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  1. TheBrutalTruth

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    Fascism (National Socialism) is just a form of Socialism. Whether Government provides everything, and controls everything, or allows quasi-private institutions that take their marching orders from the government to have some control, the end result is the same. Government control of everything...
  2. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Oh, no, he's already below mediocrity, he will be lucky if he achieves that level. Hell, right now, he'll be lucky if he is compared with Carter (and comes out on top, instead of bottom.) Just because I'm willing to read, does not mean that I am going to take it...
  3. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    If they're not threatening you in your home, or with your own death, permanent disability, or great financial loss why would you point a gun at them. If some one has a gun pointed at you, no amount of police "protection" will be able to help you. The only thing that can help you is being able...
  4. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    Actually, you wont, the above states quite specifically that if you do not have a plan then you will be forced to get the government's plan as no existing insurance plan will be allowed to accept new enrollments after Day 1 of Year 1. I doubt that those maggots in D.C. have even read it (I also...
  5. TheBrutalTruth

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    It's an imbecilic plan that relies upon theft, coercion, and forcing people to take care of imbeciles, retards, and maggots that are too lazy, incompetent, or dumb to get up off their asses and take care of themselves. It is a system of slavery, that relies upon a coercive state to force people...
  6. TheBrutalTruth

    Looking for an exit

    Deflation is a good thing. Clearly the reason for deflation is because prices exceeded the levels that the market would be willing to pay at, and thus demand fell, leading to prices falling to a level where production will be consumed. As far as the Fed, it is a criminal organization that...
  7. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    Grandfathered Health Insurance Coverage- if you already have coverage you get to keep it, but... If you want to get the coverage that is offered under a grandfathered plan, because you don't want to pay the monopolistic rents that the government will seek through taxes + premiums (what is...
  8. TheBrutalTruth

    Death to the Constitution?

    Legal Fees, at least they can be counted on to be mercenaries...
  9. TheBrutalTruth

    Death to the Constitution?

    The ACLU is both bad and good. Weren't they the group that sued the judge for having a copy of the 10 commandments in his courtroom. I never saw the problem with that. The 10 commandments can be considered a historical legal document.
  10. TheBrutalTruth

    Captured soldure. message from the heart?

    Operations Other Than War - No, the military should not be used in that way. The military is for fighting, not for building, policing, or other misuses. The military is for national defense. If we need schools builty, and hospitals built (which we don't, not by the federal government anyway)...
  11. TheBrutalTruth

    Death to the Constitution?

    Actions define people, not words, words are not but air, and are not actions. When words become deeds then counter-action is warranted, until then the government should butt out. Freedom of Speech, Assembly and Expression...
  12. TheBrutalTruth

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Apparently the same way you get your misinformation and irrational hatred from Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Don't forget to tune into your two minutes hate...
  13. TheBrutalTruth

    More Liberal BS.

    No, in general the United States is Benevolent, we have yet to fight a war (depending on how you count the Afghan War) of aggression. We have always waited calmly until our enemies attacked other nations. Even including "Gulf War II" this hold true, as there was no peace treaty signed that...
  14. TheBrutalTruth

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    You see, the problem with lumping in Conservatives with Neo Cons and Republicans is that it's just wrong. Like the Democrats the Republican party is a group of coalitions with various interests that coincide with the underlying idea of Less Government = Better Government. Unlike the Democrats...
  15. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good! The more Obama opens his mouth the more I am convinced that he is an imbecile. Here he is throwing away the future promise of humanity, and a new frontier. NASA is a great...
  16. TheBrutalTruth

    The Facts about GM Food.

    The problem is that the plants are protected by patent law, and are also engineered not to be fecund (reproduce) so any farmer that uses them has to continuously be seed from Monsanto instead of being able to retain a portion of their crop for replanting. It's a horribly unjust system that...
  17. TheBrutalTruth

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    Probably not... They were like the first state to criminalize it (FDR was the cocksucker, err governor)
  18. TheBrutalTruth

    The Facts about GM Food.

    Or at least regulate them to the hilt, you wont be able to sell your own produce with out having it poked, prodded by bureaucrats, and being poked and prodded yourself by the same bureaucrats, and not in a way you'd like...
  19. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    That is true, but any gains made short term are taxed at, what is it 35%? What I really need to do is form a corporation just for trading activities... It just sounds like that is what you are arguing. I dislike inflation, a dollar ten years ago should be worth the same as a dollar today and...
  20. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama's Drug Czar talks Med. MJ

    Definitely clearly biased...