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  1. rexx8

    can sum 1 tell if 4 23w cfl's will be good for 2 plants to veg to be 2 ft tall?

    id go with six to eight, two rows of three or four i have 1 30" plant under 4 cfls now and its a little on the dim side:idea:
  2. rexx8

    4 CFL's good enough

    first you want 26w 6500k for veg state use the 2700k for flowering and set them up like this btw avatar is my plant pure cfl grow with 4 cfls:weed:
  3. rexx8

    mother plant (pics)

    anybody had this b4 :sad:
  4. rexx8

    How Do i Flush my plants after nut burn

    just saying im not going to have to dump 25 gallons of water into my 5 gallon bucket for a flush maybe on a bad day 15 gallons but 25 just sounds a little overkill to me not to mention it would take 3 hours to do it:o
  5. rexx8

    mother plant (pics)

    listen i know this is in the wrong place but all the people answering questions today in plant problems are noobs has anybody seen this before this is starting at the bottom and working its way up i got ff tiger bloom on the way i don't know if its a def. or not this only happens when 1 leaf...
  6. rexx8

    mother plant problems(pics)

    any one else agree??????????i use was using 15-15-15 i don't think is that ive been in flowering for three weeks using that for the first two now im waiting on my tiger bloom to get here :o
  7. rexx8

    clones not growing?

    yeah complete from seed to now 4, 26w, 6500k for veg 4, 23w, 2700k for flowering i post all the time so keep an eye out for more pics (i need to make a grow log):weed:
  8. rexx8

    How Do i Flush my plants after nut burn

    WOW PEOPLE just give the guy a strait answer listen to me if your in a soil or soilless mix then your pH needs to be 6.2-6.8 going in and coming out after doing a flush. If your tap water is to high get pH down if its to low get pH up and make it right before using. BTW You use 2 times the...
  9. rexx8

    clones not growing?

    pics of them, just flushed them yesterday because of the nutes i put in i thought twice about it and accidentally posted b4 i finished explaining and putting in my pics so here they are:clap: :weed:
  10. rexx8

    mother plant problems(pics)

    this is starting at the bottom and working its way up i got ff tiger bloom on the way i don't know if its a def. or not this only happens when 1 leaf is covering the spot where it is turning brown:o last 2 pics is the top of plant which looks great:weed:
  11. rexx8

    clones not growing?

    i have these 2 clones taken at the same time from the mother (which started as bag seed) they are three weeks old and they both have a good amount roots but they aren't getting any taller or bigger they are under a 6500k daylight cfl im my grow box temps are 67-74 they only get watered with 6.5...
  12. rexx8

    I need help adjusting ph.

    id wait till they dry out a little b4 flushing and remember nutes will bring it down because of the salts build up you need to flush with twice the amount of (6.5) water your pot can hold so for a three gallon pot you need to flush with 6 gallons to flush properly then finish with 1/4-1/2...
  13. rexx8

    Fuck Gnats!!! Help.

    not to sound like a jerk but try reading though other posts before you ask questions everybodys answer is already here just have to take the time to look for it read this:-o
  14. rexx8

    I need help adjusting ph.

    i went from 8.5+ to 6.5 in one flush followed up with 1/4nutes and i was fine (im not positive if its good) but i didn't notice any ill effects from doing so. Id say your doing more damage with a high pH than if you shocked it once. Im not a pro either i just read a lot. BTW my avatar is my...
  15. rexx8

    potasium def???????

    "They are under a 1000w MH 80f with light on and at lowest 58f light off". that is way to much of a temp swing you want to keep it +/- ten degrees and 58f:o is way to cold. I try to stay in the 67f-77f area
  16. rexx8

    cannabis re classafied class b

    did anybody know that the declaration of independence and the constitution are written on hemp paper:wall: blessed country we live in good old USA some people may not agree but i think alcohol should be illegal and pot should be legalized
  17. rexx8

    clone box(what do you think)suggestions

    it never gets above 77-78 ever that comp fan works good and im only using 1, 26w 6500k clf don't think I'll have to worry about fire :fire:(famous last words right lol)
  18. rexx8

    fox farms question

    im looking to buy a plant food im on my third week of flowering and wondering if i should use the fox farms tiger bloom 2-8-4 or beasty blooms 0-50-30 for this part of growing:?:
  19. rexx8

    clone box(what do you think)suggestions

    what do you think about the grow box above suggestions welcome:idea: