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  1. .Calico

    Heroin addiction

    You know the feeling you get when you first meet someone that you're interested in, that feeling you get early on in a relationship, giddy-ness, butterflies in your stomache, nervous anticipation of seeing them again??? That's how it feels when you're about to hook-up on some h. Then, a month...
  2. .Calico

    Ever try Khat?

    Now you got me interested. I love growing unique and rare plants. I've been looking into getting a Yerba Mate plant to add to my collection. I found some Khat seeds here and here. It would go great with my coffee plant, vanilla bean orchid, and hops vines! Thanks! And as far as I know, Khat...
  3. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    I DO feel bad for you man. This guy is making a fool out of you.
  4. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    Cocaine usually runs from $40-60/gram in Florida to $90-115 in the northern states. It has been my experience that the more rare coke is, the more expensive it is, and the more cut it is, $300/gram is just plain crazy. That's more expensive than white heroin. How much is he selling 8-balls for...
  5. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    I'm sorry but if you pay that much, you're certified idiot. $300 a gram!!! You're getting fucked hard!!! That's PRISON PRICES!!! I was getting 10ml bottles of pharmaceutical cocaine (in liquid form) for $275. After drying it would come out to around 1.1 grams. But it would last a week just doing...
  6. .Calico


    Percs aren't time release so parachuting them will mildly increase their effects. MJ is a great potentiator for opi's. If you really want to take them up a level, drink some white grapefruit juice 15 minutes before you pop 'em. If you're going to do a CWE, add 1cc of lemon juice or vinegar to...
  7. .Calico

    Centrum for Plants

    I'm going to come off as a moron for this but would crushed- up vitamins, say a centrum, dissolved in H2O benefit a plant?
  8. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry Everything that anyone would want to know about coca/cocaine.
  9. .Calico

    fresh blood experiment...

    Feed me Seymour!!!
  10. .Calico

    Alcohol Extraction question

    Also, depending on your still, you shouldn't have to strain out the plant matter. Keep the still at a gentle simmer. The more gentle you boil it, the more pure your end product will be. Also, starting with store-bought liquor, you should only have to do one run with your still,
  11. .Calico

    Alcohol Extraction question

    I've been distilling for 2 few years now so I'll give it a shot. First off, all the cannaboloids and THC will dissolve into the ethanol and make it through the still. Secondly, you should never run a still under pressure, ie close the valve. Thirdly, 50% or 100proof will work just fine and...
  12. .Calico

    to smoke or to make brownies/cookies?

    That sounds like it would be a giant mess. Baking peanut butter and crackers in the over for 20 minutes?!?! You could make a little cannabutter, buy some Chips A'hoy, and just drizzle your butter over 5-6 cookies. Put them in a bag with a piece of toast overnight to dry them out a little and...
  13. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Books are my favorite! I love reading a good drug book. One book i think all drug users should have is The Curious World of Drugs and Their Friends by Ingo Niermann & Adriano Sack It's like a PDR for drug users. It was the best $14 i ever spent. Anyone who uses any drug needs this book.
  14. .Calico

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Thanks shepj. Are you sure there aren't any other sites that you use that you can share. IMO, you're one of the most knowledgable people in riu. The reason that i prefer sites over forums is that even well educated people with the best intentions get lazy sometimes when answering questions and...
  15. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    Withdrawals from cocaine lasts around 24 hours. The physical w/ds are minimal. Crack is a totally different story. Crack rewires the pleasure centers of the brain to the point where addicts actually orgasm on thier first hit. Like all drugs, most people who use cocaine recreationally experience...
  16. .Calico

    Fox News

    Fox News is the only network that doesn't have some sick love affair with Obama. I voted for the guy but Jesus! NBC, ABC. CBS, CNN, MSNBC are infatuated with the guy. They don't hold him responsible for anything. Even Hillary Clinton refers to Fox as being the most fair and honest network...
  17. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    Here is one of many reports on the study being suppressed. Here is the link of the actual report itself, just incase anyone thought I was talking out of my ass.
  18. .Calico


    Heroin has reached a level of purity in the last 15 years that using heroin for the first time by injection would get a nontolerant person as high as sniffing it. The only difference would be that you would use less, and more likely to od. Telling someone who gets sick from a Suboxi sliver to...
  19. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    Great info, dipsh*t. The World Health Organization released a study about a month ago with findings that showed occasional cocaine use is less toxic than occasional drinking or smoking. The only real downside is that when buying coke, you really are supporting narco-terrorism.
  20. .Calico

    tell me about coke

    It's almost impossible to know good powder if you've never tried it. Smell is a good clue but you have no idea what it's supposed to smell like. That and the first few times i tried coke, i didn't feel much. Now however, it.s a fun treat once in awhile. After a point, a line of cocaine just...