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    I have a plant growing in the ground in my backyard. I should be readt to harvest in about a week. My question is how do I flush? I have only used organic nutrients. Thanks.
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    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    why can't I view the pic's? I just have X's in boxes and no pic's?
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    outdoor growing in arizona

    Almost any question you have has already been asked and answered on this site. Get familar with this site and the different sections. Learn to use thew searc engine too. Read, read then read some more. Then you can start to play with seeds. Do your resurch, plan well and care for your babies...
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    Growing Outdoor in Arizona (HELP PLEZ)

    If you are growing in Arizona your plants won't be done by August. Plan on around October time frame. If they don't complete the flowering cycle the stuff won't be any good to smoke.
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    How do you know when your done curing?

    It is so dry here (Arizona) that it dries way too fast. So my buds continue drying in the jar to slow down the process. I currently have four girls in the ground in the back yard. 108+ temps and they are still doing well, supposed to be 115 Sunday so hope they survuve.
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    How do you know when your done curing?

    OK so after I cure in the mason jars for 3 or 4 weeks while burping every day for 30 minutes at the end of the cure just stop burping the jars for long term storage? Yes?
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    How do you know when your done curing?

    How do you know when your done curing? I am curing in Mason jars and was wondering how long I should cure them? Thanks.
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    First outdoor grow (bagseed) 09

    I second who ever said that the seed from Mexican can make great stuff if grown properly. Forget about buying expensive seeds. If you grow the plants right you will have a good harvest. Mine was grown outdoors in my 1-1/4 acre back yard and grown 100% organic. I planted seedlings in the ground...
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    Flowering Already???

    Final update on these plants. First off they went on to full maturity and the stuff is just killer. I had some friends over last night and they all raved about the great buzz for only taking two or three hits from a corn cob pipe. Considering this is my first grow I am pretty happy with the...
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    Flowering Already???

    Hey Bustya, what do you mean by a autoflowering strain?
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    Flowering Already???

    I thought I would give you an update of the two plants that I planted in my backyard in January. Although you can't tell from the pictures they are about 18" tall and kind of bushy since I topped them before they started flowering in March. They have been flowering for 8 weeks now and I am...
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    An idea for flavor curing

    I wouldn't discourage someone from experimenting because that is how progress is born. All great inventors were badgered by nay sayers but they didn't give up until they were sucessful. I think if they can put menthol in tobaco then why not pot?
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    An idea for flavor curing

    I think that is a bold statement saying that adding in a flavor during curing is a bad idea without ever had tried it or even know what ill effects might result. I would say let him experiment and he may just have a revolutional idea with no ill effects just a smoother sweet smelling smoke. Just...
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    Do you think they are ready for harvest?

    This is my very first grow and I think my buds are getting close to harvest time. I planted these in the ground in my backyard in January. I have included some pics of some of the buds for your viewing pleasure. Please give me your optiinion as to if they are ready or? Thanks for taking the time...
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    Huh??? What is this in regards to?

    Huh??? What is this in regards to?
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    Need help fast!!! What's attacking my plants?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. First off my plants are doing fine now and recovering from the attacks. We have a bunch of grasshoppers here this time of year so I am not sure what was on the attack. The first thing I did was cut up some glue traps for catching mice that I had on hand and put...
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    Need help fast!!! What's attacking my plants?

    Could grasshoppers be attacking my plants? Do they cut off the young branches?
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    fresh off the tree

    Thanks for the link but it takes me to an index but I can not access any of the information
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    Need help fast!!! What's attacking my plants?

    I am pretty sure there are no deer in my back yard. The leaves are cut at the branch and just fall off.
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    Need help fast!!! What's attacking my plants?

    I have some bug or worm or something that cuts the branches off of my small outdoor plants. Does anyone know what is doing this and how I kill the the things so they won't ruin my plants. They are really doing damage so I need help fast. Thanks for any advice.