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  1. W

    selling to people you know.. by the gram. how much would you charge

    i would say anywhere between $15-20 US dollars is the norm for ww
  2. W

    how to get Purple buds

    the mids i smoke you fellas would call chronic
  3. W

    oxycontin street prices?

    man that is cheap. oxycontin is more popular than weed where i live and it goes upwards of $1.50 milligram sometimes. common sizes 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 160 though they dont sell 160 in US anymore
  4. W

    how to get Purple buds

    brown pot is probably from mexico and has been stored for a couple of years!! Ive never smoked any purple weed that i thought was worth the price people charge for it. for the most part purple weed is about as strong as the mids here in KY
  5. W

    Low-trim OR no-trim

    i personally like to cut all the fan leaves and lower stuff around week 6 or 7 of flowering it may slow growth for a day or two but then it will pick up around the buds. This also saves time trimming at harvest
  6. W

    Deformed leaves?

    its actually a lot harder too notice the deformed leaves now that they have grown out a quite a bit
  7. W

    The crazy ideas you'll come up with ON Weed

    actually it did unclog it enough to harder than it had hit in awhile. And yeah it smelt pretty rough
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    Do you think that weed is a dream suppresant

    I generally have extremely vivid dreams and remember most of them about as often as i dream without smokin. occasionally i wake myself during these dreams and my heart is racing!!
  9. W

    The crazy ideas you'll come up with ON Weed

    Well the other night after smokin a bowl, the piece stopped up!! And after trying to unclog it with a piece of wire i got an idea to put in the mircowave to loosen up the resin. I put the glass bowl in for two minutes and walked away. After hearing the microwave beep i remembered putting the...
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    Ohio Grown?

    man i live right next to Ohio and i have grown alot of different varieties successfully, it just depends on what kind of high your looking for/ yield
  11. W

    Deformed leaves?

    The plant i have deformed leaves on is actually a G13 clone, i have left mine alone and it seems to be growing fine hopefully it will have some retard strength to it!!
  12. W

    12/12 from seed anything to know

    it really depends on the genetics and how you have cared for it. i grow with a short veg period to speed up the process and it usually cuts the yield down about 1/2. but this really depends on the strain
  13. W

    Help! is this Male?Pictures

    looks male you could wait a bit see definite signs of balls or just go ahead wack it
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    stinky stinky

    i know the feeling when grow skunk it stinks my apartment up so bad when there not very big!
  15. W

    Yield : 700 gr / m2 indoor What the fuck?

    10 huge ones if set up to a harvest every other week assuming space and time arent an issue
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    harvest time, this week + pictures

    yeah i would definetly wait your getting alot of new growth there but maybe consider atleast clipping the dead leaves off
  17. W

    bull***** strains

    i wonder that especially if someone is trying to sell by giving it a name or if it is what they say.....who knows?
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    definetly something to think about if you havent already killed it
  19. W

    BaG Seeds

    that is dependent of space, time, and variety. I started my flowering stage around 16" on my current project
  20. W

    BaG Seeds

    ive grown some funky stuff from bagseed, though it seems that most turn out to be indica