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  1. kendothegreenwizard

    Bristol Palin Paid Up To 30K For Abstinence Speeches

    If she were to speak about her mothers failure to use contraceptives or her own failure to do the same then maybe I could understand the "Don't do as me or my mom did slant". But hell if not, I would give her a dollar for a pole dance :D
  2. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    So I am a liberertarian and I am wealthy and I have a superiority complex, I look down on anyone who does not achieve my position in life. More of the same assumotive , no basis rhetoric. I am not a libertarian, I am definitely not wealthy. It appears that you do not like to have your off base...
  3. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand Paul Wins!!!

    A movement gains momentum... This should send out a clear message to the entrenched parties. I formerly had VERY negative attitudes towards the Teaparty. I went against my own tennent of questioning the medias rampant deception. I saw the massive amounts of rhetoric being dumped in the...
  4. kendothegreenwizard

    Bristol Palin Paid Up To 30K For Abstinence Speeches

    I just vomited in my mouth. Bristol Palin being paid to speak!!!!!
  5. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    Yep. Again if you want to offend people that is your right to do so. I support your right to do so. I may not agree with it but that is besides the point. If you want to scribble a cartoon about Muhammad to make yourself feel better then have at it. Just don't expect others to look at you any...
  6. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    So because you generalized your statements they are not name calling. Because you lumped those who support Rand Paul as Crazy Righties you are above the rancor. By calling persons in the teaparty," Teabaggers" you are innocent of name calling. Perhaps you should take a closer look at yourself...
  7. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    I am all for dumping the old blood incumbents. They are like recycled sludge and nothing but tools of the Corporate sponsors that fund their elections. Rand paul is a True libertarian candidate From Wiki Political views Paul is a critic of the Federal Reserve,[55] the USA PATRIOT Act,[23] the...
  8. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    And of course that is your right. Just as it is the right of the Westbourough baptist church to cheer the deaths of soldiers and the KKK to call for lynching blacks and NAMBLA to demonstrate for Phedophile releationships. I do not support thier platforms either but do support their right to...
  9. kendothegreenwizard

    So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

    Don't hold your breath bro. There are none. Even Mexico and Canada require Passport or ID birth certificate, etc at all times for foriegn nationals . In Mexico you need a tourist card which must be presented upon demand to an officer. Failure to possess or present is grounds for fine and...
  10. kendothegreenwizard

    How does this whole oil biz work,in the US?

    Institute for the analysis of global security We pay about $3.00 for a gallon of gasoline at the service station. But the real price of gas is much higher and camouflaged by myriad direct and indirect costs associated with maintaining our oil economy. How...
  11. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    What about my post did you not understand? I fully support our rights to free speech as was Plainly posted. further I plainly posted that I am a member in support of those who draw a caricatures right to do so. AS far as my personally drawing a picture of Muhammad I fail to see how my...
  12. kendothegreenwizard

    war on drugs losong steam

    Marc Emery for example.
  13. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    I agree. I joined because I was going to draw a picture. After dialogueing with several very cool Muslims I decided that I would not draw but would remain as a member in solidarity of our right to do so.
  14. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    Ah yes. As I expected. I will miss your witty little pictorial depictions. TTFN
  15. kendothegreenwizard

    Ground Zero Mosque

    I have to say that posting up about Jewish sites being built over with the Jewish settlements in Palestine being built over every home, mosque, hospital and school that once stood there is pretty backwards. There really is no arguing that this is a project by good people for the use of...
  16. kendothegreenwizard

    So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

    Does that imply that since you smoke pot you think all laws are to be broken? Can we come and steal all your valuables then? do you think that is OK?
  17. kendothegreenwizard

    So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

    WHAT encroachment? The northern border is much tighter than the southern border..Go Figure?!? The fact that you do not live that close to the southern border is probably one of the reasons you are not worried about the porous southern border. Those who live along the southern border are living...
  18. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    The pot calling the kettle black. You are the one who posts calling people conspiracy nuts, Aren't you? You think you are above it all and yet you are just what you imply. IMHO drawing pics of Muhammad is like making fun of Martin Luther King or Ceasr chavez to show the crips or Nortenos whats...
  19. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    Drawing cartoons of Muhammad offends all Muslims, not just the radicals. Just as posting a cartoon that depicts the whole of islam as terrorists as with the cartoon The face of Muhammad is lumping all Muslims together. Who has their panties in a bunch here. Not me. I simply point out that you...
  20. kendothegreenwizard

    So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

    I am all for Militarization of our borders to stop the rampant drug smuggling, illegal immigration, kidnapping in southern states and crime that is perpetrated on American citizens.