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  1. Growdict


    his texadas are designed to finish better outdoors. I just finished one of his c99 indoors, very bushy plant, ended up needing a lot of support in flower. great smoke, but a pain to trim cuz i got lazy and didnt lollipop it.
  2. Growdict

    Idea for bracing your Garden Fence Post

    Fugly and tripping hazard, NIMBY
  3. Growdict

    is my butter too strong?

    try it out. do it on a lazy saturday with no other plans. Bear in mind, it can take awhile to take effect. so dont take more for at least 2 hours. i usually start with 0.5-1 tablespoon. you can smoke one at about the same time and by the time that starts to wear off, the other should kick in.
  4. Growdict

    bcblondes should I buy it or not any suggestion?

    If you go thru the pics on his website you might be able to see them. They are finned aluminim disks about 4x4x1" approx. and active cooled with fans
  5. Growdict

    Question about coco coir and smart pots

    i can answer a few of these 1. put a 1/2x1/2" screen stapled to a wood frame over a tote 2. some people put a bit of plain gravel at the bottom, if that is a concern 3 no, it still collects in tray. however, you do need to water more slowly to prevent it coming out the sides. i use 2gph...
  6. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    Choomer- I like your post, it is well thought out. I still disagree ;) 1. Whoever added apologize, it is incorrect because Clapper has denied it came from the Intelligence side. This information was already disseminated and some dealt with info already in the public domain. 2a. I will give...
  7. Growdict

    I may have CHS syndrome , what can I do now ?

    there are people who are allergic to water. So anything is possible. It is also possible it is a problem with liver, pancreas, GI reflux or probably dozens of things. be honest with your doctor about your MJ usage. Keep a log of what you eat/drink/smoke and recurring symptoms. It can...
  8. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    answer, troll.
  9. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    it was the first google search that had a direct copy of the letter. now, answer the fugging question.
  10. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    sorry, what country exactly did this start international tensions/diplomacy in? hint- USA doesnt count as international
  11. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking clapper's statement can be found here
  12. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    1. you added apologize, Clapper did not take ownership of leak 2. these are completely different stories 3. you didnt answer my basic premise that having a 3rd party expert makes sense
  13. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    if you cant see why having a third party expert between you and the FBI could be beneficial, you are fairly stupid. Try to think outside of partisan lines for a second, do you think DJT and RNC would just hand over all their private computers to FBI if they had a breach? cmon, he wont even...
  14. Growdict

    Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

    they did hire someone to look at the server. Pay attention.
  15. Growdict

    Trump's News Conference

    that is some funny shit right there.
  16. Growdict

    Disposing Carbon Air Filters

    3 main parts, outer prefilter - garbage carbon charcoal - compost, or spread in woods. steel frame - recycle or just empty and re-fill, hand wash or replace the prefilter - cheap.
  17. Growdict

    Trump's News Conference

    I love that he is so pissed at buzzfeed for the published memo, "this is unverified! so sad! fake!" but has no problem spouting off unverified claims by wikileaks. hahaha, everybody knows buzzfeed is not a news organization. TMZ is next i guess. maybe they will publish a doctored photo of him...
  18. Growdict

    any tips on chopping

    I normally cut the plant into individual branches no larger than my forearm. i find it dries much more evenly if they are fairly uniform in size. i use a clean pair of pruning shears for this task. if possible hang these to dry in the space just outside of the tent/room where the air intakes...
  19. Growdict

    1st Blow to Women's rights

    5th time- No US federal funds go to abortions, ever. This is a totally separate issue, they want to not pay PP for the normal womens health services they provide like pap smears and mammograms under the Medicaid program.