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  1. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    ^^^^^No blind racist tendencies here. You do a complete disservice to yourself by lumping all muslims as radicals, no less of a disservice as those who comapare all blacks to crips, or all mexicans to La familia. Muslims against radical Islam.
  2. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    I whole heartedly agree. I am not a tea party member but believe just as you do.
  3. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Regulated immigration is good. Illegal immigration of 15million plus with amnesty is bad.
  4. kendothegreenwizard

    Man Grew Strongest Ever Cannabis (That The Police In The UK Ever Seen)

    LOL I have the UK cheese and it is not 29% thc. Remember that this is the police saying this cannabis is the strongest ever. THe same police who say that a grow op is worth millions of dollars
  5. kendothegreenwizard

    Rand paul wins

    Tea-baggers, Crazy righties, abscond?!? More of the typical name calling. It always amazes me how persons act so above others and yet show the same attitudes and actions as those they rail against. You rail against Rand Paul and the ,"Tea-baggers" and yet you did not state one single thing...
  6. kendothegreenwizard

    Ground Zero Mosque

    He had me convinced at primitive animals!!! The radicals are not the whole of Muslim society.
  7. kendothegreenwizard

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    Correct me if I am wrong. What I hear you saying is that unless I sign the paperwork, as in when I sign my tax statement the laws are unenforceable. I remember reading something to this effect in a tax resistor pamphlet about how you have to sign the tax document stating that you wil pay taxes...
  8. kendothegreenwizard

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    Here is what the provisions of the bill says. Failure to pay the Mandated healthcare insurance subjects one to Criminal penalties Prosecution is authorized under the Internal revenue code for a variety of offense. Depending on the level of non-compliance, the following penalties could apply...
  9. kendothegreenwizard

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    Show your proof of this then if you are correct.
  10. kendothegreenwizard

    Global MOMS act

    Not the steralization practices performed by WHO and Eugenics minded organizations. Actual birth control such as condoms. this would also help with the spread of Aids. Then the same for 2nd world countries. I would then move on to educating religious fundamentalists llike Christians who have...
  11. kendothegreenwizard

    Global MOMS act

    Because I am a realist and recognize that we are beyond the sustanable population I have no empathy. Do you disagree that we are not beyond a sustainable population on this planet? You are truly a piece of work. I have vast empathy. My statement did not imply that the mothers should be left to...
  12. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Look at that there is only one area that we disagree and that is immigration. I am generally left leaning in my views but do not allow that to sway me from bucking party rhetoric when I do not agree. I see the AZ law about ethnic studies as a step away from seperatist ideals. The law does not...
  13. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    TY I understood that portion. No worries I was pointing out where the confusion would have come about.
  14. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Of course By all accounts in your mind you are superior in intellect and intuition than everyone you debate. Must be great to be you.
  15. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    And you expect them to say anything different. WHat else is the LA Raza going to say," Yes we are racist and support the overthrow of America" You rely quite a lot on Wilipedia for your info , don't you! I support militarizing our border as well as support not allowing ILLEGALS access to our...
  16. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    I just posted on the page that I will not draw a picture of Mohammed because I do not wish to hurt muslims. After reading a few of the posts from both sides. I had to realize that there is no point in being an ass and drawing a picture to simply hurt them . I also stated that I have joined the...
  17. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    ^^^^ xlnt article fdd2blk. So much for Dukeofbajas La Raza! This is the La Raza at street level. Not the La Raza that comes from wikipedia articles that the Dukeofbaja tried to present ad hominem This is what my post was elluding to in regards to La Raza, brown power and Brown seperatism...
  18. kendothegreenwizard


    ^^^^^ what nodrama posted.
  19. kendothegreenwizard

    May 20th - Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!

    What is comical is how you support extremist ideals that threaten and even kill in the name of their God by pointing out that ," THere are extremists in every religion" Yes but how many religions kill and threaten over a cartoon depiction, that is what is truly comical relief. You would cut...
  20. kendothegreenwizard

    Global MOMS act

    You are truly a piece of work! Lets let the goverment do everything for us. You would support the dept of toilet paper security and promote the merits of their mandated 6 sheets per wipe.