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  1. DurbanP

    Good thing Turkey is on our side against ISIS...

    Not starting a fight but---France? Just saying.
  2. DurbanP

    SOS cuz i'm a newb...

    Don't water everyday. Let the soil dry out. Pick up your pots and feel the weight of them. You will know when they need to be watered. The bottom leaves will start to wilt a little sometimes--slightly-that is usually how mine look before water. I do once every 3 days.
  3. DurbanP

    What led?

    I run the onyx in a 34 x 34 inch space. I think that is optimal footprint...maybe even a.little big for it. I'm saving my quarters at the moment to add additional lighting. Still very very happy with the light, but wI'll most likely add another light next run. My 2cents
  4. DurbanP

    Pistils turning dark orange - Week 2 of flowering.

    I had this happen in my current grow. Kept a.close eye on them, but no negative impact. As was mentioned above, they started kicking off so much white I forgot all about then. Good luck
  5. DurbanP

    opinion on when to stop feeding

    Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement! This grow has had some ups and downs. I was planning to harvest the plants at a few different times to experiment with what I like best. Glad to hear they need some time, I want them to pack on some more weight (hopefully). I figured another 3...
  6. DurbanP

    opinion on when to stop feeding

    Here are some pics. Unknown strain, started flowering on August 12th. Just wanted to see what you guys thought. I want to give it enough time to use up what is in the soil but not cut if off too soon. I was thinking about keeping it to molasses from here on out. Any thoughts? Getting a...
  7. DurbanP

    ultimate newbie stealth closet grow room

    Not exactly but close. I took a.picture of my exhaust for you to visualize. The fan is always the last in the chain. I don't run aN air cooled hood, but the set up wouldn't be much different. As I said before, carbon filter is a must imo. That would be the first in the "chain". Then you would...
  8. DurbanP

    ultimate newbie stealth closet grow room

    The are just designed to pull rather than push air. It is the same as hooking it up to a carbon filter. I believe (but might be mistaken) that the pulling keeps equalized pressure going through the system and draws the air out. I'm not trying to come across as by any stretch, but...
  9. DurbanP

    ultimate newbie stealth closet grow room

    . After. Always after. you never push air with the fan, always pull it.
  10. DurbanP

    ultimate newbie stealth closet grow room

    You want your fan after the light pulling the air through. Carbon filter---ducting (into light)--- ducting out of light---fan---ducting out of the room. Best set up would be 2 fans. One for smell and one for the light. The way I described above will work as well. Make sure the air Temps you...
  11. DurbanP

    ultimate newbie stealth closet grow room

    I'd save up and get an in line fan and carbon filter. That 400w HPS will kick off some real heat, but you also need to control the smell. Google cool tube set ups and see how they are hooked up. If you are dealing with Temps at 74 now, with that light you will be high 80's. Make sure you keep...
  12. DurbanP

    War crimes in Gaza?

    What about Abu tor, wadi al-joz, mount of olives, etc? What about the entire Galilee? All of.East Jerusalem? And it is.French Hill ( no "s"). If you hated Israel so.much why would you move to.retain citizenship? It has been such a.privilege watching Arabs get along with each other the...
  13. DurbanP

    War crimes in Gaza?

    So when bush and ehud olmert were in Annapolis accords and they idea of dividing Jerusalem was brought up, why did so many Arabs start building inside Israel (land that would remain in israel)? Look at French hill by Hebrew U and tell me Arabs can't build houses. They might play the game of...
  14. DurbanP

    Back in the game w/LED

    What type of.LED are you getting? I would use t5's as side lighting to hit up the underside of the canopy. I have a 2×4 mounted on the inside of my door hanging vertically, and rotate the plants every second day. They love it.
  15. DurbanP

    Back in the game w/LED

    I'd be concerned with co2 levels not have fans for exhaust and at least passive intakes to move fresh air in constantly. For veg the door open would probably work (but you also leave the opportunity to let bugs and such into your space). For flowering this will cause some issues during your...
  16. DurbanP

    A/C exhaust pulled through cool tube ...

    Sorry brother. I just don't see the advantage to doing it the way you are describing. A simple fan/carbon filter set up will remove a lot of the heat. I'd have the AC blasting in the room to get sucked into your intakes and get the hot used up air far away.
  17. DurbanP

    A/C exhaust pulled through cool tube ...

    That exhaust will be hot air. That's why it is designed to be vented outside. I would pump air into the room, have your carbon scrubber drawing in air from the cabinet, vented through the cool tube and and have your in line fan pulling the air to outside the growing space. 2 in line fans will...
  18. DurbanP

    Holidays and firerisk?? Thoughts please :)

    As said above. If it is safe enough to run when your friend is home it should be safe enough when he isn't there. If it is that much of a worry for him maybe it is time for a design of the setup. The cords and stuff hooked up shouldn't be an issue. If the house was wired correct that...
  19. DurbanP

    the girls are looking jacked up

    Thanks for the help guys. To answer some of the questions you asked. It has a .48" tower fan that blows on them, under and over he canopy, plus the intake is below the canopy with a nice steady stream of air coming in. I think it has a decent amount of air movement inside the cabinet. I'm...
  20. DurbanP

    the girls are looking jacked up

    Thanks for the reply. I don't think it is N toxicity. I flushed the soil well before last feeding. I've fed it lightly so far, last time feeding was my first at full strength. I think it is a humidity issue. It was taking a long time to dry out the soil between watering and the Temps...