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  1. blazindapurple

    Not getting high?

    how long do you hold the smoke in for? you dont need to ghost every hit just hold for like 2 or 3 seconds
  2. blazindapurple

    what to do when your girlfriends brother steals your buds

    i would say just tell him that if he does it again without asking you'll kick the shit outta him. haha i just noticed my thingy below my name says able to roll a joint and i still cant do that bahahaha
  3. blazindapurple

    haha best stoned music

    uhh its pronounce nine but its spelled n9ne haha and yeah basically whatever music you like sober you would hump it if it were a person if your high
  4. blazindapurple

    haha best stoned music

    haha i know this sounds lame but i just started getting into tech n9ne and hes been rapping for almost as long as ive been alive. His songs are bomb as hell to listen to while high as hell like i feel like my brain is being chased by werewolfs but when he sings and raps and shit he puts the...
  5. blazindapurple

    Games take more skill than sports?

    hmm has anyone ever played a rugby video game? it would take just a few days to get good at it but in real life rugby it would take at the very least a year or two to be the best you can be at rugby. playing a sport that involves tons of pain and having to play through the pain is waaay...
  6. blazindapurple

    Bump If You're Baked!

    b mothafucking ump
  7. blazindapurple

    Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

    thats fucked up man oh and where was this concert? because if it was anywhere near a ghetto place then something like that was bound to happen... im not being racist but it just seems like if you mix the more well mannered people with people who grew up around violence those two groups are gonna...
  8. blazindapurple

    nitey nite RIU

    Hey tryingtomastrkush are you atheist? i saw your sig im not trying to bash you or anything im just curios
  9. blazindapurple

    How do you roll your blunts or jays? old school or with a machine?

    hehe hell yeah man i dont want to end up smoking something that isnt fat
  10. blazindapurple

    Ketamine first time

    hmm this sounds like a fun trip.. just wondering though.. what the hell would i say to people if i was trying to get ketamine? i get my weed from my friend who grows so i dont really know any lingo lol
  11. blazindapurple

    How much of this Salvia should i smoke?

    alright im a newb with stuff other than good old mary jane you gotta tell me can i buy salvia from my headshop or from a tobacco store? and why is shit that makes you trip legal? MJ does not make me trip and i smoke some pretty dank shit so would you guys recommend starting out at 20x then...
  12. blazindapurple

    How do you roll your blunts or jays? old school or with a machine?

    haha whaa? no machines can roll blunts... unless you count me hehe no the machines im talking about is for joints i heard they work well but im cheap so ill just stick with me hands
  13. blazindapurple

    How do you roll your blunts or jays? old school or with a machine?

    well im just wondering how everyone else rolls their blunts or joints do you guys use those rolling machines or do you just go with the trusty old hands? i prefer to use my hands just because i like the feel of rolling up a nice tight blunt and getting ripped:hump:
  14. blazindapurple

    Noise cancelling bong.

    hah man thats sick hey and if its alot harder than you thought i would just say to power through any difficulties and get er done then sell your creation (patent it first) and make some hard cash and become a very very succesful pot head to show the government that pot is NOT bad
  15. blazindapurple

    Noise cancelling bong.

    yeah dude i think it would be awesome to see the first noise canceling bong here on RIU and all the power to ya with the invention but in the meantime i recommend just rolling some papers so you can get a proper hit and just blow that smoke out the window P.S. im talking about the blunts or...
  16. blazindapurple

    Noise cancelling bong.

    yeah i guess maybe you could try a small bubbler they are like mini bongs and they dont make that much noise when you hit them or if you want to be able to smoke without having to worry about too much noise just roll up a joint or blunt its kinda hard to roll the first couple times but once you...
  17. blazindapurple

    Noise cancelling bong.

    Kaleo means just get a pipe they dont make the classic bong noise of all the water bubbling around
  18. blazindapurple

    Are aluminum pipes bad?

    thanks fdd and to cracker jax.... whats up with asking "what is the crayon"
  19. blazindapurple

    most invetive smoking devices you ever made

    mine was kinda lame but im not really a bong engineer so it was a simple bong made from a sobe bottle i learned how to make it from youtube i still have it and it works better than any other piece i own :P
  20. blazindapurple

    Are aluminum pipes bad?

    Hokay i just smoke out of an aluminum pipe and i was wondering if i just gave myself alzheimers (you know the disease that makes you forget shit) so yeah dudes and dudettes who know what their talking about should tell me