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  1. R

    what went wrong with my plant??

    I have no idea o.O notice any bugs or rot? I would say its either an infestation of the top part of the plant, or some kind of nute burn or disorder. Hopefully others will chime in with more help. How long did it take your girl to get this bad?
  2. R

    It's finally over! First grows complete!

    Was that a cacti in a jar? :clap: *edit* I realize now that it might just be flowers. At first glance it looked like some cacti :P sorry if I was mistaken!
  3. R

    maybe a stupid question

    Do you have a male plant, or pollen? If so you can use a paintbrush to paint certain buds to make just those produce seeds. If you do it right, the rest of the plant will just make bud since they don't get pollinated.
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    basic breeding ( I just want some seeds ;-)_~

    I can dig it indicat33 :weed: good on ya, and best of luck brother! I think ill be following the same idea once I get some experience under my belt.
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    LST ,when to stop

    I LST'd from start to finish with no ill effects. I had to have an even canopy since I use LED, so I kept my girl tied and twisted all the way through. If your tiedowns arent in the way, shouldnt be any harm in just keeping them there until you harvest.
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    My Strain 3 Weeks Old

    Yea, no matter what the seeds you get will have a chance at being a boy or a girl. Looks like you got some boys in the mix this time around! Also, thats some cool looking growth :P I have heard that 'mutant' plants like that can pump out some of the best flowers around sometime. That could also...
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    Plants Yellowing!

    They dont look *terrible*, but that is a bit more yellowing than you should be seeing this early in the plants life. Im not very experienced, but I would say that looks like Nitrogen Deficiency. Is your feed high in Nitrogen? Hopefully some others will chime in soon too, just in case im derping...
  8. R

    Afghan milk getting close take a look

    Girl looks good, seems to be getting close to the end judging by the leaves you have left :bigjoint: Have you checked out the post ( Theres a section on harvesting and curing, and that post pointed me in the right direction!
  9. R

    How can I know if my plant is happy or not?

    You'll get to know a plants life cycle once you get a few grows under your belt :weed: and thats for any plant, really! As Alpha said, perky and green is good. New growth is good. A happy plant will do its best to grow, and reach towards that light! Dry and crispy most likely means too many...
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    Few Questions from n00b_farmer.

    Im a newb when it comes to MH/HID lighting, but can you put a MH light in whatever fixture you have your HPS in? Or would you need another light setup to run your veg with the MH? If its a lot of hassle dont forget that there are all blue LED's you can use, T5 light panels that have the...
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    Hermie? Or just paranoid? Lol

    Like viper said, if its only just an isolated problem pull them off and you should make it just fine! If it comes down to it though, dont forget that you can always turn her into hash after harvest if she goes full ladyboy on you. Plus you can get some seeds to play with, although I hear that...
  12. R

    it's a girl!

    Kudos Jo, now the real fun starts! Do your best to keep her happy and she should pump out some quality flowers for you. :weed:
  13. R

    4 to 5 weeks in flowering but no real "buds" yet

    Umm, the plant looks fine lol. When you harvest you will cut your leaves away, and that will leave you with the bud. Your plant has plenty of buds on it currently.
  14. R

    Light setup?

    Have ~$120 to spend? There are cheaper setups too, one and two lamp panels, if you want to start smaller and see if you like it. That, or if you're handy you can build your own CFL setup like sunny...
  15. R

    What detox methods work?

    only sure thing for randoms are the 'fake dick' type setups :\ The other option I know of is Palo Azul. I have not tested, but it seems to be something a lot of people have faith in. Kind of like a temporary 'coating' of your bladder I guess that helps you piss clean. Idk though, I have no...
  16. R

    plant question

    yea, probably over watering :O
  17. R

    First Grow Ready To Flip. I need some guidance.

    5 gallon soil pot with some fox farms. then find nutes (fox farms makes a 3 pack), and run as directed. watch plant for signs of trouble. have fun <3
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    1st outside grow about 5 ft tall!! damn

    Thats one skinny girl! :P bet she will put on some curves come harvest time! Looking good
  19. R

    Am I ready to harvest ????

    In addition to the change in trichs you'll notice more of your leaves start to yellow and fall away. Thats usually what I look for :) shows my girl is nearing the end!
  20. R

    Thinking about trying T5 HO out!

    Hello everyone :) Just wanted to stop by and ask the experts for some advice! I'm currently an LED user, and I'm happy with the results my light has given me. I'm new to gardening in general though, and want some first hand experience with the different lights that are available. That being...