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  1. T

    3rd week into flowering, weird pistol coloration, bud rot?

    on second look at those brown pistils, they dont look very healthy. you may be right in thinking bud rot
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    3rd week into flowering, weird pistol coloration, bud rot?

    hmm, i wish i knew what that was but im stumped as well. im working on my first grow, and im at week 5 flowering, and my pistils are just now turning from white to orange, which just means they are maturing. they also say some pistils could turn a brownish color, but yours seem to have shown...
  3. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    i sure will. i'll take pics of the setup here soon just lazy bongsmilie :mrgreen: i'll also get pics of the harvest, which for ice is happening in around 20 days. the Moby Dick may take another week, she has some sativa in her and the buds are looking rather small compared to ice. but...
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    thanks max, she smells lovely. and im starting to see some orange hairs. but no sir i am not :D
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    man thats a tough way to find out. thanks for sharing it with us here max, keeps me from doing the same and losing this girl! i dont think i'll flush before harvest then, for either of the plants. i have pretty good run off and the pots are almost always dry when they wake for theday, so thats...
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    here are some pics of Ice. I vegged her for 3.5 weeks, about 1.5 weeks shorter than i veg'd Moby.
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    i sprayed them a little with some of the epsom salt water, right as lights go off. I am very curious about flushing now, since all this happened from just one try. Flushing in soil before a harvest is still good for the regular, average nute fed plant, right? It just wouldnt be a good idea...
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    hey Gardener, thanks for stopping in. i'll deffinitly keep giving her a balanced supply of fert and ph'd water :) thanks! i know i said i'd have some pictures up, but its been crazy with work and school right now, i'll deffinitly have some up tonight! Cheers everyone :leaf:
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    im not gonna flush, thanks all.
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    A nute burn ? But another flush would be ....? Good? Bad?
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    Hey max, glad to hear its magnesium and I didn't mutilate her further with the salts :)
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    Hey porridge, thanks for stopping in. Idk how it could be an excess of N, bc of the facts mentioned by king, and also, I fed my Ice plant just as.much nutes as moby, maybe a fraction less, and she is showing no damage. I'll upload pics tonight for comparison.
  13. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    hmm you guys are giving me lots to think about. i thought i did my research, but there is just so much information! i just gave it its first dose of epsom salt, i did slightly less than a tablespoon, and from whta i could tell from reading, a tbs per gallon works. i figured a little less...
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    oh yeah epsom salt. thats right. how much would i be feeding them? x amount with every watering? and hmm. yeah i'll do that thanks hehe
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    oh thats right, epsom salt. how much should i feed them? every watering with x amount? and oh.. i guess i should move it outside. i shall.
  16. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    hey max, thanks for stopping in, even if it was just to say hi to king :D. but really, thanks for the info- i will be stopping in my local hydrostore tomorrow for some magnesium juice :) cheers!
  17. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    hmm, id agree and say its probably heat, just because i dont have a fan in there, but the Ice doesnt have any damage to her leaves. and theyre about the same distance from the light as well. perhaps the overfert occured, but most of this leaf damage didnt show until after the flush. i'll...
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    alright cool thanks for the help. yeah the other plant is doing wonderful :) i just threw up some pics so hopefully that helps.
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    just an update with some pics. the 3rd one, titled "okay" shows at least one cola that doesnt seem to be that affected.
  20. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    Thanks king, I appreciate the help. I'm on my phone right now so I won't get into the water details, only that I have 2 plants fed with mostly the same amount of nutes, with the flush being the only thing I've done different. That's why I'm putting so much stock into flushing. Mid way through...