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  1. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    Yeah it is nice! I'll definitely keep you updated on the result. Hoping for good yeild. We will see. The growth the last couple days have been violent from a couple to multiple leaves, from small to big so fast. Crazy how these things grow so fast! I'm really enjoying my first experience of...
  2. 3picdc

    Humidity levels in grow tent

    I have one bowl of water and a wet rag in my grow tent, humidity was 30s now in the 50s.
  3. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    The filter idea is interesting! I might try that sometime. I like to try different things. Yes the filter is there It is sucking from the inside its at the top inside the tent the blue thing with a red bungee cord holding it lol I wish goodwill was closer to me but I have to drive like 30 miles...
  4. 3picdc

    First time grow, setting up small time apartment microgrow. Tips, anyone?

    CFLs will be much hotter than LED though LED costs more. If you can afford it Amazon has Apollo LED 109 Watt Grow light for $100. I just switched from CFL due to heat problems. Mind you I also keep my house cool, about 70f. Still gets hot in my grow tent. CFL I was in the high 80s to 90s with...
  5. 3picdc

    First time grow, setting up small time apartment microgrow. Tips, anyone?

    Honestly bro, it is not worth the risk being that you have management come in the house. Remember even the slightest smell might catch their nose and your done. My plant is only a couple weeks old and is already able to be smelled faintly but need to be close. But if you are that determined...
  6. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    Well it's only 109watts so I want more watts for bigger yield. So I think two should be perfect. It's an active air 6" inline.
  7. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    Yeah so far I am liking the LED. Still time should be the judge, but they seem to do what they are suppose to do very well. The Apollo have 3 watt Epistar chips which I was told to look for though they are actually running at something like 2 Watt to improve the lifespan of the unit. I also hear...
  8. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    I put my germinated seed directly into Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Most said that it was to hot for seedlings. I flushed the soil a little before planting and it did great. So I'm not entirely sure how much nutes are left. I think I will give it a couple days when I water next to add a really small...
  9. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    Thanks for the help! Yeah my PH has been a little high like 7-7.8 so I am using apple vinegar mixed with my well water to bring down the PH.
  10. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    Okay so like 25% strength maybe? And should I wait a couple days being I just watered? Thanks
  11. 3picdc

    Nutes for autoflower

    So I noticed a little "ring" shaped very small outer yellow color on the leaf. Also very faint yellow down the crease of one leaf. I'm wondering if it might be time to add nutes or not. It sprouted 1-28-15 and it has a few nodes and I think it's 3rd set of leaves. I just watered yesterday...
  12. 3picdc

    roots above the soil... Read third post below

    I just got back from the movies and ran to check it, and the leaves straightened up. Must have been thirsty. I also put more soil around the pot to cover the exposed root. Kind of odd, maybe the way I planted after germinating caused it. I had noticed after planting and it sprouted the roots...
  13. 3picdc

    roots above the soil... Read third post below

    Okay thank you so much. Think I'm smothering it with love I'll just let it go haha
  14. 3picdc

    roots above the soil... Read third post below

    Thanks. Got them down now. I was looking at it, noticed a root growing above the soil. That's not good is it? What can I do?
  15. 3picdc

    roots above the soil... Read third post below

    I came home today after work, found it grew those top leaves since this morning. Wow. But the problem is the grow tent was ranging about 80-85 degrees F. The bottom leaves look a little droopy, I watered over 4 days ago, so could it be it was just hungry? I just watered it as the top of the soil...
  16. 3picdc

    Dug up seedling by accident

    To anyone wondering, although it has only been a day. The seedling looks good, the leaves have doubled in size, so I imagine it is fine cause it grew quite a bit overnight.
  17. 3picdc

    Dug up seedling by accident

    Thanks for the reply! Makes since gravity will take over.
  18. 3picdc

    Dug up seedling by accident

    The weird thing is the white tap root is growing sideways then down. Is this normal? goes about half an inch before going down, and those roots that go down are thin. I am a noob so I do apologize. The seedling looks with green leaves though.
  19. 3picdc

    Dug up seedling by accident

    Okay thank you! I am freaking out.
  20. 3picdc

    Dug up seedling by accident

    I made a mistake, I accidentally exposed the root to a couple day old seedling and had to touch it to fix it. Do you think it will live. Just happened a few minutes ago. I am an idiot lol