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  1. .Calico

    Opiate Potentiates?

    Keep in mind that anything that decreases your ability to metabolize opiates can increase your likelyhood of od'ing, even grapefruit juice. Try out the WGFJ and benedryl on thier own at first. Then practice cocktailing.
  2. .Calico

    Opiate Potentiates?

    Personally, I eat my benedryl although i have seen it mixed with h, cooked, and shot. H on its' own requires about 1cc of H2O. If you plan on booting 2 benedryl along with your opi's, you're gonna need a bigger fit. Something along the lines of a 3ml. I find when i am IVing opiates, a...
  3. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    I just ran across this site, It goes along the lines of an Anarchists' Wiki. Right now I am reading one of thier .txt files on how to make your own lockpicks.
  4. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    I would also like to thank everyone for the kudos and +reps. When I started this thread I had 12 points. Now I'm up to 194. Wow. I've wanted to start this thread for awhile. Just like GI Joe says, knowing is half the battle!!!
  5. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Also, another sticky thread topic that we need is descriptions/experiences with botanical webstores. As long as we kept pharmacies off the list it shouldn't get closed.
  6. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Which page is that on, PEAS?
  7. .Calico

    Opiate Potentiates?

    The only thing i like mixing with Benzos is speed. Xanax+Ritalin= pharmaspeedball. Weed+coffee= hippie speedball. Oxycontin+MS Contin is another very enjoyable cocktail. We were also doing "Death Rides" which are a mixture of cocaine+nice clean crystal+Fentanyl soaked Oxycontin. It was...
  8. .Calico

    Opiate Potentiates?

    As the resident junky, I prefer benedryl or white grapefruit juice. It works just as well as Benzos but is far less lethal, especially when IVing. I don't smoke weed but that is another very effective potentiator. Hash brownies give the closest high to narcotics, are cheaper, and as safe as...
  9. .Calico

    Have you experimented with inhalents?

    There are some pretty "clean" starter fluids out there. Just grab a copper pipe, place a jar at the end, and spray into the pipe. What's left in the jar should be almost straight ether. It's clean enough to take rag-hits but not to drink. In Ireland, back in the olden-days, the English...
  10. .Calico

    if u like L like i do please help out with my ????

    Ever see that old cartoon with the Beatles soundtrack called "The Point"??? Or try Pinochio, Animetrix, Space Balls, Killer Klowns from Outerspace or pretty much anything in Technicolour. Bright colors are nice but it has good music is essential. Get a fun musical like Willy Wonka or a Pee Wee...
  11. .Calico

    the 5 dollar pipe

    I bet you could get a buzz off that pipe empty.
  12. .Calico

    Have you experimented with inhalents?

    Ether is fun. It's the only inhalent I've tried that actually lasts a few hours. For as messed up as i got from huffing it, i can't believe people used to actually drink the stuff. Oh the hangover!
  13. .Calico

    brown molly?

    I was thinking the samething. Heroin gives that dreamy empathetic feeling in the begining. The only thing is there isn't a crash with h. When the effects year off you just fall asleep. And if you did a little too much, your hangover would consist of spending the next day spraying vomit and...
  14. .Calico

    Heroin addiction

    Wow. This thread really got out of hand. I can't believe chitown got y'all so wound up. Think about it. Anyone that comes into a forum bragging about selling h either wants to get popped or is a complete poseur. The only people impressed by drug dealers are late-teens to early-twenties white...
  15. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Yeah. I'ld like to condense it down to one post but i only have internet access on my phone so that would be a giant pain in the ass. Maybe I'll skeet down to the library and fix it through there tomorrow.
  16. .Calico

    Heroin addiction

    Gangster for selling heroin? Only a white kid from the 'burbs would say something like that. "selling heroin's cool man! Yer so gangster!!!" You guys in to the same high school or something???
  17. .Calico

    Heroin addiction

    Chitown, you just come here to be admired and when you get called out, you get embarrassed and start flaming. I'm sorry but i refuse to argue with someone who i can't take seriously. You're a joke. Go to bluelight, those kids will worship you. Atleast until your shady advice gets one of them killed.
  18. .Calico

    Heroin addiction

    10% heroin will still get you high even if you snort it. people can still od off 10% heroin easily. People can od off 1% pure heroin if they snort an ounce of it. China white doesn't come from china, it's h laced with Fentanyl. In previous posts you rip on junkies and say you mainly smoke...
  19. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    How to make smokable dmt The mother site A person could spend months on this site and not see everything. I love sites like this. More extractions, much much more! Ever been to To get a quick taste click Here for more how-to extractions Here for a San Pedro...
  20. .Calico

    Heroin addiction

    I recently read a study on about heroin overdose in mice. The study was done to find out why heroin users commonly od'ed on their typical dose. They had 100 mice and offered them heroin pellets 3x/day for 2 months during which the mice all used their drug at the same time, in the...