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    tempture question

    swap the out take with the intake, so the 400 cfm sucking out and the 180 in, this will give you the negative presure as well as cooling your room more.

    What size grow tent?

    i would go with the 4x4 tent because you will want the extra space after a few grows, the cost depends on you electric cost per kilowatt, mine is 13pence so for every 2 and a half hours the 400 is on it cost about 13p, so about 94p a day for 18 hours on, 12 hours is about 65p, you can run a 600...

    Nutes with every water?

    i go water,feed,water,feed and never had any problems

    Switching from MH/HPS to LED.

    it says it only produces 4800 lumes! 4 x 20 watt cfl puts out that for 5 dollars.

    Bulbs and Ballasts

    is it not like the super lumes? s.b super bright?

    Clones rooted but no growth ! +rep

    as above i took some clones from a diesel plant that was 3 weeks into flower, it took around 14 days to root, then i potted it and it sat there for another 2 weeks doing nothing, ( at least above soil) then it started producing some funny looking leaves all over the place, it done that for...

    12/12 Light Leaks

    ive got the same ones! there a right pain, i just covered them up with black duct tape! not sure if the orange light would affect plants but wasn't taken any chances.

    Scrog your plant genetically?

    ive got one like this also, i took 6 clones and within 8 days 5 had rooted so i put them into there first pots, i also planted the unrooted one thinking it would show roots the next day or so anyway! well after about a week the 5 rooted clones were looking nice but the runt looked awful, so bad...

    600 watt HPS cool tube grow (White Rhino;Master Kush)

    me to, i like to be baked when i smoke, like so baked the only thing i want to do is walk to the fridge and back! lol

    600 watt HPS cool tube grow (White Rhino;Master Kush)

    im not sure lozac, got a few clones given a while back and kept a mother ever since, i know what you mean about the smoke, lol, its some heavy shit, im that happy with the rhino that ive never considered trying another strain, imo dont think you can ask for better, as far as plant height, yield...

    1 week later...

    with 5 foot of height you should be able to get atleast a 150 hps in there maybe even a 250! you will need to use some sort of cool tube or air cooled reflector though, good luck

    Need more heat +rep

    ive only got a little veg room, its the shape of a triangle and 4 foot at the widest part, + 7 foot high, and while i veg with cfl (125 watter) have found when i take clones and put them in there to root in a heated propagator the temps rise a good 4-5 degrees! and its only around the 35-40 watt...

    600 watt HPS cool tube grow (White Rhino;Master Kush)

    carnt speak for nirvana but ive grew white rhino for a while and love them, the yeild is great + the high is heavy, the only tip i could give you ( youve been growing longer than me) is i top mine for 2 main heads and they love it, makes them really bush out, and produce more, (i can only...

    Whats up

    welcome m8, you've found a good site.

    1 week later...

    Just updateing my post to try to get help and let others know that it can be done! today is 10/31/2001 and I just took a few pics of my babies.] photos from 2001? lol you went back in time, those plants must be monster with 10 year veg.

    how does the rep system work?

    just click on the little star icon next to where it says journal this post, under neath every ones post.

    yield with scrog method 0.5 grams per watt easy?

    you should pull 600 grams easy with 2 x 600 watts! 80 of is fine for lights on temps, and if 65 is with the lights off then this is good to, you should really get an extraction sorted out to get rid off all the heat and stail air, just use a passive intake aves you buying another fan, also means...

    i need seeds asap

    white rhino are a nice small plant, mine finsh around the 3 foot mark, veg them till 18 inches, heavy yeilders as well.

    150 mh or 4ft 4 tube T5

    the room itself is in a triangle and the bottom/widest is about 4 foot, i like to veg until 18 inches ive already got a 250 light lieing around so i suppose i could buy the mh bulb for it, or even another 125 cfl would produce about 18,000 lumes (x 2) that might be the better option now that i...

    Need Advice on light/ fan setup

    ive got a 450 cfm fan (6 inch) cooling a 600 + 400 and temps stay perfect, ive also set one up for a friend and they are using a tt 125 fan rated at 220 cfm and it keeps the temps perfect also, you want at least 200 cfm to cool the 600, this depends on the intake air though. the 600 covers a 4x4...