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  1. werndogg

    Instead of Bottled Water, PH strips and PH Meters/Readers...Heres What YOU Can Do

    where would i find one of those? i should test my tap water actually i have some test strips for my fishtank that tell me all kind of info
  2. werndogg


    maybe i should start turning off my comp. at night, i think it has like a 200w or higher power supply.
  3. werndogg

    I am correct in thinking MH is best for veg?

    or use one of those combo ballasts, one that you can use 2 bulbs, and use 1 mh and 1 hps. that will get great results
  4. werndogg

    Instead of Bottled Water, PH strips and PH Meters/Readers...Heres What YOU Can Do

    just curious, if i didnt want to buy bottled water, or i was too lazy to distill water, could i use that stuff you put in water to make it safe for fishtanks? i know it has a little beneficial bacteria for fish and promotes a slime coating, would that be bad for plants?
  5. werndogg

    Some nice K2 bud almost ready!

    buds makin me drool...time to blaze
  6. werndogg

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    i'd be smokin lots of bud to ease the pain...
  7. werndogg


    wow, mine goes up like $30 - $40 between my 400w mh and all my fans. but, no one would know it was from that i could have a 60 in plasma tv and no one would know the difference
  8. werndogg

    I am correct in thinking MH is best for veg?

    thats what i have and it works great
  9. werndogg

    Baz's 600w HPS Suparoom - AK47 Grow Journal

    hey baz, nice set up man! big improvement from last time. Looks like were at about the same stage again lol, i'm on day 11 right now. only 4 this time but trying some different techniques. not half the set up you have now, but i have to work with the small space i have. you should check it out...
  10. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    It's day 11, I've never used Fox Farms Nutes before. The bottle says to start using within 2 weeks of sprouting, and to use 1 tsp with every watering. so i decided to use about 1/3 strength and i will do every other watering and will increase to 1/2 strength after the next feeding for 2 times...
  11. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    These next pics are at 9 days old. The twins are growing pretty slow, but they're growing. Probably because it needs to use twice as much energy to get as big as the others. The other smaller one is the one that almost didnt make it, but its doing fine.
  12. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    I've just been watering them every morning when the lights come on with distilled water. My timer is set to come on at 6:00 am (which is perfect b/c I work 7 - 4 every day) and turn off at 12:00am giving them 18 hours of light. The flouresent fixture I had hanging above the seedlings stopped...
  13. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    It's been a little bit since I've posted so heres an update. These next pics are at 4 days old.
  14. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    kind of wish i took a pic of the seed b4 i planted so you could see the 2 taproots.
  15. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    this is actually the 2nd time it happened to me. The same exact thing happened on my 2nd grow. It was just bagseed i got, i think it was northern lights, but i planted 3, 1 was female and it was the one that started the same way with 2 stems. so this is twice out of 4 total grows for me. like...
  16. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    the 4th pic shows 1 plant that is growing with 2 main stems. I had a feeling it was gonna do this cuz when I germinated thie seeds, this 1 had 2 taproots instead of 1. I was planning on topping and fimming each plant to get 4 stems on each so I guess this plant has a head start
  17. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    so here are my plants so far. only about 18 hours after they poked through the soil
  18. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    When I planted the seeds, I put some of my soil already mixed with the perlite into peat cups, then placed the peat cups in a plastic box i have for starting plants. Its like a mini greenhouse, stays warm inside and also retains moisture/ humidity. about 1 day later they popped up out of the...
  19. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    I started germinating my seeds 2 days ago. first i let the seeds soak in a glass of water for an hour, then I put them in moist paper towel, folded it twice, put the paper towel in a ziplock bag to retain moisture, then put the whole thing in my closet with the lights on for warmth but had the...
  20. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    This is my 1st journal and 4th grow. I'm far from being an expert and am just using the materials i can get in the small space i have. For this grow I am growing Power Plant seeds from Dutch Passion seed company ( I will be growing 4 plants. Here are some facts on my setup...