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  1. oblivion3005


    I just boil a kettle then pour in to a bowl and leave overnight before watering. Never mesured PH of water or soil yet if, i did i might get a shock
  2. oblivion3005

    First time grower, first time cfl grow

    Those nutes look kick ass! I opened my nute delivery the other day to find only bloom and no grow! Its too late to order more and all garden centers near me are crap. I gave them a tiny bit of bloom nutes, but sort of did a semi flush at the same time. Didnt flush all the nutes out but got a bit...
  3. oblivion3005


    Hey Latin, Looking good. I have had a sort of problem myself with over heating. Plants still growing nicely but noticed slight curling upwards on some of some fan leaves. I have only just got an extract fan after 2 weeks! I was playing with fire! Temps did not really get too hot but with a good...
  4. oblivion3005

    Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures

    Nice colours soundless LED's make the bud tricked up alot more than normal so when they start to blossom get that camera nice and close for the bud porn! I am still considering constructing my own LED boards from pcb's, led's, resistors etc, but i think i would get carried away. Mezmarised by...
  5. oblivion3005

    Need nutrient advice!

    Hey peeps, I am currently growing 5 Diesel ryders and all are 15 days old so now is the time to introduce nutrients. As this is an autoflowering plant it should start flowering around 3 weeks, so i only have around about a week of 'grow' nutrients to feed before i have to switch to 'bloom'...
  6. oblivion3005

    Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures

    Hey man, nice plants. How old are they? Like the led's, looked in to led growing quite alot but need to work out how to compliment the CFL with the led's without losing any light output. Looks like you have gone with led side lighting and that looks promising. If you have got a grow journal...
  7. oblivion3005

    Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures

    Hey dude, like your setup. Everything looks groovy with your plants. CFL all the way. No need to go HPS, yes it will yield better but with CFL you have less heat, less electricity and less chance of getting chaught! Stick in there!
  8. oblivion3005

    First time grower, first time cfl grow

    Hey dude, like your setup. Everything looks groovy with your plants. CFL all the way. No need to go HPS, yes it will yield better but with CFL you have less heat, less electricity and less chance of getting chaught! Stick in there! Are your photo's through photobucket?? How did you post the...
  9. oblivion3005


    Hey Latin, still looking good with the remainder plants. No need to go HPS, CFL all the way. My 300w will never be replaced (unless smashing it again). Added some more pics to my journal but been having problems trying to get IMG links from photobucket to attach to my thread. If anyone knows how...
  10. oblivion3005

    Light Deprivation. Please Help

    I heard that is best to go with 18/6. Im gonna wait till flowering and see if they need switching as all look really healthy at the moment. Setting up another grow in a few weeks to do some auto AK so will go with 18/6 on this grow and see which one yeilds!
  11. oblivion3005

    Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures

    Hey bro, sorry to hear about your loss. I am now on day 12 and stretching has stopped since i replanted and put them under my 300w. A few problems last night, as my brother was staying in my spare room where the herb resides and on entering the door was ajar with light pouring out. Looked like...
  12. oblivion3005

    Light Deprivation. Please Help

    Thanks for feedback bro. Will keep an eye on them and if all looks good then will give them a bit of dark tonight. Damn family in the grow area! Bad news
  13. oblivion3005

    Light Deprivation. Please Help

    I am growing lowryders so i am using a 20 / 4 light cycle. All 5 plants are 11 days old and all doing nicely. One hour back in to my "ON" for 20 hour period, I had to quickly turn it off as i am growing in my spare room and my bro is staying. When i went upstairs last night the cupboard was...
  14. oblivion3005


    Good setup bro. Try putting duck tape around your see through green pots, as the light will be able to penatrate. I am currently on day 8 of my diesel ryder and they are all looking well. I had an issue with stretching so dont have the light to far away. You should have no problems going all...
  15. oblivion3005

    Diesel ryder 6 days old fist grow

    My 5 Diesel ryder plants 6 says old. Only just got my 300w Cfl on them less than 48 hours ago, as i smashed the first one and had to wait for a replacement. Had an issue with stretching so replanted them deeper. Does everything look ok taking in to account 48hrs ago all they were getting was...
  16. oblivion3005

    Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures

    Because of this radical stretching, i had no choice but to replant early so i could plant them deeper, so on wednesday all 5 got replanted in much larger pots. Thankfully my new replacement came the next day so they have much more light. I am currently on day 6 but have only been using my...
  17. oblivion3005

    Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures

    Hey guys, this is my first grow. I am growing under a 300w cfl and growing in a mixture of 20% topsoil - 30% compost - 50% perlite. Got 10 diesel ryder seeds of the net and threw 5 in to water last tuesday. 12 hours later all 5 seeds were then put on to paper towells to germinate. All 5 had...
  18. oblivion3005

    Bent Seedling Stem...Please Help Diagnose!

    I had the exact same problem on one of my plants 4 days old. My lamp was not directly above it so it was bending to get prime lighting. I had a serious stretching problem though so my stems were not good as they should have been. Good look bro, just look on the bright side they are not...
  19. oblivion3005

    Root mass NYCD Loyryder

    I have just replanted 5 stretched plants to achive 1" from soil level to 1st nova, and try to rectify things as they were getting on to 3" at just 4 days old. When extracting from smaller pots, i expected more root mass than there is. All 5 have a tiny root area, about 1/5 the size of the...
  20. oblivion3005

    Are plants stretching??

    Thanks Brick Top, will get those replanted tonight. My biggest one that i said was starting to bend slightly now looks like a bonzi as i turned it 180 degrees to try and get it to bend back over! With a bit more soil it should look normal, just hope i can strenghen those stems up to avoid...