. message from the heart?

    Actually that's not necessarily true. 1. War requires munitions, munitions are manufactured, implying jobs. 2. Some of these people used military enrollment to escape prison sentences (very few cases, I know) 3. Some of these people would have been unemployed Now, while munitions do not...
  12. TheBrutalTruth

    More Liberal BS.

    "To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;" Sounds like the founders didn't want a standing army being established. No Appropriations for longer than two years for the raising and support of Armies. Probably land forces...
  13. TheBrutalTruth

    The Facts about GM Food.

    Strange, I believe that Hitler had similar aspirations. In Poland he wanted to kill all the Polish for more lebensraum. In Russia he wanted to kill all the Russians for more lebensraum. Either you people are idiots or you are NAZI-Wanna Bes, either way it's disgusting how you imbeciles so...
  14. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    Criminals have guns and citizens don't, do you think tighter restrictions will actually change that basic fact?
  15. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Thank you for correcting those errors, though to be specific the exact ratio is 1/20.67 dollars to Oz of Gold. I ditched the decimal to make the math easier (laziness.) And yes, I have to admit you are correct about the Silve Dollar vs Silver Eagle argument. Clearly as the Eagle was $10 and the...
  16. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control
  17. TheBrutalTruth

    Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word

    Actually it wasn't for the benefit of the slave owners, it was for the benefit of the North. If the South had been allowed to count each slave as a whole person they would have had drastically higher levels of representation in the House of Representatives, and thus a bigger voice in the...
  18. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    Actually, I was told I was hung like a horse. Though speaking of Canadian Crime Rates Apparently locking up these violent offenders has done something for decreasing the crime rate. And arguing that it's all because of poverty is irrational, illogical and unprovable. More likely, it's a...
  19. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good! Explain to me, how if the government was wrong about Social Security, and wrong about Medicare, and wrong about Medicaid, how is it possible that the government can possibly believe that the costs of any new attempts at...
  20. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    Let's think about this. Some one breaks into your house, shatters the window, and starts rampaging through your shit. What makes you think that they are going to listen to a mature, rational conversation. Of course, for you that might consist of saying, in your tiny, squeeky, effeminate...