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  1. gitarrengene

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    This is a great Thread!! Love what I'm seeing, Makes my mouth water every time I'm here! This is what I usually have to smoke. Some sharp, musky, fruity tasting Bio Diesel :D Helps a Great deal with my insomnia and my herniated L1 disc
  2. gitarrengene

    10/14 on/off cycle...

    I meant that if you give the plants more than 24hrs. of darkness it will reset the plants internal clock, so giving it that dark period a day and a half before you turn over into 12/12 makes the plant know it's time to start budding. once it's is in 12/12 I've seen my plants start showing...
  3. gitarrengene

    10/14 on/off cycle...

    not sure if the longer night would benefit either but i kno for a fact that when I give my girls a 14/10 cycle in the last 3 weeks of flowering the 2 extra hrs. of light really make my ladies happy, and I've cataloged my results to show that the girls packed on at least a few more inches in...
  4. gitarrengene

    Anyone ever used "Sweet?"

    I personally never used that, but I have used molasses & sweet leaf obviously a sweetener. "sweet" is basically the same thing so it's good to use. If you're using hydroponics might not be the best as it tends to clog up air stones, and pumps ...but I find it to be useful as I've seen very...
  5. gitarrengene

    hash and oil

    No prob. at all my friend & yeah I love making hash, much easier to handle and to store than the oil. I hope to make some again really soon.. about 2 1/2 weeks till my girls are all done..can't wait =)
  6. gitarrengene

    hash and oil

    Hey there, The make up of hash is really the same as oil, just extracted in a different way. the ice hash is just extracted through water, so the THC oils don't actually bind with the liquid, but if making oil you're extracting the THC with alcohol...usually or with butane it binds with the...
  7. gitarrengene

    sugars and plants

    well actually lolapug2175, Sugars do something DIRECTLY to & for the plant. They are said to increase soil microbials, enhance regrowth , and more effectively make use of the plants nitrogen, and molasses will increase the energy level of the plants because to add sugars is to add...
  8. gitarrengene

    Favorite Recipes

    Hey AkRevo47, most of the recipe is from my grandma making just suckers and the other was what some other ppl told me to use that had done it before I had tried it. And What I end up doing is making enough candy mixture to make some regular hard candy, and suckers so other people I live with can...
  9. gitarrengene

    Favorite Recipes

    Hey Stickickys, yeah corn usually gets extracted in either oils or sugars (corn oil, corn syrup)so corn syrup contains no oil, so I'm not sure if you can melt it down in oil. but Oh! as a substitute for the tincture, just put a larger amount of Pressed keif or JUST hash overall in the...
  10. gitarrengene

    Favorite Recipes

    hey I got a few recipes that I enjoy, and really do the trick. here's one for a strong brew of "Psychedelic Tea" *first you're gonna put 2 cups of water in a tea kettle and heat until boiling, then reduce to a simmer. *Take 2.5-3.5 grams of quality home grown (or really potent buds) and grind...
  11. gitarrengene

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    Home Grown crossed strain, Bio Diesel.
  12. gitarrengene

    aspirin water foliar sprayed to make fem pollen?

    I've never heard of using aspirin, but I know of another method that contains no chemicals or any solutions, which it to off set the light pattern. so the last day of veg I usually turn the lights off for for anywhere up to 24-36 hrs. to reset the plants internal clock so it knows it's time to...
  13. gitarrengene

    Just Cropped Blueberry Kush

    Woah!...those buds not only look amazing by the way, but that they have an uncannily striking resemblance to a crossed strain that I have called Bio Diesel What's she taste like? and here's a pic to compare to.
  14. gitarrengene

    Feminized male?

    with all seeds they have a tendency to hermie given certain conditions, but I have gotten promising results from pollenating a female clone from a female I forced to hermie, cuz your making a plant with XX chromosomes into a herm. with a weaker y chromosome breeding with another plant with XX...
  15. gitarrengene

    Seed Production

    sounds like it'll be a promising cross indeed, I have a Sour Diesel crossed with some old school B8- B9 genetics, and it's an amazing sweet musky diesel cross. + I kno a lot of ppl who have crossed diesel with random strains and resulted in some ridiculously impervious genetics to heat, cold...
  16. gitarrengene

    micropropagation how does this work with bud??

    Micro Propagation works the same way with marijuana as it does with any other plant (woody plant species). it's the process of plant multiplication in vitro, to preserve plant genetics. where you take a sterilized cutting and place it in a specific culture medium. culture medium consists of...
  17. gitarrengene

    Hash questions

    you might be too late, seeing as how it's already dry, but i have no way of knowing how dry it is. and I definitely wouldn't remoisten it, you're best bet is to mold it into balls or chips when it's still pretty malleable (not wet, but pliable). I've made hash that even after being dried still...
  18. gitarrengene

    any1 watch that family guy 4/20 show

    hell yeah, can't believe that song went on as long as it did ...too funny, and yeah super was an understatement for how stoned I was that day... & 4/20 was my B-day =]
  19. gitarrengene

    Finish this sentence: "Without cannabis, I'd be..."

    "Finish this sentence": "Without cannabis, I'd be..." ...not here finishing this sentence.
  20. gitarrengene

    Big Bang and White Widow grow at 72 days flowering w/ pics

    Hey just got a chance to check out some of the hash pics, and looks great man. I love this method although it takes some time, it's always well worth the wait.