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  1. xSwimToTheMoon

    Is my weed supposed to be purple

    I've got a plant starting to look that yellow. I assumed it was because I STOPED feeding too soon before harvest.
  2. xSwimToTheMoon

    Is my weed supposed to be purple

    Is this happening to every plant you raise? I know I saw ur other plant turn purple at the tip. Maybe it's the conditions causing it? Low temps? Looks pretty tho.
  3. xSwimToTheMoon

    Getting the Magic Beans

    Yes sir that is rather unusual. I would contact herbie asap. They contact me back always. Same day.
  4. xSwimToTheMoon

    deficiency in flowering..

    Going from what I see in the pics, which isn't much, they look like they're almost done. I can't spot any pistils and they seem swollen, and look like normal late flower plants imo.
  5. xSwimToTheMoon

    Male pre-flowers

    I think males show first, so you should be good to go with your other plants. there's exceptions of course tho
  6. xSwimToTheMoon

    PH or magnesium lockout?

    @Alienwidow I wasn't aware of this and I had to start supplementing calmag myself around that timeframe. That Seems pretty spot on. I have it bottled on hand, but for the newest plants I've got going, I added some d.lime. I'll see where Im sitting in about a month :)
  7. xSwimToTheMoon

    Jack herer....bud shots day 47

    Is crowing the start of swell? Or the "home stretch?" Looks good btw. I was thinking of trying the auto version. How tall are those beauties?
  8. xSwimToTheMoon

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    I'm not saying your wrong, but my plants very much enjoy fox farm nutes, Fox farm soil, they perk up a little everytime I type or mention fox farm. I use light warrior, and monitor my ppms to make sure I don't hurt any of the girls. With the ff trio and cal mag, you have almost everything you...
  9. xSwimToTheMoon

    Custom Rigs

    Are those haterade bottles full glass? Those are pretty cool.
  10. xSwimToTheMoon

    1st time full grow, Thoughts and opinions? (in progress)

    Yea that thing is pretty bushy. Hopefully it's a pretty little lady. Good job with the tequniques used. when you say you added lime, did you water with it? Or dress the top of the soil a bit? I've got dolomite. Thought about leasing it dissolve and use it like a supplement before, but that...
  11. xSwimToTheMoon

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    I add some lime to the ocean forest and use seed starter soil at first btw, op. the dolomite lime I have is (I think) supposed to help buffer ph longer than the oyster shell they use in ocean f. But def always ph. Especially if you have aspirations of going hydro in the future, like me! Good...
  12. xSwimToTheMoon

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Brand matters to an extent. You get what you pay for with lights. I'm not familiar with those brands however. are they led lights? I just use a simple ballast/econowing xl with a 400w hps. I have 4 plants under that now, and I'll never have to screw around with any other additional lighting...
  13. xSwimToTheMoon

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    I use fox farm soils and nutes. Its all pre made and ready to use. can't go wrong with hid lighting. Even a small lamp will get you going.
  14. xSwimToTheMoon

    Trip on this.

    There's a music section. This section is for asking advice and trolling people only.
  15. xSwimToTheMoon

    What is this cannabis?

    I have no clue lol. I'm coming up on round two and everytime I think I've made a choice, something great catches my eye. I would pick something that matches your tastes and space. They will offer countless options! The ryder family is great to start imo if you like autos. I really should do...
  16. xSwimToTheMoon

    About to harvest my first plant!!!

    It looks like its turning purple where the light hits the main cola the most. If you were to sell it, you could bag up the tip and call it mcguilla fruitcake or w.e else you wanted lol. Great bag appeal. People love to see purple around here.
  17. xSwimToTheMoon

    What is this cannabis? ! Im not worried about seeds getting me in trouble. It's the ones in full flower that can get you Lol.
  18. xSwimToTheMoon

    I'd start a journal but...

    Lol that's a pretty good way to describe it. They do kind of bust from a skin when they grow. Totally normal. When they do and the stems get little white bumps, I consider it entering veg. Looking pretry good so far, but I've messed up packing soil in too hard before. couldn't hurt t9 check that.
  19. xSwimToTheMoon

    About to harvest my first plant!!!

    That looks really good dude. Got some color change at the tip of the cola :)
  20. xSwimToTheMoon

    any 1 want to grow a auto with me ???

    I think the trio is designed to take u from seed to harvest on its own. It is wierd that they offer 10 other supplements tho. I haven't used them, but I am going to try the flower boosters. I use the fox farms chart and just try my best to read the girls with my autos.