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  1. R

    is it ready now ? :)

    yea, the little crystals (trichromes) is whats important. Clear is too early, cloudy is good, amber or red/brown is starting to get too old. Most people seem to harvest when most are cloudy, and they have a little amber. If I understood right, clear/cloudy is a more speedy high where...
  2. R

    Growing mushrooms newbie

    Hope linking another forum isnt against the rules, sorry if it is :c Check out the Shroomery forums. RogerRabbit has some good PF TEK vids found at ( You can literally follow those directions for any shrooms that can be grown with the brown rice flower in a jar...
  3. R

    yellow leaves

    While it might be some nutrient disorder, I would assume your girl is just getting rid of a few leaves here and there ;) You'll notice near the end of a plants life the colors will change, and some foliage may (probably will) suffer. If you havent changed your regimen and this is happening, I...
  4. R

    How do you make your butter?

    Hello everyone :) I just recently made butter for the first time, and it turned out ok :) I did a quarter ounce per stick of butter with some ok DP Blueberry. The effect seemed to be about the same as smoking a bowl or two from one cupcake, a decent buzz. This strain (or my lack of a...
  5. R

    1st timer needs a hand

    Looks like they are nute burned, heat stressed, or underwatered. Are you just feeding every time you water, or are you doing plain water then feed and so on?
  6. R

    Will a 300w led fry my seedlings??

    Should be fine, just check them every once in a while :) I use a 100w LED for my seedlings and they love it.
  7. R

    JWH-018 + 0%THC buds

    Sorry man, cant help you on this one >.< Word of warning though, be really careful with how you dose synthetics. If you arent good with math or measurements and you slip up, you could be sending a lot of people on a bad trip, or to the hospital. Do yourself a favor and just grow some good bud...
  8. R

    plz help male or female plant?

    Lol xD yea, you still have a bit. You will notice ball like clusters if its a boy, and tiny hairs if its a girl. They will be in that crook there where the leaves meet the main stem. Also, just so we cover all our bases here, plants will usually only show sex once they hit the 12/12 light...
  9. R

    strain help

    The only experience I have with Dutch Passion so far has been their Blueberry. The yield was alright, nothing unusual either way - a solid harvest. The high is the same, nothing thats going to blow your mind but it will definitely put you out for the night if you have trouble sleeping ;) I know...
  10. R

    Help! Swollen Catlyx or Hermie?

    That plant probably wouldnt make any good smoke. Male parts use up a lot of the energy making pollen, and if they use that pollen your bud sites will fill up with seeds. Also, if what I read is right, a hermied plant will make seeds that have a higher chance to make hermie plants. So really...
  11. R

    Having issues keeping soil wet

    Hmm, my 5 inch container took four quarts of water at a time give or take. That would cause drainage from the bottom, and it would keep my plant good for 2-3 days. Thats a mature plant, I started my seeds out in solo cups. For seedlings use a smaller container if you can, then transfer the...
  12. R

    Help! Swollen Catlyx or Hermie?

    Oh yea, thats one to chop for sure. Was going to say, if its just a few balls you could try pruning and watch it from there. Probably not worth your time at all with this one.
  13. R

    Having issues keeping soil wet

    What are your containers? Red solo cups work great for the first few weeks. Poke holes in the bottom so the water can drain. Water until you see it draining out the bottom of the container then stop. Leave it until you can push your finger into the soil a bit and have no soil come back with you...
  14. R

    Help! Swollen Catlyx or Hermie?

    I agree with kDude :( sorry man, but I think thats a ladyboy. Is it on all the branches/nodes? Or just that one?
  15. R

    Newbie Questions please save my garden

    Also, if you're really worried about the strength of this plant, check out this thread ;) That should show you want you can do to your girls, and how strong they can be! It just takes time for your girls to beef up.
  16. R

    Newbie Questions please save my garden

    If the soil is known to work well with weed then you should be fine :) I would do a test though and add some Perlite to one container on your next grow and see if it helps! Usually it really helps to add air to your soil, which your roots need, and the rocks also hold moisture. You're right in...
  17. R

    Cutting lower buds off

    No problem, glad it helped :) goodluck with your girl!
  18. R

    Cutting lower buds off

    A lot of people will say yes and no to a question like that ;) Short answer, yes, cutting off the lower popcorn buds will allow your plant to send more energy to the top buds to help them do their thing. Will you see a notable difference? Maybe, maybe not - depends on the plant I guess. If its...
  19. R

    Just lost my babies to bud rot.

    That sucks bro :( sorry! Whats your grow area like? Indoors our out? If indoors, try not to mist the top of the plant at all. Just water the soil and keep a oscillating fan on your ladies at all times. Outdoors (which im assuming is your situation) I cant help with as much :( I hear that wet...
  20. R

    Noob question about a LED Light

    Check out My first grow was with their 100w LED from seed to finish. I wasnt expecting much seeing how it was only 100w, but my girl pumped out some great bud. I am very pleased with how things...