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  1. xSwimToTheMoon

    i have a 50square meter house how many pot should i plant

    Lol I like this guy's style!
  2. xSwimToTheMoon

    Cant seem to get seeds to sprout

    I know what you mean. i guess it's like pre germination. You use the towels to see if the seed is viable, not really to germinate. If it don't start in the towel, it won't start in the dirt.
  3. xSwimToTheMoon

    Herbie's Seeds Shipment - Discussion on USPS Delay

    Yes, sorry for not quoting! my father is still waiting on his herbies order. he lives about a mile from me and he's been waiting longer than I usually do. I think it really is this weather, because it's been a safe bet on 10 days for me in my location before.
  4. xSwimToTheMoon

    Herbie's Seeds Shipment - Discussion on USPS Delay

    It may not be the best idea to post exactly what thier method of stealth shipping was for you. who's side are you on!? Lol jk
  5. xSwimToTheMoon

    Herbie's Seeds Shipment - Discussion on USPS Delay

    I got a tracking number 2 weeks ago. I had ONE update on my order from usps lol. It said it was in gardenville NY. Then it just said that for days. The next update I got was to tell me my order was in the mailbox lol.
  6. xSwimToTheMoon

    soil question quick response please

    That's a pretty good idea. I add perlite to my ocean forest, but start out in light warrior. Maybe I can just stop buying perlite....
  7. xSwimToTheMoon

    germinating seeds?

    I started out practicing with bagseed, and used the paper towel method to save soil. It's added risk, but I never tried to see which way is best. Just tried to dial in the paper towels. If you've got questionable seeds, it's a great way to know if they're ok before planting. I still do it the...
  8. xSwimToTheMoon

    growth difference

    How big are the containers? Could be alot going on under the surface.
  9. xSwimToTheMoon

    Is this a stupid idea?

    Hello guys thank you for checking in on me. My first round of seeds from a seed bank are about a day into germ. I think I have a solid plan to provide for my investment, but I can't help having some second thoughts, due to my overwhelming ignorance lol. I have ten lowryder #1 seeds in total...
  10. xSwimToTheMoon


    We'll need to know how old it is, if you're feeding it..ect. The more you can share, the more help you'll get. Pics are great too.
  11. xSwimToTheMoon

    looking for advice on flush period

    Thanks dude. The guy at my hydro shop was really pushing sledgehammer and telling me to follow the fox farm nute schedule, which has 2 flushes on the time chart. It's nice to hear honest advice from someone with nothing to gain lol.
  12. xSwimToTheMoon

    looking for advice on flush period

    Do you still do a big "all at once" flush right before harvest? Or do you ride that pony into the sunset? I've only flushed two plants, and for some reason, one was quite smelly afterward. I assumed it was the fertilizer I had been dumping into it lol.
  13. xSwimToTheMoon

    Sown Seed Depth

    I will totally keep this in mind. Thank you again dude for helping me hit these numbers. I need to raise my chance of success in these early stages of life, because I don't have much practice with it. One of my first seeds exploded and I kind of lost myself with it. It turned out to be a boy and...
  14. xSwimToTheMoon

    1st time indoor grower

    Those are some little cuties : D
  15. xSwimToTheMoon

    Sown Seed Depth

    Good lookin out fellas, thank you. Im going to keep my eye on the temperature and definetly scour for some useful bags to create a dome as you suggested Nomo. They may be a bit more practical and can help me hit the Temp optimally. I've got one more quick question if anyone cares to weigh in...
  16. xSwimToTheMoon

    1st time indoor grower

    Wait. This plant was watered once in 14 days? It looks pretty good. I usually hover over my seedlings waiting for the soil to dry. But these look better than alot of sprouts I've had lol.
  17. xSwimToTheMoon

    Sown Seed Depth

    Hey thanks alot for the advice dude, I really appriciate that. I went home and sealed my tent vents and my rh is nearing %60 and Temps are at about 82f. (my tent is 6.5ft and I've got three 10inch duct holes wide open at the top) Air can escape, but it has to travel to the tip-top of my tent...
  18. xSwimToTheMoon

    white kinda ttransparent film on leaves

    Mine look like that if I mist them too heavily with plain tap water. Looks like salt and minerals left behind from the water evaporating. Usually if you let water dry on any surface in droplets, it will look "spotty." you could try misting gently with plain water tommorw. It may help.
  19. xSwimToTheMoon

    Sown Seed Depth

    Hey guys, thanks for popping in to hear me out. I've been practicing with some ~3 year old bagseed, and I've got about a 50% sprout ratio. (Of the ones that were viable and germinated) This means I failed half of the time when dealing with good, germed seeds. I tried sprouting with peat pots...
  20. xSwimToTheMoon

    did i lollipop too little or too much?

    They are professionals and the super stealth comes with a guarantee. The freebies impressed me in my pack from last week, as well. I would say good luck, but you know what you're doing!