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    Hi there person,help me make my veg closet

    asabove might get abit hot in that space, you could go with a 250-300 watt cfl, like the one 125 one you pictured above.

    6under6 GDP

    how you doing 4tat? ive never replied for a while but thought i would let you no im still in on your grows m8, your girls are looking nice, also like the your new/bigger grow area.

    Hi there person,help me make my veg closet

    i used to grow mine to 18 inches aswell, i had to add 2 x 30 watt bulbs, i just had them above the plants but i always put them into the flower room and switched the lights back to 18/6 for a week! atleast youve saved around 4 weeks of veg time still. you could always keep adding more 30 watt...

    How do inline fans work!!!

    a 4 inch would do or a 5 inch, or cut the flap wider to fit a 6 inch fan. p.s you can get a 5 inch tt 125 fan.

    Hi there person,help me make my veg closet

    i used to use one of those 125 watt bulbs, there good if your planning on growing to no more than 12 inchs! any higher and they start to stretch badly! i also done 6 plants under it, they give off hardly any heat though, if you need to go higher than 12 inches add a couple 30 actual watt cfl to it.

    How do i count the nodes on my plants!!! PICS INCLUDED

    no its not bad dont worry, will be fine.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you could start all over what would you do differently???

    there no way a 175 will cool 2x 1000 watt lights down and suck through a filter, ive got a 450 cfm (6 inch) sucking through a 600+400 and temps are perfect, also by pushing i ti mean your room will get to hot with only 175 cfm to cool 2 x 1000, also if you use the 450 with a speed controller it...

    Hypothetically speaking, if you could start all over what would you do differently???

    2 cooltubes with what size lights? 175 cfm pulling through a filter and 2 lights is pushing it m8 (depending on wattage) i would go with the 6 inch 450 cfm for 2 lights and just turn the speed down if you need to.

    Why are my buds so fluffy any help!!!!!

    ive grown white rhino for a while and they are def not fluffy! first off what light are you using? also those are no where near ready, there still a good 4 weeks left on them judging by the way the white hairs are standing straight out like that, the shape of that plant looks like either 12/12...

    400w Upgrade!

    sorry no it was off 4 plants, so 2 oz a plant, but by adding the 600 to it, im now pulling over 4 oz dry a plant.

    400w Upgrade!

    you will def notice a huge difference m8, i was pulling on average 8 oz with a 400, also when you get sick of the 400 lol ,and move to a 600 theres a huge difference again, like 12-14 oz easy! ive just added a 400 to my 600 and went from 13 oz to 26 oz with the same plants. ( 6 white rhinos)

    400 or 1000

    i vegged to 18 inches in 3 gal pots, with the 600 to pull 13oz, when i pulled the 26 last run i vegged to 24 inches and they finished at 3 foot, also topped them once for 2 main heads, and they were white rhino, if your abit tight for space then less is more, (plant amount), i used to flower...

    400 or 1000

    your yield will def go up if you swap those 400 to 1000, i used a 600 in a a 4x4 area with 6 plants and was pulling around 12-13 oz, on the last run i added a 400 hps i had lying around to the 600 and pulled 26 oz, so as you can see it will be worth your effort.

    400 or 1000

    as above 24 inches is to far for a 600, thats 2 foot away? at that distance your 600 is more like a 400 with the light the tops of plants are getting. i would say the norm is without a cooltube/shade 14-16 inches easy, with a coolshade its more like 8 inches, even closer but i wouldn't, mine...

    Meausring Darkness

    same as me, i had light coming through the seals where i had split my room in 2 using plaster board/gyoroc, duct taped that bitch up no more light! also ran it down the inside of my door where the hinges are and right around the inside of the door jams/stops, (the thing that stops the door...

    Meausring Darkness

    no lux measure but if you carnt see your hand in front of your face then its dark enough! dont over do it :mrgreen:

    400W HSP Cooltube in Cardboard

    you want a carbon filter on the other end of cooltube for the smell. also i would add another plant to it. apart from that it looks fine.

    Grow Box venting and smell question?

    yes you should still use an oscillation fan, no matter how many plants, it helps blow the hot air away from the plants, also helps strengthen them, stops mold/pests as-well as other things, you dont need a fan bringing fresh air in, as-long as you've got an out take just use a passive intake.

    Idea for cheap reflectors.

    you should be able to pick a 125 actual watt cfl and Euro reflector up for that!

    6under6 GDP

    yes merry Christmas to yours as well m8