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  1. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Come on now. I know all you guys aren't just using erowid for research. Also I wanted to clue the DXM users in on these sites, the first one being around since 1997. If you like your Trip-Cs, you must check these out!!! The Third Plateau A site about DXM by people who use DXM. IMO, the...
  2. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    What other sites and forums does everyone use for researching drugs and drug use (other than erowid)??? Harm Reduction Coalition This is a great resource for IV drug use techniques as well as a great resource for activism in the Anti-Prohibition Movement. There is a reason drug users are...
  3. .Calico

    subconscious racism

    It's more acceptable for whites to be prejudice out of fear than pride. It's alot more acceptable for blacks to have racist views and enterprises. Black Pride Parades, Black Entertainment Television (BET), "Ebony" magazine, ect-ect. Can you imagine the reaction to a "Ivory" magazine, White...
  4. .Calico


    Senior citizens are the highest demographics that vote. Polititicans don't want them dead, on either side of the isle. This is what is ruining the Republican Party. I would vote republican before i voted democrat but this is a stupid arguement. It's as dumb as the commercial with the fat Judd...
  5. .Calico

    Chinese trust "sex workers" more than their Government

    Unlike FBI agents, a hooker can't plant some drugs on you and take your house.
  6. .Calico

    My Belief In Virginity

    I used to not believe in virginity... Then i nailed a virgin.
  7. .Calico


    It almost sounds like you had an allergic reaction. I used to get bad hangovers like that when i first started using. Soboxone causes dependance just like any other opiate. I have just as many friends stuck on Soboxi as i do on 'dones. However, if this is the first time you've done opi's in...
  8. .Calico

    Man takes 40,000 hits of e over a short period...

    I don't think pure MDMA ever killed anyone. Like all drugs, it's the adulterants that tend to poison people.
  9. .Calico

    Trip play by play.

    I haven't robo-tripped since high school (11 years). It was such a blast floating around the mall or hopping in my car at 2am and going on a space cruise. It was alot of fun but whenever i consider doing it again, i get nauseous. I think it's a right of passage. We used to call it "putting on...
  10. .Calico

    Questions about school and possession laws.

    They DO have the right to walk a dog around your car. Once the dog smells your dope, that's probable cause. A case went through the supreme court last year where a guy was speeding and the cop walked a dog around his car and busted him. If your car is on public/school property, there is...
  11. .Calico

    Salvia Legal, Marijuana Illegal? Why?

    Salvia is still legal because it's fairly new and Dr Phil is a fearmonger. He talks as much shit about marijuana as any other drug. He's not even a real doctor. He is, however, a real douche.
  12. .Calico

    would this work!

    Unless you're trying to make some sort of pot salad dressing.
  13. .Calico

    Tincture help... please!

    Good. I'm glad everything worked out.
  14. .Calico

    Chinese trust "sex workers" more than their Government

    I trust sex workers/drug users more than my government. I'm sure most people of the world distrust their government.
  15. .Calico

    vicodin + bud?

    Oxycontin doesn't contain 300+mgs of tylenol. That's why.
  16. .Calico

    Tincture help... please!

    There are alot of different designs of stills. Google "crockpot still", they're the cheapest/easiest. Here is a pic of mine with directions on how to build it. Please note that owning a still as well as distilling alcohol w/o a license is a felony.
  17. .Calico

    legalizing proposition for obama

    Decriminalization is is worst than prohibition! You're still buying drugs from/supporting cartels, gangs, and terrorist organisations. Thier is still a risk of drugs being adulterated/poisoned. Legalizing something doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be taxed. However that would never happen...
  18. .Calico

    Detox drinks and driving

    If you don't drive stoned, they won't have probable cause to drug test you. Use "Clear Eyes", wear cologne, and don't drive while tired. To really knock down your chance of being pulled over, try to stay off the road at night. Just my 2¢
  19. .Calico

    Dry And Toothie BJ

    Dry toothie bj??? Did you two just finish smoking??? Sounds like she had cotton mouth and started to get the munchies. Was she chewing on it??? Lmfao!
  20. .Calico

    vicodin + bud?

    Just a minute. I'm banging some spores right now.