Search results

  1. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    I agree with each of your points except in regards to flat tax. although I mentioned earlier that I was in favor of a comsumption/sales tax instead of a flat tax. I think that SS should be Untouchable but balk at individual investment options, seems risky at best. I am all for closing down bases...
  2. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    Roads are both state and federal and are not entirely paid by Gas taxes. They are also paid by state and federal taxes. Schools are also partially paid by federal monies.
  3. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    Cheers on the Black Domina. The public University costs the student a great deal of money and therefore hs already been payed for. Why should they be double taxed for their education. . If a person who is poor pays as your example showed pays a flat 10% at $1,500 a year in taxes and yet enjoys...
  4. kendothegreenwizard

    Bristol Palin Paid Up To 30K For Abstinence Speeches

    I don't know what search engine you are using but Google and Bing both turned up the abstinence posts. Every link on these sites I have gone to posts that Bristol will be speaking about pregnancy prevention, abstinence, faith and life.
  5. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    It probably happens a lot more than we notice, I agree with him as well and so Me thinks a bong rip is in order.
  6. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    Now that was funny.
  7. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    Put into those terms I can accept your argument. A pay as you go type of deal in reference to the businesses. I still don't think that individuals shoudl pay more based upon thier level of incoome.simply because they can absorb it easier. I can readily accept your version of businesses use the...
  8. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    Uh! Cranial rectal insertion on my part. SOOOREEEEE!!
  9. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    Tru dat. I also learn a lot. I pay more attention than you might think. You have already taught me a few things.
  10. kendothegreenwizard

    Support Arizona, buy travel and more at this website dedicated to helping Az overcome

    BUYCOTT ARIZONA Here you will find links to buy Az goods, vacation there, how to boycott the boycotters, show support or facts and links that support the immigration law. Show your support for Az and boycott the boycotters today. THere are many links thaht...
  11. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    You keep trying to lump me in with Glenn Beck. I detest Beck so Just Cut it out. :D The difference between you and I is that I do not feel it is right to PASS off my tax on to someone else beacuse they can SO EASILY ABSORB IT as you say. What right do I have to take away from someone elses...
  12. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    by these very guidlelines you outline Christians should be labeled terrorists as well as murderers and oppresors and Anti-semites, anti homosexuals, haters, killers, zealots and fanatics. We all can agree that not all christians blow up abortion clinics or Kill abortion doctors, or oppress...
  13. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    Is that right. I should count myself with the Becks or Buchanans. How can I support my position with someone at the poverty line paying 10% you ask? Because I and my family are well below the poverty line in relation to income level so the assumptions you make are of no substance. I would be...
  14. kendothegreenwizard


    Medicineman. Do you really think that everyone who disagrees with you is rich.? Do you really think that Libertarians are shallow and rich and selfish braggards. I know quite a few Liberterians and not a single one is rich. You really tend to throw about a lot of labels and make a many...
  15. kendothegreenwizard

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    It's not your birth certificate that is of worth it is your body and net worth of the sweat of your brow that is of worth. You are a commodity that has been sold to the International banker as collateral against all debts previous or forthcoming. That is what the Social security system is about...
  16. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    And what is wrong with a flat tax? AS long as it is applied accross the board. At present we are paying what amounts to a flat tax only the rich and the poor are pretty much exempt, as exemplified in the statistic that 47% of Americans do not pay taxes and further that the rich are loaded with...
  17. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    My egg fu is superior to your griffin technique.
  18. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    I say pay exactly the same, accross the board. I am in favor of a 10% accross the board tax. No exeptions for the poor or the rich. Or even a sales tax only provision. that applies to goods sold, except of course food. As far as the Lunacy of the bteaparty. I have had some teaparty members go...
  19. kendothegreenwizard

    Bristol Palin Paid Up To 30K For Abstinence Speeches

    Was it called," Drill baby drill?"
  20. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    The results are the same. Just as a burning cross has such inflamatory connotations to a black family. The results are the same as the westborough baptist example I cited. The KKK feels they are right in burning crosses and their racist ideology, the Westborough church feels they are right in...