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  1. werndogg

    anyone ever try ladybugs for pest control

    I had a terrible problem with thrips on the grow i'm almost ready to harvest. when i had the thrip problem i tried different kinds of sprays like neem oil and safer soaps and they didnt work at all. When it was ladybug season where i live i went outside and caught 5 ladybugs and put them in my...
  2. werndogg

    worried about my plant

    are you talking about like the 1st set of leafs? if so then yes its normal
  3. werndogg

    If I were to try a sample of my plant...

    when i use the microwave to quick dry, i use it for 10 - 15 sec, depending on the size of the bud, then to reduce "sogginess" I place the bud on a napkin an put it in the freezer for about 1 min. when i take it out its dry.
  4. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    thanks man just in time lol, but how about a plastic ziplock container? would that do the same thing or does it need to be glass?
  5. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    now its time to trim my 1st plant of this crop. better smoke a bowl 1st. i usually save the smaller bud leafs and smoke those too, people dont like to buy leafy bud, and i cant stand to just throw them away cuz they're covered in trichomes. so i trim them off and put them in a seperate bag...
  6. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    on this particular plant i started noticing an amber trich here and there (maybe 3%) about 2 - 3 weeks ago. I just pulled this 1 up by the roots, the whole damn pot of soil came with it (7 gallons worth) so i know my roots were healthy, they were all over at the bottom. I decided to chop...
  7. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    ok, i think 1 of my plants is done, it has about 50 50 amber and cloudy trichs, although the overall appearance of the bud isnt as dark as some of my other plants that dont hardly have any amber yet. just about all of the hairs are red probably 98%. now one of my friends said his uncle pulls...
  8. werndogg

    What Do You Think Will Happen On 2012?

    lol i just watched that on the history channel last night
  9. werndogg

    What Do You Think Will Happen On 2012?

    as long as those damn koreans stop with their nuclear testing and dont get any funny ideas were good. Nostradomus had predicted that it would be a rogue that starts problems, and also that there would be a great fire from the sky, around the end of the world. this rogue could be korea as it is...
  10. werndogg

    i think i'm dying.

    didnt even notice the perlite, good call. ya, def. be careful how much water you use. and i probably wouldnt use nutes yet either
  11. werndogg

    i think i'm dying.

    ya you should be good, just keep an eye on it. those very bottom ones die off anyway
  12. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    guess i'll just take a chance and do it. I wont be starting new seeds for probably 2-3 weeks yet so i have some time to think about it
  13. werndogg

    Cloning Buckets vs Cubes

    600w mh should be hung 18 - 24 in from the top of the plants
  14. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    i like how 6 huge colas look in my closet, 16 would be fricken awesome
  15. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    do u think 1 plant with 4 main stems would take up much more room than 1 plant grown normally?
  16. werndogg

    i think i'm dying.

    i think it will be fine
  17. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    maybe i'll try it myself. now i just have to figure out weather i want 2 or 4 colas on each plant. 4 colas would be nice but i think 16 total might be a little too much for my closet. wouldnt it be like having 16 plants if i topped them early? the 6 i have now kind of overwhelmed my closet...
  18. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    thx for the link, any personal experience? yield difference?
  19. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    oh and speaking of topping, has anyone had any experience topping their plants a few times to get more colas? i'm just wondering if it yields more or less, how many times to top, and if it takes any longer to grow start to finish seeing as your chopping the top of your plant off. I have always...
  20. werndogg

    trichomes and curing

    go ahead and ramble, its ok lol. My 2nd grow was like that, I started with 3, but only 1 was female.. the female i ended up with naturally topped itself about 1-2 inches above the soil, so it was actually like having 2 plants. but from now on i'm ordering feminized seeds only, no more bagseed