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  1. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    You do realize that the reason why we have the best doctors and the best equipment is because of the free market system that we have, no? The countries with Socialized Medicine are far behind us when it comes to the use of PET Scans, MRI Scans, and the other high tech "optional" procedures that...
  2. TheBrutalTruth

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    Yes, and if I want a Blow Job I'll find a hooker, but seeing as how I can not in good moral conscious live with myself after doing either (supporting hookers or supporting Obama's health care plan.) The problem with Obama's Health Care Plan is that he's only capable of putting such stupidity...
  3. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    All the more reason not to give imperfect humans control over their fellow man. Power corrupts...
  4. TheBrutalTruth

    "Common sense"

    Great reading, and thank you for posting it (and the link)
  5. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    What, afraid that you don't have a philosophical leg to stand on, as your ideology supports the use of force, coercion and extortion to reach its ends. Since your ideology is the ideology of tyrants like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Palpot. Since your ideology is responsible for over 100+ Million...
  6. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare. Obama admits the truth, reforms would bring greater inefficiencies.
  7. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    I'm stating that you can not justify the use of force by saying that the use of force justifies itself. Which is what you are arguing. Your demonstrating an amazing amount of circular logic. Of course, as the Social Contract does not grant the right for "society" (which is the sum of...
  8. TheBrutalTruth

    Trust Obama - To Screw Us Over Yet another possible continuation of idiotic Bush Policies.
  9. TheBrutalTruth

    Marijuana could bring California some relief

    Too many people woke up to the fact that it's a giant scam. Revenues peaked at the turn of the millenia, and have been declining ever since.
  10. TheBrutalTruth

    As the media wont pay attention to this

    [URL=""] Perhaps I was wrong to agree with the Democrats about her inability to lead. She clearly has the courage to lead with decisive actions that count for more than the prettily disguised lies that were fed to us by Obama.
  11. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    EPIC FAIL! Your Social Contract requires that society secure individuals in their rights to life, liberty and property. The violation of these rights by society violates the Social Contract, and thus terminates any obligation by members of society to contribute to society. You've also...
  12. TheBrutalTruth

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Barr, but not Nader.
  13. TheBrutalTruth

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Ron Paul, or any of the other 300 Million Citizens of this nation, exempting the current set of bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, judges, and left-leaning activists.
  14. TheBrutalTruth

    E.O. Barring release of Birth Certificate

    And I paraphrase from the document itself, "Any alterations to this document invalidates it. Whereas the document has in fact been altered from its original analog form it is no longer valid. Whereas the document has in fact been altered from its original form through redacting of information...
  15. TheBrutalTruth

    Sotomayor "doesnt know" if we have a constitutional right to self defense

    Actually, not all that is entirely accurate. In Texas there is no obligation to seek to flee.
  16. TheBrutalTruth

    My Healthcare plan Idea (Single Buyer)

    Maybe not necessarily the feedback you expected, but I'll take freedom over the perception of safety, freedom above fortune, and self-responsiblity before forced servitude. Besides, I think your entire idea has serious systemic flaws that you are not addressing.
  17. TheBrutalTruth

    The Pro Alex Jones Thread.

    Actually that doesn't really prove the existence of FEMA camps. All that states is that the military has a program where it uses inmates from participating prison facilities to do labor on military installations. Though I do see a problem with it, in that it essentially states that such labor...
  18. TheBrutalTruth

    Sotomayor "doesnt know" if we have a constitutional right to self defense

    You just answered the question in the positive. And it is a simple question, there was no discussion of the conditions surrounding the self-defense.
  19. TheBrutalTruth

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    Actually, I'd bribe the doctor and the bureaucrat, at that point any attempts to live inside the system are suicidal, and I'm not suicidal.
  20. TheBrutalTruth

    Sotomayor "doesnt know" if we have a constitutional right to self defense

    Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable (inviolate) rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Obviously, if you can defend your life, and your liberty, then these unalienable rights reveal themselves to not be unalienable. The right to self-defense does not...