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  1. xSwimToTheMoon

    what's the max you can veg for.

    Check out some vids on YouTube of outdoor plants in 200+gal pots!
  2. xSwimToTheMoon

    So Far, So Good..?

    Looks ok. I would expect that to happen in less than ideal conditions. My bottom leaves get the least light and nutes and things poured over them from time to time. They die, but they don't nessesarilly need them.
  3. xSwimToTheMoon

    leaves curling up why ?

    Could be a bit warm. But it's probably just what the leaves do. Cannabis has a unique leaf shape and edges grow into themselves often.
  4. xSwimToTheMoon

    7 day old seedling looks like it's dying

    I've started seedlings in ffof with no prob. But a bag of light warrior will last many grows. The worst thing I see here is a clear container.
  5. xSwimToTheMoon

    oscillating fan over pots?

    I'll do it to keep seedling stems dry and encourage hardening. When they begin the veg stage, I bring the fan up to the canopy.
  6. xSwimToTheMoon

    newbie growin northern lights

    If you can fill that space with one plant, that's great. I cannot, unfortunately :( I should have mentioned my reply was more personal opinion. I can't get the yield with one as I can with 2. After reading more in the coming months and experimenting, maybe. But I would never try learning new...
  7. xSwimToTheMoon

    water running straight through pot

    Even with good soil, you may have to rough the surface up from time to time. Keep it porous.
  8. xSwimToTheMoon

    Bud Development

    She's coming along. Mine have looked like this for weeks lol. The vertical growth will stop and itl just turn out more little tiny leaves and the calyxs will multiply. Looks good. Beautiful bagseed.
  9. xSwimToTheMoon

    newbie growin northern lights

    Sorry man, I was out of it last night. I meant to day 2x4. 2 photo plants veged for a month would fill that space imo. It would be cramped, but just plain not wise to do less imo, if growing bud is your goal. 2 plants aren't harder to manage than one. Honestly for me, if I'm growing and Ive...
  10. xSwimToTheMoon

    Bud Development

    Probably another week or more of a hairy plant.
  11. xSwimToTheMoon

    additional help requested!

    Bump. I could really use some insight. I'm really not sure what to do and would like a few opinions.
  12. xSwimToTheMoon

    newbie growin northern lights

    Sorry, I was assuming you were doing autos? 2 sounds about right for 1 month veg in a 4x8 with photos. It will be cramped, but I would at least try.
  13. xSwimToTheMoon

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    When they flower they start to need more. The vertical growth means you need light to penetrate the canopy, or train your plants up nice. (I think) I just leave my plants be and use an hid bulb. I haven't had to worry about a lack of light yet. Leds are kicking butt too. Flowering needs big...
  14. xSwimToTheMoon

    newbie growin northern lights

    At least 3-4. I'd say.
  15. xSwimToTheMoon

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    I don't see any preflowers yet. Males usually show first, bit you can't tell for sure. They really do look healthy. With some more wattage they would be ready to charge into flower full force though.
  16. xSwimToTheMoon

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    You have some nice tequniques, and they are comming around. But they really would be happy with more light man. Happy plants=happy dance.
  17. xSwimToTheMoon

    First auto grow tips?

    Squirt bottle is best for seedlings imo as well. remember to dab the stems dry until they harden off, after squirting.
  18. xSwimToTheMoon

    my babys r going to have to die

    I would realisticly expect at least 4. I've grown 2 photos. One was male and the other is female and finishing up. I'm just doing feminized from now on Lol. It sucks seeing fat bulges ripen as you sit in denial saying 'couple more days."
  19. xSwimToTheMoon

    my babys r going to have to die

    That's probably close to 30 usd. my father bought seeds without converting and was surprised when the bank statement came through lol.
  20. xSwimToTheMoon

    my babys r going to have to die

    Sorry to hear that. Do everything you can to hold them over. If they don't make it, it wasn't meant to be. Better now than months from now.