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  1. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    That is true. Which is what is not supposed to be. Money is supposed to be a convenient commodity that sets a benchmark for the trading of all other commodities. Nation's can not just print themselves into prosperity. I do believe that the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe illustrate this point...
  2. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    Except that it probably wont be cheaper, because government can never act efficiently, nor account sufficiently for people's response to the perception of "free" shit.
  3. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    If some one is attempting to rob my house, then I want to be able to protect my life, my liberty and my property, the easiest, and most convenient means of doing so is with a gun. Though your response makes me wonder if you don't make a habit of stealing from other people, and are deathfully...
  4. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    It's that belief that caused the economic crash. All those derivatives and hedging attempts...
  5. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    I do believe it is sufficiently clear that the reason why I am not responding to your posts in total at the bottom, but in part, making use of BOLD test to denote what I am saying and separate it from what you are saying is because there's a shit load of dumb crap to respond to. Why the hell...
  6. TheBrutalTruth

    Oh yeah, let's be more like France....

    We can take their nuclear power plants, they can keep the rest.
  7. TheBrutalTruth

    As the media wont pay attention to this

    Sounds fun, I want to yell at my public servants for being complete and total dumb asses.
  8. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Actually the first established religion was Zoroastrianism which was founded in Ancient Babylon and like Judaism (the second organized monotheistic religion) was monotheistic. Unlike Judaism, Zoroastrianism preached about an unending fight between good and evil, between dark and light, between...
  9. TheBrutalTruth

    Oh yeah, let's be more like France....

    As usual you miss the entire point that I was attempting to make.
  10. TheBrutalTruth

    Gun Control

    If I am confronted by some one wielding a knife, I would reach for a gun and attempt to knee cap them, or disable them so I could call the police with out worrying about them attacking me. If I have a lawful right to be in the place where the attack was made against me, then there is no reason...
  11. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    I believe I addressed every point you brought up, and destroyed your arguments, now stop trolling my thread. And I never accused you of being an idiot, I accused you of verbally flailing about like an infant, which you continue to demonstrate was clearly on the mark based on your inability to...
  12. TheBrutalTruth

    Only an imbecile would insist on Euclidean Geometry for the Military The problem, besides the disrespect to our soldiers is the clear imbecility of this person. The shortest distance between two points may well be a line in artificial Euclidean Geometry, but on a sphere the shortest distance is a...
  13. TheBrutalTruth

    Oh yeah, let's be more like France....

    You read it wrong. They want to charge the company that is providing the tools to reduce consumption at peak hours for the revenues lost to the entrenched state-ran power company. Socialism at its "finest." :spew:
  14. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Enlighten yourself, I refuse to slave further for your benefit.
  15. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    Not really, the muslims killed "heathens" in the Middle East first under the guide of their pedophilic "prophet."
  16. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Gold?

    No, I believe on the whole religion has done more good than harm. I also believe you are a dumb ass that can't add 1 + 1, based on the fact that you are trying to blame the Church for the deranged actions of a Socialist Lunatic named Hitler. My advice? Go read a few books about World War II...
  17. TheBrutalTruth

    Oh yeah, let's be more like France....

    My issue was the fact that you don't see our government on the verge of restricting companies from developing new technologies that make use of old. No one in the United States in their right mind would insist that the small company mentioned in the linked article should pay for the unused power...
  18. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good! And don't forget, COMPETITION IS BAD FOR YOU SHEEPLE, especially amongst auto dealerships. But the dealerships they haven't closed are good thieves, they vote Democrat. The dealerships they have closed are bad thieves, they...
  19. TheBrutalTruth

    Oh yeah, let's be more like France.... imbecilic, illogical and corrupt to the core of their socialist government.
  20. TheBrutalTruth

    Mexican cartels

    I'm not going to comment on the irony of that quote coming from some one that then went and forcefully made people remain under a government that they did not want, and did not feel represented them any longer. Good quote, but it fails when examined against Lincoln's actually track record.